Shi Jiu weighed the slightly heavy jade talisman, and felt that it felt good in the hand: "How do you use this thing?"

"Inject the spiritual energy, and then think about what you want to say." Xiao Yusheng gnawed at the ribs, "But if you don't practice Taoist skills, you won't be able to use them."

Shi Jiu tried to inject the energy that was not in his body into the jade talisman. With the injection of energy, the jade talisman became warmer and glowed faintly in the night.

Xiao Yusheng, who was gnawing on the ribs, stopped, stared at the Yufu steadfastly, and then turned to look at Shi Jiu.

Shi Jiu: "?"

Xiao Yusheng: "?"

The two stared at each other until Xiao Yusheng snatched the jade talisman back for inspection.

Shi Jiu felt that the connection between the jade talisman and himself was not severed: "Is there any problem?"

But Xiao Yusheng didn't answer, but checked the jade talisman with a puzzled face.

Theoretically, the jade talisman that only responds to spiritual energy was activated. Xiao Yusheng couldn't understand it at first, but then he remembered that the first time he met Shi Jiu, he was using the secret method of stepping on thunder from the Star Watching School to hurry on his way.

It's broken, how could I forget this.Thinking about it this way, it seems logical for Shi Jiu to practice the Taoist technique.

Xiao Yusheng sneaked a glance at Shi Jiu anxiously, for fear that Shi Jiu would find out that he was ashamed.However, after confirming that he had no objection or suspicion, Xiao Yusheng also felt relieved.

Forget it, it would be best for Shi Jiu to use the jade talisman, since the problem has been solved anyway.

Feeling that he had figured it out, Xiao Yusheng nodded, took out another jade talisman, and placed it on top of the previous one.A few seconds later, he returned the original jade talisman to Shi Jiu.

"Then you can use this."

Feeling the connection between the jade talisman in his palm and himself, Shi Jiu asked expectantly: "Can I use it? Doesn't it mean that only Taoist disciples can use it?"

"I don't know." Xiao Yusheng lowered his head and began to concentrate on dealing with the ribs, "But it can be used, so let's use it."

Shi Jiu looked at the jade talisman in his hand, and suspected that Xiao Yusheng was torn between lying about himself and the system's secret help before he suspected it.

"System, why can I use this jade talisman?"

[The host has mastered basic aura skills and meets the conditions for use. 】

The system's answer is still concise and easy to understand, but the only problem is that it is too concise...

"Didn't the jade talisman say that only the aura of Taoist disciples can activate it?"

[Basic aura refers to the energy perception within the range of the basic level, and aura is included in this range. 】

Basic atmosphere...

Shi Jiu narrowed his eyes.


Is the basic aura like this?Does everything related to Qi count, or all kinds of energy?

Shi Jiu was shocked immediately, no less than the self-doubt brought about by suddenly discovering that Yang Laoer, who had a high blood clot downstairs for 20 years, was suddenly taken away by the army to watch the National Day military parade.

"System, could it be that you are actually useful?"

Facing Shi Jiu's tentative joke, the system chose not to say a word.

Xiao Yusheng didn't think too much, she didn't care why Shi Jiu practiced Taoism's kung fu as a demon envoy, anyway, it wouldn't delay her dinner at night.

Shi Jiu suddenly thought of something very similar to the communication jade talisman, and tried to describe the jade talisman he had contacted with sand sculpture netizens.

"But is this thing easy to lose?" Shi Jiu continued to insinuate, "It's so small, I don't know if it's suddenly lost in my pocket. Is there something that can... um... For example, blend into the body?"

Xiao Yusheng looked at Shi Jiu suspiciously, and nodded, "Yes, the Stargazers are best at refining these things."

Shi Jiu snorted and didn't continue to ask this question.

In this way, the jade pendant in his body does not seem to be a rare thing, after all, Xiao Yusheng did not show any strange expression...

No, Xiao Yusheng has this expression on everything, Shi Jiu felt that he still had to ask clearly: "Is this kind of thing rare?"

Sure enough, Xiao Yusheng shook his head: "For people outside the Taoist sect, it is very rare, and money can't buy it. But for Taoist disciples, it is not too difficult to obtain."

Shi Jiu has a new understanding of his jade pendant that can chat with sand sculpture netizens. is very rare for people outside the Taoist sect. Could it be that his family has something to do with the Taoist sect?But being rare doesn't mean it's impossible to get, and it's still too arbitrary to make a judgment.

Seeing that Shi Jiu was lost in thought, Xiao Yusheng first stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes. After confirming that Shi Jiu was distracted, he secretly took a piece of fried pork ribs from Shi Jiu's plate.

When Shi Jiu came back to his senses, the fried pork ribs on his plate were all gone.

"Where are my ribs?"

Xiao Yusheng quietly turned her face to the other side, so that Shi Jiu could not see her bulging cheeks: "I don't know, maybe the fish in the river got away."

Chapter 31 Chapter 30 You look like smoke from seven orifices (4k)

The flowing water of the quiet bay, the moon shines on the river.

"Then aren't you bored in Tianmen Mountain?"

Xiao Yusheng sat on the side of the boat, tapping the water lightly with his toes: "It's not that boring, practicing sword is very fun, but..."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Xiao Yusheng didn't say anything later.

The hot pot has been eaten, and the fire is turned off and placed on the bow.It was late at night, and there was no one around Jingwan. Even if they sat on the bow of the boat openly, no one would notice.

The two sat in the boat and chatted, but neither of them mentioned going back.

"But what?" Shi Jiu asked subconsciously.

"It's nothing." Xiao Yusheng looked up at the moon, paddling with his toes on the water, "That's all."

The cold Jingwan caressed her bare feet, and the gentle water waves were like spring breeze, making her feel refreshed.

The outside is very different from Tianmen Mountain, nowhere is the same.But there is also a small pond in Tianmen Mountain. When she was young, she sat on the edge of the pond, poked the water with her feet, and played with the fish raised by her master.

Then she was scolded by the master, not only scolded her, but also punished her for copying the sword code.

"Do you know how to drink?" Xiao Yusheng asked suddenly.

Shi Jiu replied very naturally: "A little bit."

But what did Xiao Yusheng mean by asking him if he would drink at this time?She wants two glasses?

Shi Jiu thought for a few seconds, Xiao Yusheng even secretly ate meat behind his teacher's back, maybe he would not refuse drinking, maybe there is a sense of immorality...

"How does it feel to drink?" Xiao Yusheng turned his head and asked.

Looking at Xiao Yusheng's pure eyes, Shi Jiu suddenly lost all worldly desires.

"It just tastes different from water, it's a little sweeter and tastes like wine." Shi Jiu expressed his opinion on wine,

"What does it feel like to be drunk?"

If these words were placed in Shi Jiu's previous life, they must be implying something.But from Xiao Yusheng's mouth, it seems that it is just pure curiosity.

"Dizziness, and a headache when I wake up the next day after drinking too much." Shi Jiu recalled the drinking scene in his previous life, "Why do you ask this?"

"My master loves to drink." Xiao Yusheng stared at the water in a daze, "I don't know why he likes wine so much."

It turns out that Taoism doesn't restrict drinking?

Shi Jiu took advantage of the situation and asked, "Have you never drank before?"

"When I was a child, I tasted a small sip and thought it tasted strange. The master gave me a stare, and I never drank it again." Xiao Yusheng's toes slid across the water, splashing clusters of water, "I don't think it's good. Drink, you will feel dizzy and have a headache after drinking, why do you still drink?"

Shi Jiu sat next to Xiao Yusheng: "Because some people think that when they get drunk, they can temporarily forget the things that make them sad."

Xiao Yusheng did not refuse, but stared at the water surface thoughtfully: "So can you really forget it?"

"Don't be kidding, how is it possible." Shi Jiu laughed, "It's just deceiving themselves. Maybe they just confused the subject of letting themselves forget their worries, or they have already developed alcohol dependence."

The reason why alcohol is intoxicating is that alcohol is decomposed into ethanol in the human body, and ethanol is then decomposed into toxic acetaldehyde.People will be dizzy after drinking alcohol, and get up with a headache the next day, which is a typical symptom of acetaldehyde poisoning.

Class I carcinogens are no joke.

Xiao Yusheng turned his face away and blinked his eyes: "What do you mean by confusing the subject of sorrow?"

"If wine is not intoxicating, everyone is intoxicated, and if flowers are not charming, people are intoxicated. Zhirao can realize his regret today, so why not do it in the first place." Shi Jiu replied to her in a poem in Water Margin, "What makes people intoxicated is not Drinking, but the person who wants to get drunk. Having troubles, he wants to drink away his sorrows, but it is this thought that makes him feel drunk and diverts his attention from the troubles. "

Xiao Yusheng nodded with a vague understanding: "Then what is alcohol dependence?"

Shi Jiu patiently explained: "It's just that if you drink too much, your body will gradually adapt to the existence of alcohol. If one day you stop drinking, his body will be very uncomfortable, and only drinking can relieve it——Which type of alcohol does your master belong to? ?”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yusheng shook his head: "I don't know, he just likes to get drunk, and I never asked him why he drank."

Shi Jiu shrugged, the image of a wine sword fairy became more and more vivid in his heart.

"Do you have any wine?" Xiao Yusheng asked suddenly.

Although a little shameless, Shi Jiu did prepare wine.It's just that he asked people to drink on the first date. Shi Jiu was afraid that Xiao Yusheng would see through his real purpose, so he didn't bring it out.

But since you asked the question sincerely, it would be bad for me to keep it under wraps.

Shi Jiu simply took out a jug of wine from the item box, which he picked up when he went to buy Zhang Ji's fried pork ribs.

Xiao Yusheng held the wine jar with both hands, then turned to look at Shi Jiu: "Can I drink?"

Xiao Yusheng was so polite, but Shi Jiu felt a little unnatural: "Do you want to try it? Then try it. The best goslings don't have any green ants on them, and the degree is lower and sweeter."

Xiao Yusheng nodded half-understood, pulled off the lid, raised his neck and wanted to take a sip.

"Wait." Shi Jiu hurriedly stopped Xiao Yusheng, "You can't just drink like this."

Holding the wine jar, Xiao Yusheng blinked, not understanding why Shi Jiu wanted to stop her.

"Give it to me." Shi Jiu took the wine jar, sat back on his seat, removed the copper pot used to cook the hot pot, replaced it with a pot, and filled it with river water, "It needs to be warmed up first."

Not only that, he also took out two bamboo racks and put them in the pot, then poured the wine into two bowls and put them on the bamboo racks.

The river water was outside the bowl and did not overflow into the bowl.The charcoal fire at the bottom of the pot is still burning, slowly heating the water in the pot.

Xiao Yusheng retracted his legs hanging on the river, sat sideways on the side of the boat, hugged his knees, and stared at Shi Jiu curiously.

"If you drink it cold, the taste will be worse. Warm it up a bit, and the taste will be better."

Warming the wine does not need to be heated to a high temperature, so Shi Jiu quickly took out two bowls of wine and gave Xiao Yusheng a bowl.

Xiao Yusheng looked at the bowl of rice wine that was bright yellow and cool in color curiously, but instead of drinking it, he sniffed it first.

"Why does it smell like something rotten..." She muttered softly, looking at Shi Jiu suspiciously.

Shi Jiu was silent for two seconds. It is reasonable to say that people should not drink wine to taste rancid. His eyes drifted: "Is there a possibility that wine is fermented from grain or fruit?"

Xiao Yusheng was shocked.

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