Chu Wanwan walked very peacefully.


Shi Jiu glanced at [Steel Body] in his character attribute table, but didn't speak.

The reason why I confront you head-on is because my move comes with super body and damage reduction. What do you give?Send a head?

Shi Jiu took a deep breath and looked at the two corpses that had fallen from the roof.

Shi Jiu was silent.

Shi Jiu was sweating profusely.

It's over, how could he want to beat this dead shemale so hard!

Are you not a fifth-grade master?At any rate, if you resist a knife and get seriously injured, I will be able to capture you alive!

It's over, and if one less person is arrested now, there will be one less clue, which will lead to a decrease in the completion of the task, right?

Just as Shi Jiu hated that he had struck too hard, the surrounding martial arts practitioners retreated to a large open space, looking in horror at the murderer who split the beautiful woman in half with one knife.

Although you are a demon slayer and your opponent is a fugitive from the Hehuan Sect, do you have the guts to be so ruthless in the street?Even the six door gods who are famous for their cruelty and ruthlessness catch Zhang Tieleg, there is no precedent for cutting criminals cleanly on the street, right?

Delay was the most impacted. On the one hand, he had just been controlled by Chu Wanwan's poison, and on the other hand, he knew Chu Wanwan's strength better than anyone else.

Although they are both rank five, but if they really fight, he will definitely be at a disadvantage.Chu Wanwan's insidious tricks are too many, so in Jinxiang City, only City Lord Xiao dares to say that he will suppress it when he holds the official seal, and even Li Fuchuan may not be able to get it from Chu Wanwan. Cheap.

On the other hand, this demon hunter, who had never seen it before, actually split the human demon in half with a single knife. It was clean and neat, even easier than the human demon to catch a third-rank warrior.

What's up with this guy?


Shi Jiu hesitated for a moment, then knelt down to check whether Chu Wanwan was completely dead.

Following Shi Jiu's movement of checking Chu Wanwan's breath, the martial arts crowd onlookers broke out in a cold sweat.You even cut people in half and checked whether they are dead or not. Could it be that you have been attacked by corpses before?

Sure enough, Chu Wanwan didn't die on the spot, but breathed a sigh of relief by relying on her strong true energy, hanging on.

Shi Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, since he was still alive, he might still be saved.You have been arrested by Jinxiang City Demon Killing Division according to the law. You can keep silent for a while, but we must have a way to make you speak. "

While talking about the police lines seen on TV, Shi Jiu searched the item box for something that could kill Chu Wanwan.

With a flip of his hand, four pills were caught between Shi Jiu's fingers.Shi Jiu endured the psychological discomfort, opened Chu Wanwan's mouth and stuffed it in.

"Hmm..." Chu Wanwan's aura was draining rapidly, even if she wanted to resist, she was powerless to stop it, so she could only watch helplessly as Shi Jiu stuffed the unknown elixir into her mouth.

"Don't talk, chew quickly." Shi Jiu squeezed Chu Wanwan's chin and forehead with a serious face and pulled it up and down, manually helping him chew the medicine, "We will not let a bad guy go, but we won't let go either. One...will not wrong a good person. You are only a suspect until you are interrogated and convicted by the city lord, and our Jinxiang City government will naturally guarantee your safety..."

Although he didn't know if this food would leak out from the end of Chu Wanwan's body after eating it, but Shi Jiu believed that as long as he fed it enough and fast enough, Chu Wanwan would always be able to absorb some of the medicine's effects.

Anyway, he didn't have much else in his item box, except that he had enough healing medicines, all of which were old pills that had been rewarded by the system over the years but had never been used.

"Young master..."

"Bratty words, knock!"

Shi Jiu forcibly stuffed handfuls of healing pills into Chu Wanwan's mouth, and the effect was immediate, for example, Chu Wanwan's blood became stronger.

Shi Jiu frowned, looking sadly at Chu Wanwan, who was about to choke to death with her mouth full of medicine, before she lost too much blood and died.

"Damn it! Still can't be saved!"

Shi Jiu clenched his fists in pain. Those who didn't know thought he was a doctor who healed patients and saved lives. He didn't know how horrifying his behavior was to the people behind him. Come, even put something in the mouth of the corpse?

You, you may have forgotten, that person was cut in half by you.

For a moment, everyone didn't know whether to speak out to stop it or stay silent, and they all turned their eyes to Delay.

"Mr. Chi, about you persuade me?"

Chi Yan obviously noticed the eyes of everyone. Although he really wanted to pretend not to notice, but since someone had already spoken, he could figure it out even if he came out.

He spread his fan to cover his chest, feeling a little safer, leaned forward, and said kindly: "This little brother..."

Shi Jiu raised his head, the sadness in his eyes hadn't dissipated: "I'm busy saving people!"

"Oh." Chi Yan took two steps back, returned to the crowd, and explained on his own, "You have seen it too, I said it, but he didn't listen, so I can't help it."

On the other side, Chu Wanwan's life was coming to an end.His pupils were dilated, his face was flushed strangely, and his lips were purple. Obviously, the excessive blood loss had affected his sanity.

"Young master... Is your slave beautiful?"

Chu Wanwan muttered to herself, but Shi Jiu couldn't answer this question.

Shi Jiu, who is sitting on a huge amount of 68 points, obviously knows the answer to this question, but Chu Wanwan, who has a force of 0, obviously does not have this self-knowledge.

"My family... just want to be a woman, why this world... can't tolerate me..."

Chu Wanwan's voice became lower and lower, her breath became weaker, and even her voice gradually changed back to a man's voice.

Shi Jiu was silent for a while, then sighed: "Think about it in your next life."

Life in this world is full of states, and everyone is the protagonist of their own story.Maybe in Chu Wanwan's story, he is just a poor guy who never got the life he wanted all his life.

In the feudal era, it was impossible to be friendly to people with gender cognitive disabilities. Maybe Chu Wanwan was perverted because of being rejected by others, and maybe he was rejected because of being perverted.But this has nothing to do with the world's tolerance for him, and it has nothing to do with whether Shi Jiu kills him or not.

What does it matter to me?

Crowds gathered to fight during the curfew in the city, and then evolved into obstructing law enforcement, and then maliciously attacked law enforcement officers, and were finally shot dead by law enforcement officers during the arrest process-a very logical development.

What's more, Chu Wanwan is still a member of a well-known criminal group, and he deserves to die.But Shi Jiu felt a sense of separation, Dagan and him were still a bit... out of tune.

What's the use of you throwing this kind of question to me, I'm just a fun person who has no power and no power, just looking for something to eat.You throw me this kind of problem that the society in my previous life has not solved, how can I give you the answer.

"This officer..." Behind Shi Jiu, Chi Yan was pushed out by the crowd again because of his face, "This... this monster... if the yamen asks later..."

The implication of the delay is that Shi Jiu alone will claim the credit, so they will not participate.

But Shi Jiu obviously misunderstood what Chi Yan meant: the yamen wanted to catch someone alive, but he hacked him to death... Now when the time comes to question the crime, he must find an excuse.

"Shellman isn't a monster." Shi Jiu gave Chi Yan an indifferent glance, "The demons in Daqian territory should be killed first and then played, this is the rule of the demon division."

Chi Yan was immediately awed, and shut his mouth knowingly.

Those who dare to say such things either have a hard background or a hard brain.And judging from the fighting power that Shi Jiu just was obviously the former.

Until then, the system's battle settlement was long overdue.

[Complete the daily task "Fame to the World", get 5 points of force, 30 points of fashion value, "Quotations of the Fashionable King". 】

[Extremely excellent combat performance, the reward is 150 fashion points. 】

[The heroic figure of the host is obvious to all, and the reward is 5 points. 】

[Excellent sophistry, the reward is 1 point. 】

Shi Jiu should have lifted his spirits, after all, the rewards for this battle are almost comparable to a side mission.But the scene of Chu Wanwan hugging two men just now and sucking wildly is still lingering on his retina, he really can't enjoy it.

But it's not the same in the eyes of others.

When they saw this strange demon hunter calmly looking towards the river in the east, they sighed softly, as if the Hehuan sect demon who could destroy them alone just now was not a happy opponent.Then he pondered for a moment, soared into the sky, and flew towards the fierce battlefield in the east on the waves.

Seeing Shi Jiu leave, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and began to ask each other: "What's the origin of this guy, you just talked to him, right?"


The big rock in Shi Jiu's heart was finally let go.

Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise, after a while, the man would realize that a shemale is not a monster, and it would be difficult to question himself.

Although I killed one source of clues, there is another one.As long as you catch that, both of them belong to the Hehuan Sect, and they will definitely know something about each other. Aren't those three clues easy to grasp?

Shi Jiu brought his optimism to the extreme, until he saw the tragic situation on the battlefield in the east.

Jingwan is no longer calm, several large whirlpools intertwine on the water surface, water dragons are like the tentacles of the dead Heluo fish, slapping wildly on the river surface.And among the water dragon, a spiral with vigor like a peregrine falcon circled with the water dragon.

Even though it was late spring, the river was as hot as a sauna, and it was so humid that it was hard to breathe.Every time the spiral energy collides with the water dragon, there will be splashes like rain, and even a lot of sprays will evaporate in the air.

Shi Jiu noticed the problem.

Shi Jiu tried to analyze calmly.

No, that transvestite just now was using martial should be martial arts, right?Why are you jumping into fairy art all of a sudden?

Suddenly, the four water dragons were entangled together like cage pillars, twisting the spiral energy in the center.A painful howl came from the water dragon, and traces of blood stained the water dragon's body.

Tang Baicao stood on the vortex, his body less than 1.2 meters seemed to have swelled a circle, the muscles all over his body were knotted, and the blood vessels were tense under the skin, making one even doubt whether it would burst immediately.

Shi Jiu weighed the Miao Dao in his hand.

This is just an ordinary refined steel seedling knife. Although it is exquisite in workmanship, it can only deal with monsters of the second and third ranks.And the reason why Shi Jiu was able to kill the Hehuan sect shemale just now was entirely because of his strength.

But the sense of oppression brought to Shi Jiu by the burly dwarf in the distance is completely different from that of the shemale. Shi Jiu felt the pressure that he only felt in the last few years of training in the system space for a long time.

Throwing the borrowed Miao Dao into the item box, Shi Jiu took out his own weapon from the item box.

Miao Dao · Shouting, with the unicorn of the seventh-grade dragon as the main material, supplemented by a variety of high-grade monster materials that can only be seen in the A-character room, tailor-made by the cheating system.So far, Shi Jiu has not encountered anything it can't chop.

To be on the safe side, Shi Jiu felt that it would be safer to use his own weapon this time.

But everyone is not guilty of having a jade, and Shi Jiu doesn't want others to know that he has such a good thing on him.Although he was sure that after tonight, he would become the second largest fresh melon in Jinxiang City, but it wouldn't hurt to have fewer melons.

——It doesn't matter if he showed his face just now. At that time, he used the weapon of the demon slayer. At worst, he would admit that he was born with supernatural power.But this time, he used his own knife.In case someone asks, he really can't explain where he, an orphan and poor man with no background, got this knife.

Compared with that point of fashion value and force, Shi Jiu felt that it was better not to expose too many doubts.The power system of this world even includes the ability of Haoran Zhengqi to follow the law, so there is no guarantee that some outsiders will be able to see the system in him at a glance.

Although this system was so bad that Shi Jiu had the idea of ​​selling him to the waste recycling station several times, but in this world, the system is the only thing that is dependent on him, and it is also his only support and background.

Shi Jiu sketched it in his mind for a moment, a grimace mask emerged from his skin, covering his face completely, without revealing any skin.

Newbies to special effects, even if it is done a little rough, it can still create visual effects.As long as you don't cancel the effect of this skill, this skill is equivalent to an illusion that can only deceive vision.

The grimace mask necessary for traveling through the protagonist, making a grand debut!

What does a mysterious masked man holding a good knife have to do with Shi Jiu?

"I'm a fucking genius."


"Report—" In the city lord's mansion, a yamen servant lowered his head and ran into the study of the city lord Xiao, "Master city lord, the monster has been surrounded by Jingwan, but the monster resisted fiercely, and the frontline police officers couldn't resist it!"

Xiao Zuqi's brows were not lowered for a second: "The resistance is fierce? Can't it be resisted? How strong is that monster?" "This..." The yamen servant hesitated for a moment, and answered bravely, "I don't know, but our yamen Zhao Butou and He Jiawu priest were seriously injured by a palm, fell into the water, and their life and death are unknown; General Zhao is fighting with each other, but he is also invincible!"

Xiao Zuqi's face suddenly became ugly.

There is only one Zhao Tutou in the Jinxiang City Yamen, and that is Zhao Kun, the younger brother of Zhao Feixing, the general guarding the city.Xiao Zuqi knew his strength, and he and Zhao Feixing were called the Twin Heroes of Jinxiang City back then.He also has the strength of the fourth-rank blood energy realm now, but he is unable to condense martial arts, so he stops here.

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