Shi Jiu cupped his hands gratefully, and watched the cell boss and jailer walk out of this floor.

As soon as the jailer and the head of the cell left, demons began to dance wildly again in the prison.This group of condemned prisoners finally saw a new face, and they wanted to have some fun by peeling off his skin with their tongues.

"Hey! That newcomer! Come here!" The prisoner in the opposite cell shouted.

Seeing that the two had left, Shi Jiu didn't continue talking to Tang Baicao, but went straight to the prisoner's cell closest to him, and smiled politely: "Hello."

When the prisoner saw that Shi Jiu was actually staring at him, he was immediately amused.But Shi Jiu didn't care about his reaction, he used his fingers to dig out an iron nail nailed to the doorpost, and the other hand pinched the prisoner's jaw like lightning.


Shi Jiu effortlessly squeezed and dislocated the prisoner's jaw, then leaned over and carefully inserted the rusty iron nail into the prisoner's throat, and even adjusted its position so that it stuck in the prisoner's throat.

"Very good, keep this posture and don't move." Shi Jiu patted the prisoner's face affectionately, "If you make a noise, pant or make other big movements, the iron nail will either pierce your throat or fall off. Into your stomach. When I finish asking that person, I will come back and take the nail out."

Shi Jiu immediately walked to another cell, leaving the prisoner who had just been stunned to act as a wooden stake in the cell.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Shi Jiu smiled politely, and pulled out the nails that hung the dinner plates from the cell door, pinched and dislocated the prisoner's jaw in exactly the same way, and inserted the nails in regardless of the prisoner's resistance. He scratched the other person's throat, "You are the same, after I finish asking, I will help you take out the nail."

By the time of the third, fourth, and fifth time, the prisoner had already shrunk against the wall and did not dare to move.

The prisoner leaned against the wall and howled in despair: "I didn't scold you just now! I didn't scold you! They did it all!"

Shi Jiu patted his head appreciatively: "Well, I know, it's really good."

Then he was given a root iron supplement package.

After counting the prisoners in the prison and confirming that everyone except Tang Baicao had a nail stuck in their throat, Shi Jiu came back to Tang Baicao and greeted Tang Baicao with a gentle smile: "Tang Baicao Hello sir, I have some questions for you."

Although Shi Jiu graduated with a full score in the systematic ideological and moral construction teaching, he has two passive skills, one is called [Performing Intuition] and the other is called [Natural Liberation].

As the name suggests, the former endows Shi Jiu with an intuition to adapt to various situations, while the latter unleashes Shi Jiu's cognition of self-identity, which is a basic course for an actor.This also allowed Shi Jiu to unleash his murderous aura at any time, and even put himself in the role of a perverted murderer.

Maybe these people from the rivers and lakes will not be frightened by Shi Jiu, but the iron nail in their throat is real.

Anyway, Shi Jiu was already numb to killing such things.Especially since the head of the cell had just told Shi Jiu why these prisoners came in, he would naturally not be soft on his hands.

The prisoners here are not good stubble, but the wicked have their own set of social norms for the wicked.Since they don't recognize the king's law of an orderly society, give them the king's law of a chaotic society.

Moreover, these prisoners are obviously very accustomed to such rules. They squat obediently in the corner, with their mouths open, holding their throats and not even daring to take a big breath.

Of course, after Shi Jiu stuck the iron nail in it, he put it in the item box, but the effect similar to the rubber prosthetic hand experiment deceived their brains, making them think that there was still an iron nail in their throats, and the brain It also creates a real sense of touch - if he goes to a prison and the prisoners all die, it will be a big problem.


Tang Baicao stared at Shi Jiu without changing his expression, he knew that Shi Jiu was putting pressure on him just now.

"Master Tang, I'm afraid your status is not low in the Acacia Sect." Shi Jiu dragged the jailer's stool over and sat down, with a gentle smile on his face, "Attacking Yue Nu, a little-known brothel Girl, why don't you go to the capital to catch an oiran?"

Tang Baicao glanced at Shi Jiu, and sneered: "Go and try to catch one?"

Shi Jiu was taken aback for a moment, and laughed loudly: "Let's ask privately as a man, is it because you caught the moon slave a few days ago?"

As he said that, Shi Jiu moved his lower body, making a movement that any man can understand.

Tang Baicao's mouth could not help showing a little obscene smile, but there was also some disdain in the smile: "People in the government are not serious."

"Speaking of which, you are a fifth-rank master, why can't you even catch a weak woman with no cultivation at all?" Shi Jiu showed a very interested look, "There is only one fourth-rank warrior beside her Protect it?"

Tang Baicao's expression became impatient: "No time."

So far, Shi Jiu has basically verified Yue Nu's testimony - she was indeed attacked by Tang Baicao on the road, but obviously, the reason Tang Baicao let her go was that she had other business to do.

"What were you going to do then?" Shi Jiu followed Tang Baicao's words and continued to ask.

"What do you want to ask?" Tang Baicao became impatient, "Ask if you have anything to do, and get out if you have nothing to do. Don't bother me with such shit."

Shi Jiu suddenly lowered his voice mysteriously: "Today we received a letter, guess who wrote it, and what's in it?"

Tang Baicao snorted coldly: "Trust? It's none of my business."

"Think about it carefully, it's very famous." Shi Jiu continued to hint, trying to get Tang Baicao to say the name himself.

When I deduced Luo Liuli before, the system did not give a prompt to complete the task, so this time Shi Jiu tried to get Tang Baicao to say Luo Liuli's name, maybe it would work - anyway, if you try it, you will not lose a piece of meat.

How could Tang Baicao miss Luo Liuli, but he came here to arrest her.If Luo Liuli really wrote a letter to Monster Slayer, it must be impossible for the content to be beneficial to him.

Seeing that Tang Baicao remained silent, Shi Jiu sighed, took out his trump card, and deliberately asked: "You should cooperate with me anyway, don't you know who she is when you see this thing?"

As he spoke, Shi Jiu held the acacia bell he found on the street last night in his hand, and showed it to Tang Baicao.

Shi Jiu discovered a very strange thing last night, that is, when Bai Shuqiu confirmed that the rioters in the city belonged to the Hehuan Sect, the evidence he gave was a hidden weapon of the Hehuan Sect, the Hehuan Bell.

But in the subsequent battle with Chu Wanwan, Shi Jiu did not see Chu Wanwan using this hidden weapon.And the other suspect, Tang Baicao, is not the way to use hidden weapons at all.

So the question is, who used the acacia bells that fell on the street?In other words, Chu Wanwan and Tang Baicao were not the only ones who made trouble in Jinxiang City last night.

Tang Baicao's complexion changed, first her pupils constricted, then there was a flash of anger, and finally turned into disdain for no reason.

With the help of [Hawkeye], despite the dim light, Shi Jiu did not miss even a trace of Tang Baicao's expression.

People's expressions often don't write detailed content on the face, but only one reaction is enough to reveal something.

For example, Tang Baicao has obviously thought of a definite name now.And combined with the information given by Xiao Yusheng, the possibility that the third person who has not been exposed is Luo Liuli has reached [-]%.

"Boy, you want to cheat me." Tang Baicao sneered, "Don't show off this little thing, it's extremely ridiculous. Are you suspecting that we have a third person, trying to make it up..."

"Luo Liuli, she sent a letter to the yamen to exchange you with something." Shi Jiu said the name of the person in Tang Baicao's heart very frankly, with a confident expression of inexplicable, as if confused Why did Tang Baicao speak nonsense with his eyes open, "What do you want to say?"

Shi Jiu is not a professional torturer, let alone a special agent with special skills, but he was a hard-working account manager in his previous life.

As a hard worker who has been running business outside for many years, he has seen enough wonderful customers to build a collection of wonderful customers.Find out the customer's annual revenue, judge whether the customer company has spare money based on the customer's response, and guess whether the customer really wants to buy or want to apply for a solution - this is his specialty.

If it is said that the intelligence that is most likely to be believed by the opposite party is the information inferred by the other party himself, then the easiest way to make yourself credible is to make the other party mistakenly think that he does not know the truth of something, and prove that he actually knows the inside story .

This will prove that the other party's guess is wrong and deepen the other party's self-doubt.When Shi Jiu said something later, the other party would be preconceived and afraid that he had guessed wrong, so he believed or at least kept a wait-and-see attitude.

Sometimes, a good interrogator does not need to guess the truth, but only needs to rule out wrong answers.

Tang Baicao's eyes changed slightly, and he didn't even refute Shi Jiu immediately.

Seeing Tang Baicao's reaction, Shi Jiu was sure that Luo Liuli must be in Jinxiang City.If she wasn't there, Tang Baicao would know that Shi Jiu was lying to him without thinking - but he did think about it.

Thinking shows the existence of information, and the existence of information proves the existence of the third person.

The possibility that the third person is Luo Liuli has reached [-]%.

Tang Baicao's reaction has already told Shi Jiu the truth, and all that remains is to eliminate the wrong answers, and even lure Tang Baicao to tell the truth.

Chapter 45 Chapter 43 What's wrong with me cheating on you?

"Forget it, I won't tease you, you really don't mean anything." Shi Jiu sighed, "I'll just say it straight, Luo Liuli wanted to get you out, and proposed a very tempting condition, which the superiors are already considering. .”

After finishing speaking, Shi Jiu leaned forward slightly, his eyes flickering with malicious intent: "But what I'm more curious about is, why did Luo Liuli fish you out? Unless you have greater value."

Shi Jiu meaningfully looked at the dwarf who was less than 1.2 meters tall: "What's more... Master Tang, even if we let you out, your life will not be easy, right?"

On the other side, Tang Baicao has fallen into chaos.Shi Jiu spoke eloquently, and even told the news that Luo Liuli was in the city at this time.In his opinion, although there are some flaws in this statement, but...

Impossible, absolutely impossible, Luo Liuli has no reason to save herself, because she designed to ambush herself and expose Chu Wanwan.If she hadn't deliberately ambushed the two of them last night to attract the attention of the government, and then pretended to be herself to lure the people from the government to his hiding place, how could she have fallen into this situation?

If the person in front of him is lying, then everything is logical; but if he is not lying, then what is the reason for Luo Liuli to get himself out?

Tang Baicao lowered her head slightly, thinking about the reason why Luo Liuli did this, and suddenly understood.

Now that Luo Liuli betrayed the sect and was alone, she must have gathered forces to protect herself.Then the reason to get herself out must be to turn herself into a dead soldier and turn her into a fighting force under her hands.

Although his lute bone was pierced and his dantian was locked, he was already a refined body, even if there was only one body left, it was enough to refine into a fourth-rank dead soldier.

Tang Baicao shuddered at the thought of the refining method of the dead man.

He was ambushed by Luo Liuli before, and the four-flavored poison was buried in his body.And these poisons were all stolen by Luo Liuli from her master Qiqing Venerable before she betrayed the sect. Judging from the blue face of Qiqing Venerable, these poisons are of great value.

Tang Baicao didn't think that he could take advantage of the poison that could make the Venerable feel heartache when he confronted Luo Liuli in the future - you must know that there is still Sanwei poison in his body that has not been activated.

Tang Baicao suddenly felt a chill, thinking about it deeper, and finally realized something she had never thought about.

Perhaps from the very beginning, Luo Liuli planned to turn herself into a dead soldier.

She first weakened her combat effectiveness with poison, and then lured the government to clean her up.Then she took out something to replace herself, and it seemed that the government was actually moved?If she really proceeds step by step according to her plan, she, who has become a useless person, may be used as bait to catch Luo Liuli...

No, what she did was simply seeking far away.If she just wanted to kill herself or refine herself into a dead warrior, she could just plant poisonous seeds in herself, and there was no need to go around such a big circle.

Tang Baicao hesitated, the change in his expression did not escape Shi Jiu's eyes.

Hesitation means that it is uncertain whether it is true or false, and uncertain whether it is true or false means that this matter has a real possibility-and this possibility must have a certain evidence as a basis, otherwise this possibility is just empty talk.

"It seems that you are very suspicious of the reason why Luo Liuli wants to replace you." Shi Jiu carefully observed Tang Baicao's expression, becoming more and more interested. This kind of melon that needs to be peeled tastes special.Luo Liuli..." Tang Baicao repeated the name through gritted teeth, "How do you know she didn't lie to you?She was a born liar, and not a word of what came out of her mouth was true. "

Shi Jiu is happy, since Tang Baicao has begun to doubt the reason why Luo Liuli saved him, then Luo Liuli must exist.

The certainty has come to [-]%.

Shi Jiu's smile suddenly became strange in Tang Baicao's eyes, and his smile looked very dark under the dim oil lamp: "Mr. Tang, I have a question: It wasn't you who broke the West Bridge with a palm yesterday, right?" .”

Tang Baicao remained silent, looking at Shi Jiu with vigilant eyes.

Luo Liuli's betrayal of the Hehuanzong is a secret of the Hehuanzong. While the sect is doing its best to hunt her down, it must also guard against outsiders knowing Luo Liuli's specific situation.If what Shi Jiu said before is still reasonable, then the interest he just showed in Luo Liuli is not so normal.

"Oh... that's Luo Liuli, and you don't know where she fled to." Shi Jiu's eyes fixed on Tang Baicao, his smile became more meaningful, and his eyes seemed to pierce him, "Then How did she escape on such an occasion? Oh, she escaped from the water, but you escaped from the river at that time and attracted our attention, no one noticed that there was Luo Liuli under the water."

Tang Baicao's face turned pale, she didn't understand why the young people in front of her told the truth one by one when she hadn't said anything.

Chu Wanwan was already dead, but she didn't say anything.It is only possible that Luo Liuli told him about these things.

Shi Jiu continued to speak his reasoning in an affirmative tone, and the speed of speech became faster and faster: "The relationship between you is really good, self-sacrifice for others - deliberately exposing yourself, just to create opportunities for her to escape."

The change in Tang Baicao's eyes paused for a moment, as if he was at a loss for a moment, and then he seemed to understand something, and a little bit of bewilderment appeared in his eyes.

"You lied to me!"

The situation at that time was that he wished he could fight with Luo Liuli on the spot, but Luo Liuli flashed the carnival bell when he suddenly fell into the smoke.Tang Baicao, who had already been plotted and poisoned by Luo Liuli once, hesitated for a moment and didn't dare to do it, but he didn't expect that Luo Liuli just made a feint and seized the opportunity to escape from the water.

At that time, it wasn't that he didn't want to escape from the water, but once he was bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of the well rope, and he was afraid that Luo Liuli would plant some poisonous array on him in the water, so he had to change direction and escape at the fastest speed.

And Shi Jiu... was completely wrong.

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows: Tang Baicao didn't understand his first sentence, because the real situation at the time didn't match what he said.So Tang Baicao was at a loss at first, then confirmed that she was deceiving him, and then suddenly realized.

Then combined with the situation at the time, there is only one possibility.

Shi Jiu's eyes were somewhat playful, staring at the cat in the mouse hole.

Now that Tang Baicao knew that he was defrauding him, the interrogation could be sped up.

"Oh——you were not in the same group from the beginning, and you fell into her trick. She played a game of driving tigers and wolfs away, and you...since you have been made like this by her, why don't you confess to her? ? Anyway, you have already been captured by us, wouldn’t it be nice to just capture your enemy as well?”

Tang Baicao gritted her teeth and said nothing.He has realized that Shi Jiu has unknowingly used him as a true and false detector of clues, and at this moment he can only respond to everything with silence.

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