Seeing Fangzheng's disapproving expression, the girl naturally guessed what he was thinking, and angrily beat Fangzheng's chest with her small powder fist: "Why, don't you believe in my family, sir?"

"I believe it." Fangzheng was confused, "Even if the girl says that you are a fairy who came down from the sky, I will believe it."

The girl giggled, and stroked Fangzheng's chest that had been beaten: "Do you have any evidence... The martial arts people made trouble in the city last night, didn't you know?"

As soon as Fangzheng said this, Fangzheng suddenly regained his energy, but he still pretended not to care and asked: "I really know that I was reading at night by candlelight, when I suddenly heard movement outside, and when I opened the window, I saw people from the yamen on the roof. Flying around...what's going on?"

"Pfft..." The girl's eyes turned into crescents of laughter, "What is flying around, talking like a bird—we all heard the movement that day, but the most disturbing ones were not the rioters outside, but yes……"

With that said, the girl pouted again upstairs.

Fangzheng looked up at the ceiling in surprise: "Who?"

"That's right, she seems to have been frightened, she's been crying, calling some kind of thief to catch her..." The girl turned her face, curled her lips in disdain at an angle that Fang Zheng couldn't see, but her voice didn't change, "The one who cried Ah, my family's heart trembled... She cried until midnight, and my family didn't sleep well."

"In the middle of the night?" Fangzheng memorized this message, "It can make you sleepless, from when did she cry?"


Fangzheng recalled the 1000 taels of silver in his pocket, and felt that he still had to be devoted to his duties. In desperation, he could only sacrifice his appearance, and hugged the girl: "My dear, of course I care about you. I don't want to know that she has How noisy..."

"Actually, I can't remember clearly, but there was a loud shout from the river, shouting something...Chu Wanwan or something, and then she started crying, and she cried until the child's hour...The result was a big cry the next day. Early in the morning, Mr. Shi Jiu came to look for her, and all the girls in Xiangyue Pavilion saw it." The girl recalled, leaned into Fang Zheng's arms, and pouted, "Obviously I haven't left the pavilion yet, so I'm going Let other men join the cabinet..."


"Why do I feel that I don't have the consciousness of being on duty at all." Shi Jiu complained to himself, while climbing over the wall and entering the demon slaying division with ease, "I run out in the middle of the night every day, and those who don't know think I'm an enemy spy Woolen cloth……"

"System, sort out the gains of the past two days."

[The host's current force index is 108 points, and the fashion value is 822 points. 】

[The task "The Secret Behind the Monster Riot ([-])" is to be completed. 】

[New acquired skill "Visceral Strengthening". 】

[The newly opened function "Main Quest Clue Wall". 】

Shi Jiu lay down on the bed as usual, and took out the "Quotations from the Fashionable King" that he hadn't read yet.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Jiu couldn't help recalling the first half of it.

The content is really eye-catching, but that's when I'm already tired of reading it, plus the embarrassment caused by simply reading the sentences.If you say that sentence with a suitable scene, the fashion value will definitely be full.

"I just take one look, just one look."

Feeling anxious, Shi Jiu opened the book.

"Chapter 1, the selection of usage scenarios and precautions for trendy quotations..."

Shi Jiu closed the book with a snap, and opened it suspiciously after a while.

"The first half of the co-authored book is a collection of quotations, and the second half is a methodology?"

Shi Jiu looked down the table of contents, and as expected, this book has a series of teachings on the use of fashionable quotations centering on usage scenarios, character image creation, era background and purpose, and even the formula for writing original quotations...

" turns out that when using quotations, you need to cooperate with expressions and movements..." Shi Jiu subconsciously twisted his body according to the pictures and text descriptions in the book, "First this, then this..."

After sculpting against the wall for a long time in the room, Shi Jiu finally realized what stupid thing he was doing.This thing obviously needs a long time of practice, and my top priority should be to sort out the clues of the main task first.

"Let's talk about this later..." Shi Jiu sighed, and put the book back into the item box, "System, show me the clue wall."

As soon as the words fell, the scenery in front of Shi Jiu's eyes was speeding backwards like a tram.In a few seconds, Shi Jiu came to a secret room with dim lights.

There is no decoration here, except for a wall with spotlights on top.A blackboard hung on the wall, with chalk in a slot underneath.

"I thought what a clue wall is, is it really a clue wall?"

There are several photos on the wall, all of which are characters that appear in the main mission.Just at first glance, there are Xiao Yusheng, Yue Nu, the dead monster and Shorty Tang, as well as a few dark and mysterious characters.

The lines connected to them more or less seem to mark their roles in this Jinxiangcheng incident.But even if you don't look closely, you can see that the lines are most dense near a few of the photos.

Shi Jiu took down a photo and muttered to himself, "Why does it feel like it has suddenly become a criminal investigation drama..."

The photo in his hand was only a black silhouette of a human body, and men and women could not even be distinguished.But when Shi Jiu held it in his hand, its content automatically appeared in his mind.

"Luo Liuli, the demon girl of the Hehuan Sect, is rumored to be a disciple of the Venerable Seven Emotions. She appeared in the arena seven years ago, and is now synonymous with the Hehuan Sect in the arena, and is a wanted criminal in the thirteen states... According to rumors He is good at using poison and illusion, and the last time he saw it was in southern Xinjiang."

"Clue: He appeared in Jinxiang City and had a street fight with two members of the Acacia Sect. There is no witness report so far."

"Good guy, are you really giving me the set of criminal investigation drama?"

Shi Jiu pasted Luo Liuli's silhouette back to its original position, stepped back a few steps, and observed the overall layout.

It is obvious that Yue Nu is at the center of the incident, whether it is the attack of monsters or the Hehuan Sect, they are all related to her.But there is another character at the center of the storm, Luo Liuli.

In fact, Shi Jiu now has very little information about Luo Liuli, he just guesses that Yue Nu is Luo Liuli in disguise.However, it is only speculation at present, and there is no conclusive evidence.

That's why Shi Jiu gave Fang Zheng a difficult task. I don't know if he can complete it in the next few days.

"Speaking of which, how did the Monster Beast and the Hehuan Sect get involved in the mission determination? What is their purpose for coming to Jinxiang City?"

Although Shi Jiu also wanted to ask whether the Acacia Sect was involved in the Tang Baicao monster attack, and also wanted to ask their purpose of coming to Jinxiang City, but he didn't think of a suitable question.

The reason why this interrogation went so smoothly was that it captured the psychological shock and preconceived ideas caused by poor information, making Tang Baicao, who knew 10, mistakenly think that he knew 15, but in fact he only knew 5... Interrogate Tang Baicao The purpose of Jinxiang City has to be left to professionals, and I can't help it. Shi Jiu's eyes swept over the wall of clues, recalling the information he had so far, "It's very strange, Yue Nu is the central figure in the incident, but why should she be the central figure?" "

"We must find an opportunity to inquire from an official point of view. If she really has any secrets that can attract monsters, my position as a demon hunter is not high enough, and she will definitely not tell me .Only people at the level of the city lord or the demon-slayer town envoy can communicate with this secret on an equal footing."

A person's status in society often determines the size and depth of the melons he can eat, because many resources will not be open to him who has not reached that status.

The more he calmed down and thought deeply, the more Shi Jiu realized that he still didn't eat enough melons.

"Luo Liuli is in Jinxiang City, and is hostile to the members of the Hehuan Sect."

"There is a possibility of Luo Liuli pretending to be a moon slave, but where did Luo Liuli find such a group of people to help her play the moon slave? Besides, Luo Liuli became famous seven years ago, and the moon slave has been living in the Yuegui Pavilion for a long time. It stands to reason Saying that a person can't be in two places at the same time..."

"But what if Yue Slave never left the Laurel Pavilion from the very beginning?"

"This team that claims to be from the Yuegui Pavilion in the capital, if Luo Liuli formed it to deceive others, and Yuenu is actually Luo Liuli makes sense, but Yuenu started from the capital and went all the way south. There have been performances in every city, so this should not be fake. No, just ask people in other cities, and you can guess whether Yue Nu is real or not."

"Hiss...and Xiao Yusheng witnessed Luo Liuli in southern Xinjiang. At that time, Yue Nu should still be on the way to the concert."

At this time, it is no different from modern times. Traveling basically depends on feet, and those who are richer rely on horses.It took almost a month for Shi Jiu to rush from the capital to Jinxiang City, and this was just a case of rushing.If someone like Yue Nu wants to hold a concert when they go to a place, they may go back and forth every year.

"Is there a mistake in my thinking, but where is the mistake..." Shi Jiu rubbed his chin, and took down the character card of Yuenu, "A girl from a brothel in the capital, this time Nanxing is soliciting votes for the flower selection meeting. Beast attack... Judging from the time, she and Luo Liuli are definitely not the same person."

Worse, the more I sort out the clues, the more I feel that Yuenu and Luo Liuli are not alone at all.

"If the information I have so far is correct, she and Luo Liuli should be two people. Because Luo Liuli went from southern Xinjiang to the north not long ago, and Yue Nu went from the north to Huainan City, it's the opposite..."

Shi Jiu hit his head with a headache, he didn't want to give up the clue of Yue Nu no matter what.If she wasn't Luo Liuli, then the direction of this case's progress would be broken.

A Luo Liuli who was hiding in the crowd, where he went to find him, he couldn't be asked by someone.

But after thinking about it, Shi Jiu realized that he seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding.

"It may be that Luo Liuli's name is too strong. When I asked Yue Nu last time, I didn't ask her why she was caught by a monster... Even if I asked, she probably wouldn't answer."

"Is there a possibility that Luo Liuli and the Hehuan Sect are hostile to each other, and the Hehuan Sect came to arrest her?"

Following this line of thought, Shi Jiu connected other clues: "First, Xiao Yusheng met Luo Liuli in southern Xinjiang, and there was indeed a demon from the Hehuan Sect who appeared on the stage at that time... If this is the case, it is Tang Baicao and the others who came after Luo Liuli. Xiangcheng, and met Yuenu's convoy on the way. Because I was in a hurry to chase Luo Liuli, I only attacked the convoy but did not capture Yuenu..."

"Thinking about it like this seems to make sense, and there is also a reason for the Hehuan Sect to appear in Jinxiang City... What about the monsters?"

"What is their reason for coming to Yue Slave, so that they risk getting angry..."

"They are definitely organized and planned, that's for sure. And their purpose must revolve around the Moon Slave."

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Shi Jiu's mind: "But if... if Yue Nu is really Luo Liuli pretending to be, then... maybe the purpose of the monster riot is not Yue Nu, but Luo Liuli?"

"Thinking about it this way makes a lot of sense. After all, how can He De, an ordinary brothel girl, attract both a fifth-rank monster and the Acacia sect? Only those who have the corresponding value can be so motivating..."

[Complete the main task "The Secret Behind the Monster Riot ([-])". 】

[Rewards for phased missions: 300 points for fashion, 30 points for force. 】

The system's notification sound made Shi Jiu's heart tremble.

"What do you mean... I guessed it right?"

"It's still necessary to confirm whether Yue Nu and Luo Liuli are the same person... The difference between the two situations is a thousand miles away."

Chapter 53 Chapter 51 Intermediate Management Record Bai Genchuan

Shi Jiu sorted out the clues of the case, and it was dawn before he knew it.Fortunately, he is physically strong, so he won't have dark circles all night long.

Shi Jiu came to the demon slayer's martial arts arena and moved a little bit, so that the whole body's energy and blood would turn around.After finishing "The Times is Calling", a sense of refreshment spread throughout his body, and Shi Jiu also planned in his mind what he was going to do today.

He was going to report the results of last night's interrogation to Hall Master Bai first. People with a higher level must know more than himself, but now he obviously has information that they don't know.Maybe combining the things on both sides can solve what I didn't figure out last night.

While Shi Jiu was warming up, Bai Shuqiu appeared in the martial arts arena.

"Xiao Jiu, did you wake up so early for morning exercises?" Bai Shuqiu smiled kindly, "That's right, the day's plan is in the morning. It would be great if other demon hunters worked as hard as you do."

Shi Jiu originally just wanted to warm up, but Bai Shuqiu said so, it would be unreasonable for him to leave without practicing a set of saber techniques...

"It's just a habit, Hall Master Bai also wakes up very early." Shi Jiu smiled and cupped his hands, "Should we not have to go out to patrol the demons today?"

"Hey..." Bai Shuqiu sighed, and stood still in the middle of the martial arts arena. "Our original plan was that the demon slayer would scout first, and the city guards would send troops to suppress the demon, right? But... General Zhao is fighting against that He Huanzong was seriously injured when he was a demon, and now things are going to be difficult again."

Shi Jiu was taken aback for a moment, although he had never heard of General Zhao's name, he knew at a glance that he was the leader of the City Guard Army.Now that the leader is seriously injured, who will command the city guards?

But Bai Shuqiu changed the subject: "But the good news is that the corruption of the colleagues of the Demon Slayer Division has been cured, and Deputy Envoy Li can take the place of General Zhao temporarily and lead the army out of the city to suppress the demons."

As he said that, Bai Shuqiu looked at Shi Jiu with a smile that was not a smile: "With enough demon hunters, even if we didn't scout in advance, we can directly lead the team out of the city. After all, all demon hunters are proficient in tracking. But... Most people have just detoxified and their bodies are not back to their best condition, so they have to wait a few days."

Shi Jiu made a thoughtful look: "Is it such a coincidence...Master Bai, it just so happens that one of my subordinates has something to report."

A strange color flashed in Bai Shuqiu's eyes.

Boy, I knew you had something to say.Do you think you sneak out every night these days and I don't know?What's wrong with this demon slaying boss? Let me know!

"What's the matter?" Bai Shuqiu pretended to be surprised and asked.

"First of all, let's talk about what you just said." Shi Jiu recollected his thoughts just now, "You see, when the monsters were encircled and suppressed, the demon envoys were poisoned halfway through, which directly caused us to be unable to attack the monsters later. Immediately organize an effective counterattack, thanks to the city lord's action, it did not cause a catastrophe."

"But then, before we had time to catch our breath, the monsters from the Hehuan Sect appeared in the city and injured General Zhao, the key figure who went out of the city to suppress the monsters, which delayed our progress in suppressing the monsters. If Tiangongfang hadn't quickly developed an antidote Otherwise, the demon slayers and the army in Jinxiang City will be in a semi-paralyzed state."

Bai Shuqiu's face gradually became serious. He hadn't linked these two cases together before, but now it seems that there are too many interlocking coincidences.

"So, I think that the monsters of the Hehuan Sect may also be pawns in the overall situation, and they may not even know that they are being used." Shi Jiu said convincingly, "The real purpose of the black hands behind the scenes is to paralyze Jinxiang City's defenses strength."

Bai Shuqiu's face was gloomy, he instinctively hoped that Shi Jiu's guess was wrong, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was very reasonable and he couldn't find the problem.But in this way, Jinxiang City faced too many problems.

Bai Shuqiu paced slowly: "If you go to interrogate the Hehuan Sect monster, will you gain anything?"

Shi Jiu nodded: "This subordinate just wanted to talk about this—this subordinate suspects that Luo Liuli of the Hehuan Sect is lurking in the city right now."

Bai Shuqiu's expression changed, and without a word, he dragged Shi Jiu into the inner hall, closed the door and asked anxiously, "Where is the evidence? The Hehuan Sect demon voluntarily confessed?"

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