[The system understands that the simulation training space is being released...]

"I didn't mean that!" Shi Jiu slapped the table, "What about the peerless sword fairy's sub-profession? Didn't you just say that you can start it for me after completing the novice teaching on the path of the chef?"

[Searching for the sub-professional Peerless Sword Immortal...]

[The search is complete, no such functional module is found, and the simulation training space is being released...]

"...You boss! You're kidding me!"

[The system is just telling the truth. The system cannot search for functions without completing the novice teaching. 】

"Then the novice teaching is over, and you find that you don't have it, right?"

【Yes. 】

Is there anyone who recycles second-hand systems? If you are tired, destroy it. Hurry up.


Breaking away from the simulated training space, Shi Jiu felt like crying.

Life is like this, and it will always kindly remind you to think too much when you think you are getting better, so as to prevent you from dying with hope in the end.

It just wants you to die now.

With a sigh, Shi Jiu began to dismantle the collar.

Seeing that Shi Jiu's expression was gradually filled with grief and indignation, the system's prompt sounded again in good time.

[The host dissects the ingredients, and obtains a piece of herbal tumor, which can be cooked and eaten in the system space. 】

Shi Jiu was stunned, looking at the sarcoid that was still alive under Linghu's neck, and then at the collarhu skin that he had just peeled off his spine, but he didn't understand what the system was talking about.

Isn't sarcoma still there?I haven't gotten to that point yet.

Suddenly, Shi Jiu had an idea: "Open the character panel."

Sure enough, the collard sarcoma just obtained was lying quietly in his item box at the moment.This is an extra sarcoma out of thin air... No, this is the wool that he scooped up!

Does this mean that when I dissect a monster in the future, the system can secretly generate some monster meat for me?

Shi Jiu couldn't calm down immediately.

The meat of monsters can be cooked in the space of the system, and eating it can strengthen your physique...

"This wool can be squeezed! I said that optimistic people must have good luck!" Shi Jiu burst into tears.

At least now he has mastered a way to become stronger - as long as he continues to dissect monsters in the Monster Slaying Cave, he can continue to use the system to eat medicinal food made from monster meat.

Today, a first-grade monster has already improved his physique and will, and even got a passive skill.Then he still has seven years left in the Monster Slashing Cave, isn't it the past seven years...

Shi Jiu wiped his saliva, and the taste of collard pork and garlic sprouts still lingered in his mouth.But it didn't take long for him to regret it.

In the past two years, he had dissected several monsters that were difficult to mess with at first glance, and they were all wasted!

Jiao ah!He even dissected Jiao's!

Painful, too painful.

Shi Jiu only knew that the system should have no soul, but he didn't expect the system to have no heart either.

Because from that day on, Shi Jiu realized that he still overestimated the kindness of the system.

For every monster dissected by him, he will be forced into the training space of the system and trampled repeatedly until Shi Jiu can single-handedly kill that monster in the training space.

I don't know how many monsters in the training space fell under Shi Jiu's knife - but a monster can only provide one material to the system, and it is not guaranteed that the other ones will be kicked back by the system.

Not only that, every day in his sleep, the system would pop up and force him to complete the ideological and moral construction course of the day, but the expected peerless sword immortal side job... was completely absent.

Other people's awakening system is on the pinnacle of life, why did he awaken a total creditor?

Kui Shijiu thought he had mastered the correct method of using the system, but he never expected that the burden of life would still have to be borne by himself.

"It doesn't matter, Shi Jiu, be optimistic." Shi Jiu comforted himself, "Although you are penniless, your family is ruined, and even the system you carry with you is a scam, you still have a future!"

Shi Jiu was so moved by his optimism that he burst into tears.

Gan, what kind of Saint Seiya Shi Jiu am I?

Chapter 7 Chapter 6 Ten years!Do you know how I got here in the past ten years! (4.8k)

When a person's labor is rewarded, his enthusiasm for labor will be exceptionally high.

Due to his outstanding achievements and performance, he rose all the way from the lowest level of the T group to the A group.Here, the lowest level of monsters he decomposed was fourth grade.

In the next seven years, Shi Jiu continued to go further and further on the road of the Involve King. In addition, his own anatomical skills were better than others, and his efficiency was extremely high. Half of the high-level monsters in the entire Monster Slaying Cave All dissected by him.

——Even when he has nothing to do, he will take the initiative to grab the work of the low-level group, and is called the Living Bodhisattva by the demon-killing artisans in the monster-killing cave.

And this also brought Shi Jiu a forced number of up to 4 points - never again since then.

Today is the last day of Shi Jiu's tenth year in the Monster Slaying Cave.At the beginning, the thin and small body has grown a lot, and there are strong muscles on the body.After all, with the increase of working years, only he can completely decompose many large monsters, and those monsters that are often eight or nine meters long, or even more than 20 meters long, cannot be handled by a thin bamboo pole.

In these years, due to Shi Jiujuan's extremely serious work, he won a lot of work to disassemble high-level monsters, and also made him unlock more and more monster recipes in the system space.

In the past seven years, he has eaten eight hundred monsters if not one thousand. There are so many types and tastes that he can write a complete book of mountains and seas.The physical enhancement and various passive skills produced by eating are countless.

——Since the system has gone off track, if I go off track on the basis of the off-track system, will I get back on track?

As the person who set the record for the survival of the demon-cutting people in the monster-killing cave, today is the day when he officially leaves the monster-killing cave and becomes a small official of the monster-killing division.

In the past ten years, although Shi Jiuzhao received his monthly salary well, he has grown a lot of minds in two lives.Six taels of silver per month, and five taels of silver was used by him to honor the leaders of the Monster Slayer Cave.Anyway, the Monster Slaying Cave includes food and lodging, and he doesn't gamble with those demon-slayer craftsmen, so this little money can still be saved.

Over the past ten years, wages have given a lot of filial piety. Although most of them are filial to the old prison boss, but the old prison boss has money, he will also respect the officials above him, and there are some places where he can intercede in front of the officials above.

After going back and forth, Shi Jiu's road to regularization has become much smoother.

Although at this time Shi Jiu didn't care about the imperial food anymore, and just wanted to take a quick tour of this world that he hadn't seen much, but the necessary procedures still had to go.

Zhang Wenyuan sat behind the copybook, sipping tea, deeply moved: "Shi Jiu, I really didn't expect it, ten years have passed in a flash."

Zhang Wenyuan was one of the jailers in charge of the T-shaped group, and he took good care of Shi Jiu.After ten years, he has also been promoted from an ordinary prison guard to a prison head, and his strength has reached the second-rank iron bone level.

Standing in front of the hall, Shi Jiu clasped his fists and bowed slightly: "Thanks to brother Wenyuan for taking good care of me."

Zhang Wenyuan's eyes narrowed. Time passed, and after the retirement of the old prison chief, he was promoted from a small prison guard to a prison chief.

"Shi Jiu, let's not talk about this, your paperwork has already come down. I think you are an honest person, and you should have saved some capital to live and live in these years—"

When Zhang Wenyuan said this, he suddenly paused, stopped talking, and stared straight at Shi Jiu with his eyes.

"Shi Jiu, to tell you the truth, you have worked in the Monster Slaying Cave for ten years, and the higher-ups know about it."

Shi Jiu was startled, he didn't know how high Zhang Wenyuan was talking about.

"Although there is indeed a saying that you can become a regular after ten years of work in the Demon Slaying Nest, there has never been anyone who can work here for ten years before that. Most of the demon-slaying artisans in the Demon Slaying Nest are serious criminals, in order to fight for a way out .Only you were a victim of the disaster back then, and you joined the demon slaying division for a bite of food."

"It stands to reason that if you join the demon slayer division, you are one of your own, even if you are just a demon slayer... But let me remind you, you can live for such a long time, and you have even cultivated your cultivation. Very ordinary."

Zhang Wenyuan's tone suddenly relaxed, and his tone became a little strange: "But don't worry, everything that needs to be reviewed has been reviewed, and now the higher-ups feel that you are fine. It stands to reason that you should be kept in the capital. After all, everyone is familiar with it. Good to have a care..."

"But now you have two options."

Shi Jiu was taken aback, and looked at Zhang Wenyuan.

Zhang Wenyuan pressed his body forward, and said in a low voice: "You can continue to work as a demon slayer in the capital for a few years, and I will find an opportunity to help you become a full-time worker—you don't have to worry, your Brother Zhang and I have been on it all these years." There is still some leeway to speak in front of adults. The advantage of doing this is that we are all our own people, and we are all familiar with it, so it will be easier to handle things in the future."

"Another... This year's capital quota is already full, and the documents issued by the above are also different from what I expected... Hey, you can see for yourself."

After speaking, Zhang Wenyuan pushed the document forward.

In fact, Zhang Wenyuan was also reluctant to let him go for a long time. Wasn't it because of their outstanding performance in the demon-killing cave in the capital that he was promoted?

Over the years, Shi Jiu has dealt with many difficult monsters for Zhang Wenyuan.After many monster slayers captured monsters, they directly threw them to the monster slayer cave to disassemble, and called for some of the materials.And many materials are basically difficult to decompose completely, and only Shi Jiu, a demon slayer who is simply a born butcher, can perfectly complete the requirements of demon slayer every time.

Although in the end most of the benefits were distributed to the superiors and people with backgrounds, it was his turn to be promoted to the head of the prison precisely because there were many more opportunities for promotion.

The work of a demon slayer is actually not very important. After all, the demon slayer has always used the demon slayer as a consumable. No one thought that there is really a demon slayer who can live for ten years in the demon slayer—after all An important part of the demon slayer is a felon.

But it's a pity that the quota of demon slayer in the capital has been taken, so Shi Jiu can only be transferred to other places.But this is also normal. With the establishment of the capital, in what year will the quota not be locked by those who are related?

Shi Jiu opened it, and as expected, he has indeed become a small official under the establishment of the Demon Slayer.But what is strange is that he was not arranged to work nearby, but arranged in Huainan City thousands of miles away.

How about Huainan? When I hear this name, I think of small bridges, flowing water, painting boats and flowing lights—but I am not familiar with the place where I was born...

Zhang Wenyuan sincerely persuaded: "Shi Jiu, have you made up your mind? Of course I hope you can stay, after all, we are all familiar with each other. If I have the opportunity to let you show your face in front of the big people above, you still have Chance."

Shi Jiu thought for a moment. Although Zhang Wenyuan said that he would delay becoming a regular for a few years, he actually missed this opportunity to become a regular. It is hard to say whether he will have a chance in this life.

Instead of waiting for an opportunity that does not know when it will come, it is better to enter the system first and get all the benefits first.

——Of course, the most important thing is that he has eaten a lot of melons from the demon slayer in the capital over the years. The reason why Master Sun has a bad relationship with Wang Catcher is because Wang Catcher's tea art etiquette was not in place...

It's time for a change of location.

"Brother Zhang, a good man has ambitions everywhere, how can he live under the roof for a long time." Shi Jiu justly clasped his fists, "I want to become a regular, it doesn't matter if I go to other places."

"It's a good man's ambition in all directions. Don't worry, Huainan is also a good place." Zhang Wenyuan looked at Shi Jiu's expression and thought he was dissatisfied. It’s a good thing that you can’t even think about. But it’s a good thing to become a full-time official, and it’s good to be a full-time official sooner. Moreover, we have much more benefits than other departments, and you will understand in the future.”

Shi Jiu didn't feel much, it's the same for him wherever he lives: "No, I'm just too happy, how should I work after thinking of Huainan... You know, I'm helpless, although I have also saved some wages in the past ten years, but most of them have been filial piety, and there is not much money left. I guess I can’t afford other money except travel expenses. At least someone else has a relative or something... I……"

The expression on Shi Jiu's face was just right to show his embarrassment, and this was also to make Zhang Wenyuan feel compassionate, so don't make excuses for him to ask for this month's filial piety money.

Zhang Wenyuan stroked his beard guiltily, with an embarrassed expression on his face: "Hahahaha, don't be discouraged, you already have a level 12 Bronze Skin Realm cultivation, and your monthly salary is enough to support you. Even if you are a newcomer to the Demon Slayer, a The monthly salary is also [-] taels, and although the salary varies from city to city, it is definitely enough to support a family—by the way, you are not too young, and after arriving in Huainan, you must hurry up and start a family.”

"It takes money to start a family and start a business." Shi Jiu turned the topic to money. "When I get to the place, I have to buy a house, buy all kinds of furniture, and spend money on the ups and downs. I'm afraid I won't have enough money."

"Why is it not enough, it is definitely enough." Zhang Wenyuan waved his hand, "Xiao Jiu, there are some things I have to explain to you in advance. But I have to declare first, I can't make the decision on this matter, it's all the meaning of the above , I can only convey it."

Shi Jiu's heart skipped a beat, he probably knew what the follow-up development would be.

"These years..." Zhang Wenyuan held back for a long time, but finally couldn't hold back anything, he could only sigh, "I worked hard for you, and I told my superiors that No. 19 has no credit or hard work for so many years. , Most of the wages these years have been filial piety, so I have to leave some money for you to settle down and buy a house. At first, the master didn’t agree, but in the end it was me who talked about it, and he agreed to give you an extra month’s wages. "

In fact, when the demon slayer left his job, he was required to pay six months' wages as a bonus according to regulations.But the person in charge did not intend to let go, and Shi Jiuzhi should not have known about the money.

Unspoken rules for this month's wages are still Zhang Wenyuan's share, and there is nothing to do with Shi Jiu at all.

This was completely beyond Shi Jiu's expectations. In his imagination, it would be great if the Monster Slaying Cave in the capital could arrange a formal establishment for him. Unexpectedly, Zhang Huaiyuan would even apply for a bonus for him?

In fact, Zhang Wenyuan didn't have any need to do this at all. After all, he just wanted to get an extra month's bonus for him, a demon slayer, and this matter consumed Zhang Wenyuan's own favor.

Zhang Wenyuan took care of him in the past ten years in his heart. When he first arrived at the Monster Killing Cave, Zhang Wenyuan saw that he was young, so every time he cooked rice, he would give him an extra two or two meters. Also took good care of him.

——It's a pity that Shi Jiu is a king of scrolls, and Zhang Wenyuan can't help him if he wants to be lazy. He can only help him get a few more high-level monsters for dissection.

The pills that Shi Jiu stored in the system props box cost eight hundred if not one thousand, and that is the real hard currency.When they arrived in Huainan City, it would definitely be a lot of money to sell those lowest-level pills.

Although Shi Jiu didn't care about the little money at this time, Zhang Wenyuan's behavior still moved him greatly.

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