Isn't it just 5 points and 30 fashion points?For this little reward, you have to put yourself at the center of the conflict between the two sides. If you don’t handle it well, not only will you not be rewarded, but you will also leave a stunned impression in the hearts of everyone, and even increase the gap between the two parties. It’s worth not doing this task!

"Everyone, I'm Shi Jiu, the demon slayer, please listen to me." Shi Jiu thrust the long knife at the side of his waist into the ground, stepped on the handle lightly, so that he could be seen more easily, "Monster Slayer and Tianmen Mountain are comrades-in-arms in the same robe, and we will definitely not do anything to cover up and frame our comrades. What's more, we, the Demon Slayer, are here to advance and retreat with you, it is even more impossible Leave the big guy behind!"

Shi Jiu stood tallest at the moment, coupled with his already outstanding appearance, immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Today our task is to go out of the city to suppress demons. The military order is like a mountain. Even within the army, there are sometimes situations where the plan has to be changed immediately due to emergencies."

"Right now, the frontline sergeants are fighting monsters, and they bear the greatest danger head-on. The military situation is like fire, and every time we are late, the frontline sergeants will be in more danger."

"At such a time, it is often too late to explain the reason for the military order. At this moment, the artillery fire in front of the sky is obviously unexpected. At this time, Deputy Envoy Li needs to concentrate on commanding the main army and has no time to explain to us. Pass down the most appropriate military order at this time."

The Tianmen Mountain disciples' discussions suddenly quieted down, feeling ashamed of what they suspected just now.

Indeed, it was the city guards who were really fighting on the front line at this time, and they were extremely busy.It is already very important for people to pass a message to us when they are free, and you still expect them to explain the ins and outs to themselves?

Shi Jiu noticed the changes in the expressions of many disciples, clenched his fists, and encouraged them in a timely manner: "This kind of situation may not be common in Tianmen Mountain, but it is normal in the army to fight against monsters, because we need to face each other frequently. For the urgent situation that was too late to explain. It was in the cooperation with Tianmen Mountain a few days ago that Deputy Envoy Li saw the iron-like firm will and unbreakable friendship of Tianmen Mountain disciples, so he believed that everyone would trust his judgment. Treat all of you as fellow demon slayers."

"At this time, we are not Tianmen Mountain and Demon Killing Division, but a team that advances together! What we have to do is to trust our comrades in arms, complete the tasks within their responsibilities, and believe that they will also complete their responsibilities The task within!"

"We are a whole and need to obey the unified deployment, just like the hands and feet obey the command of the mind. If we are separated, can this person still walk?"

He said a lot about fooling young college students back then, and this occasion just happened to apply.

After these days of communication, Shi Jiu gradually got to know these Tianmen Mountain disciples.Zhang Haitao is indeed right, they are very... innocent.

It's not that they're stupid, they're just inexperienced.At this time, the seniors can reprimand them, force them, but also guide them.

It is the responsibility of the predecessors to pave the way for the younger generations.

Chapter 63 Chapter 61 Don't Say, Don't Think

If an ordinary person jumps out, it is very likely to become the focus of being attacked by a crowd.But this person is Shi Jiu, so it's different.

These days among the disciples of Tianmen Mountain, there are rumors about Shi Jiu beheading the fifth grade. Many people are sour in their hearts comparing him and Xiao Yusheng who is stronger-but this is not the point. Well-known, words have weight.

What's more, there is Shi Jiu's navy in the crowd.

Gao Shou in the crowd was the first to raise his hand: "I believe what Big Brother Shi said! Big Brother Shi is high-spirited, upright, and jealous of evil. He will definitely not lie to us about this kind of thing!"

The Arithmetic Sequence trio started, and other people who thought Shi Jiu was right also echoed their voices.At this time, even if there are people who hold opposing opinions, they will be submerged in another opinion and dare not speak out.

Shi Jiu's words not only praised Tianmen Mountain, but also emphasized the trust relationship between the two organizations.If there are still people who refute at this time, then these two arguments must be refuted first.

Xiao Yusheng, as the representative of Tianmen Mountain, has been silent.Therefore, those who wanted to refute Shi Jiu turned their attention to Xiao Yusheng, hoping that she could say a few words for Tianmen Mountain.

"I understand." Unexpectedly, Xiao Yusheng seemed to agree with Shi Jiu's statement, "There are unpredictable numbers in divination, and there is always success in planning. Since the demon slayer said so, Tianmen Mountain will fully cooperate. "

The Tianmen Mountain disciples were extremely surprised, not because Xiao Yusheng was on Shi Jiu's side, but because she actually spoke a complete sentence.

Zhang Haitao secretly wiped his sweat, he had never heard what Shi Jiu said just now.Today, Shi Jiu still looks very interested in the ordnance in the army, and he can say such a long paragraph of words that can only be said by someone who obviously knows the army very well, so he can't tell whether Shi Jiu is pretending to be incompetent. It is still too good to know about the army.

Shi Jiu thought the matter was over, and was waiting for the system to reward him.But when he turned his head, he found that other people were still looking at him.

"Then what should we do next?" Someone asked aloud.

"According to the original plan, deploy defense at the designated location." Shi Jiu replied very naturally.

"Okay! We all listen to Brother Shi!" Zhong Deng, who was hiding in the crowd, shouted.

Shi Jiu finally realized what kind of joy it is to have a navy. He took a peek at his force index and found that it was rising at a very slow 1 point.

Shi Jiu fell into deep self-blame, maybe his compulsion is not high enough.

hateful!Why can't I pretend!


Perhaps Shi Jiu's words just now had an effect, and the atmosphere of the team changed slightly.The disciples of Tianmen Mountain and the demon hunters of the demon slaying division rushed to their respective defensive areas, making preparations to resist the attack of monsters.

On a hill, Shi Jiu was leaning against a tree with his eyes half-closed, holding the demon-slaying sword in his arms.Xiao Yusheng was watching him secretly in the distance, as if hesitating whether to speak or not.

"Shi Jiu..." Finally, Xiao Yusheng decided to speak first.

Sensing the message from the jade talisman, Shi Jiu thought for a moment and replied, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yusheng was silent for a moment, but the answer he gave was very strange: "I probably know what's going on."

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows: "What's going on?"

Xiao Yusheng replied quickly, as if he had been waiting for Shi Jiu to ask: "I can probably guess why, but I can't think about it. You'd better not ask, and don't think about it."

Shi Jiu was still confused, and suddenly thought of a possibility: "Is it because you don't want to say it, or you can't say it?"

Xiao Yusheng also seemed to be worried about how to convey this news to Shi Jiu: "I want to say it, but I can't say it, otherwise it may destroy Deputy Envoy Li's plan."

Shi Jiu frowned and thought carefully, and probably guessed the reason: "I has something to do with divination?" Xiao Yusheng's answer was still the same three words: "Don't say it."

Shi Jiu's brain immediately started to work rapidly, and a setting that is very common in the fantasy world appeared in his mind.

Fortune teller?

This is completely subconscious thinking, just like the "monkey on the tree" in alchemy, Shi Jiu couldn't control it at all.

If you use false news to deceive your own people first, making them think that going out of the city is to suppress demons, then the real target may calculate the result of their own safety...

But immediately, Shi Jiu denied his guess.

"No, no, this is different. If the target of the army can predict bad luck, then no matter whether the army shows hostility to the target, the target should be able to count that he is about to face danger."

Shi Jiu quickly went through all the unreasonable things since leaving the city in his mind, and suddenly realized that not only them, but also the other demon hunters were ordered to station in their respective defensive areas, and the troops would march in four directions.

But the actual situation is that the two wings acted according to the original plan after receiving the order from Deputy Li, but the frontal army was out of touch with them.And until now, no one knows who their target is.

"If it's a fortune-telling that can block the target by blocking the news, then this fortune-telling should not be the kind used by fortune-tellers, but an ability to perceive hostility or danger aimed at oneself."

Although he had just explained to the Tianmen Mountain disciples the reason why the military situation is changing rapidly, Shi Jiu couldn't guarantee that his guess was correct.At this moment, the most reasonable explanation is that the real target of this operation is not monsters.Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the reason why many large ordnance were moved out of the city in the face of the relatively rare monsters in the south.

Thinking of this, Shi Jiu immediately stopped thinking.

It's dangerous, Xiao Yusheng just said clearly that this matter should not be thought deeply, but his mind automatically followed this line of thought as if he was out of control.

It was as if someone was leading him and walking down this road.


In Huainan City, the Earthquake Altar, a state-owned branch under the supervisory platform.

A luxuriously dressed old man suddenly stopped writing and frowned.With this dazed effort, the pen in his hand, which was as clean as white jade, was cracked inch by inch, as if it was about to shatter in the next second.

"Come on—" The old man's mouth oozes blood, as if he is pressing the wound, his voice is much lower, "Come on!"

"Your Excellency Governor?" A middle-aged man pushed open the door and came in. When he saw the bloody situation of the old man's mouth and nose, he was extremely surprised, "Backlash?"

The middle-aged man took a deep breath, his side burst into righteousness, and a pale yellow light curtain suddenly enveloped the whole study: "I, Ji Qingzhou, am willing to bear half of the governor's backlash!"

In the next second, Ji Qingzhou's chest and abdomen shrank, a mouthful of black blood spewed out from his throat, and he collapsed to the ground.But correspondingly, the old man's face relaxed and his expression eased.

Other people in the Earthquake Forum also noticed the abnormality here, and several figures appeared in the study at the same time.

"Namo Amitabha..." An old layman who rushed over looked at Ji Qingzhou and the old man who had fallen to the ground, "You two adults, hold your breath, and I will heal your wounds."

A ray of Buddha's light flowed from the layman's folded palms and poured into the bodies of the two of them.Not long after, the breathing of the two became steady.Ji Qingzhou got up from the ground and patted the ashes on his body expressionlessly.

Although lay Buddhists helped them stabilize the righteousness of the riots, the backlash they received was not so easy to heal.At this moment, he was barely recovering his ability to move, and needed a few days to recuperate.

"Lord He, what is this?" Others also sensed that the governor was being attacked by a secret, but no one knew why.

"Don't ask, this is a court secret." The old man waved his hand weakly, and suddenly his eyes froze, "Who is it!"

A loud shout full of arrogance and righteousness shook like mountains and rivers, even if it was not aimed at the people in front of him, it still made people feel oppressive like the sun.

But it's strange to say that the shout didn't spread far, but the awe-inspiring righteousness swept the entire Earthquake Altar like a wave, and then stopped abruptly at the edge of the Earthquake Altar, like a wave hitting a cliff.

As if they were facing a big enemy, everyone sacrificed magic weapons one after another, activated the divine light to protect the body, and guarded by the governor's side.

"Ahem..." The old man coughed up blood, "It's okay, I made a mistake just now."

A sorcerer wearing a robe of the Earthquake Altar cleared his throat and glanced left and right: "Everyone, please go back and rest, I have something to talk to Mr. He."

Except for the layman who is staying at the Earthquake Altar temporarily, all the people who just arrived are officials from the Earthquake Altar.Facing the altar master's order, they had no choice but to obey.

Seeing the unrelated people leaving, Master Lin Tan breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped forward: "Governor He, how could this happen?"

Governor He sighed, and wiped the blood from his beard: "But I didn't expect that even with the help of the Earthquake Altar, I would still be backlashed by using fiction to practice reality."

"It's done, we just have to wait."


In a small courtyard in Huainan City, a gentleman with a refined temperament was sitting among the flowers and reading.Suddenly, his brows frowned, and his eyes were slightly closed.

After a while, he raised his eyebrows and chuckled lightly: "Oh...interesting."

He put the book down, and pressed the index and middle fingers of his right hand between his eyebrows: "Yu Jingzi, it seems that something interesting is happening there."

Not long after, a lazy female voice came back,

It seemed that he had just woken up: "The gang of worms seem to be exterminating the little demon, and there is quite a commotion."

The young master smiled slightly, his half-closed eyes were shining brightly: "That's not necessarily...I advise you to sleep in another place."

The female voice still didn't take it seriously, and even yawned: "They can't find this place, let alone even if they find it, the highest cultivation level in Jingtian Prefecture is only at the sixth rank, you and I can destroy it with a palm of your hand - what did you notice? ?”

Your son frowned slightly, but soon relaxed: "You also know that my ability to seek good luck and avoid bad luck is just to eavesdrop on the secrets of the sky, and I don't know the details. I did notice that there might be danger on your side, but I don't know the specifics. What happened. Anyway, I have already warned you, be careful yourself."

The young master put down his fingers, rubbed his fingers lightly, and stared at the water pool in front of him with ecstasy, his eyes were filled with brilliance, as if a rainbow was swirling in his eyes.

Slowly, the colorful auspicious aura spread from his body, and nine swaying spiritual lights were vaguely outlined behind him, and the flowers and plants in the garden danced as if possessed by a demon.

"Oh... there are some brilliant techniques. The warning just now may have been just an accident, otherwise I wouldn't have discovered it."

"Let me turns out that's the case, only my third layer of celestial cover was detected, so what information did he get..."

" that's how it is. It's in Huainan City...probably the Earthquake Altar. They are covered by the secrets of the monitoring platform, so they can't see deeper. Oh, it's normal, they can detect my third layer of secrets. Sheltering already deserves praise."

"The things they bring out cooperate with the army formation, even the sixth rank can be killed. But in the third layer of secret cover, they can only find the Dulong Valley. It seems that they have a plan in mind."

The corner of your son's mouth raised a smile, and his squinted eyes slowly opened: "In this case..."

His index finger touched his forehead again: "Yu Jingzi, give them a sixth grade."

The female voice who was interrupted again and again seemed very annoyed: "Why?"

Your son was not in a hurry: "Didn't Duangu, who guards the seed garden, come? Just let it go. It lost the precious female seed, and it should be apologetic."

Yu Jingzi's voice became vigilant: "Although this Duyangu is not your subordinate, but if the monster is held accountable afterwards, I will definitely say that you did it."

"Hahahaha——" Your Young Master smiled and replied, "You don't think that guy is as kind as he appears on the surface, do you? He now wishes that the lonely dog ​​will die, so that other guys can see what happens to them if they neglect their duties."

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