"It looks like a trapped dragon coming out of the abyss, Shi Jiu will get out of the predicament soon... What is his purpose?"

"Jiantiantai sent people here because they must have noticed the abnormality of the hexagrams in Jingtianzhou. Since the ancient spirit tower is going to use the southern border as a platform to go deep, Jingtianzhou must not be lost. If Jiantiantai finds out that I am in this state The arrangement is bound to be obstructed."

"After all, this is a big job, I can't act rashly. But if Shi Jiu came here for this, he will definitely investigate to the end."

"The phenomenon of a trapped dragon coming out of the abyss, if he is allowed to act, I am afraid that it is really possible to find out about me."

"No, we have to find a way to hinder him, or give him the illusion that the task has been completed."

After thinking about it carefully, Mr. Jiu Rui has made up his mind.

"I have to give myself a divination..."

"Is this hexagram Ze Tiankui?"

"The spider escaped from the web and competed with the heavenly army, and stuck to the feathers of the bee's wings; fortunately, the strong wind blew the web and escaped disaster and was at ease."

"Dry at the bottom and change at the top, different hexagrams overlap. Dryness is the sky and health, and exchange is the joy of the luster. The rise of the luster will be poured into rain, and the rain will be applied to the earth and moisten all things."

"Five yangs get rid of one yin, it's not difficult to get rid of it, just do it."

Young Master Jiu Rui's eyes slowly opened.

"Decisive and able to make peace, the hexagram of the superior."

Young Master Jiu Rui stood up slowly, hugged Yingying Yanyan who was peeking at him from time to time in the porch, turned and walked towards the other courtyard.

"Yu Jingzi, I have figured out something, which is related to a big plan and needs your cooperation."


On the other side, Jinxiang City was extremely lively.

It is said that the demon slaying division and the iron armor battalion connected Tianmen Mountain to attack together, killing countless monsters.It only needs to wait a few more days, and all the monsters within a hundred miles of Jinxiang City can be slaughtered to ensure the safety of one side.

Jinxiang City has been closed for several days, and those who deliver food outside can't come in, and those who deliver food inside can't get out, which has delayed a lot of business.But the demon slaying division has successively reported successes, and the atmosphere in the city has become lively for a while.

Youshi is the time when the yamen are scattered, and the demon hunters of the demon slaying division gathered in a large crowd in Jiang Haitang.

There are five compartments on the side facing the river on the second floor, separated by screens.When necessary, the screen is removed and turned into a large box, which is what it is today.

Zhang Haitao stood up holding his wine glass: "Everyone, we are all on our own, so I won't say anything more. Today we have two tasks, one is our old project, eat hard and drink hard!"

Immediately there was laughter from the demon hunters on the table.

"Second, I believe everyone knows that we have a new brother in Jinxiang City. Although he is actually from Huainan City, when he passed by Jinxiang City, he knew that we were short of manpower, so he took the initiative to stay and help." Zhang Haitao held up The wine glass, with a loud voice, "Everyone knows what happened in the city a few days ago. We didn't hold a wind banquet for them, and they have already started to make meritorious service."

"My brother Shi Jiu was born with supernatural powers, and I never like to brag about it. That day, when we competed in the back hall, we threw Uncle Ma out with one hand..."

"It's so boring!" Uncle Ma howled in the crowd, "Just catch me and tell me about my embarrassment!"

Zhang Haitao laughed: "That's not just yours——Zhou Guotai was also thrown out that day!"

Sitting next to Ma Shucai, Zhou Guotai's face turned dark, and Feng Shu, who was sitting at the same table, laughed so hard that he almost spilled his wine.

Holding a glass of wine, Zhang Haitao continued to chatter: "Today is not only a celebration, but also a welcome for our new brothers. You are tired of hearing this, let's eat! Brother Shi Jiu is in the innermost Qingsong Hall and Baihu Hall Those who want to toast at that table line up."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Haitao picked up the wine bowl and drank it in one gulp: "Okay! Let's eat!"

To be honest, Shi Jiu quite liked the atmosphere.There is not much nonsense and no politeness. After introducing the purpose of the dinner, we eat on the spot. It is really a lesson for team building.

"Old Zhang is very good at organizing games. Usually, it's not convenient for the hall master to attend our bronze medal dinners, so let him organize them." Feng Shu whispered to Shi Jiu next to him, and then lowered his voice, "The one on Huajie is the one he wants the most." If you have a good relationship with him, I have to give you some face wherever you go."

"Stop talking so much, eat and eat." Ma Shucai opened his voice loudly, "Shi Jiu don't stand still, and you can listen to his beeps if you don't delay eating."

"Your uncle, am I called beep?" Feng Shu scolded with a smile, "I am imparting life experience! You think I have eaten more rice than him for more than 20 years for nothing?"

"Yaolu, about Yaolu." Zhou Guotai quickly reminded.

Uncle Ma continued: "Ah, yes, Yaolu—Shi Jiu, at our age, our strength is basically fixed, and we can't rise up. But you are still young, and in your life, you are only between teens and 30 years old. Immediately, the cultivation base grows the fastest. Once you pass this age, you will basically not move."

"Our Demon Slaying Division distributes medicines every month, and they are some pills to help you cultivate. But you are in Jinxiang City now, and the Tiangong Workshop in Jinxiang City will not give you. You got Huainan City. Then they will send it to you."

Feng Shu looked around, and now the other tables were busy talking about their scenes first, and there was still some time before they came to toast the newcomers, so he said with confidence: "But you don't have to worry, our brothers will spend this month I have pooled together my medicine salary, and I have pooled a share for you."

Shi Jiu was stunned for a moment, then he waved his hands: "Let's forget about this, it's not very good. I can get it when I get to Huainan City..."

Zhou Guotai frowned, and slapped a white porcelain bottle on the table in front of Shi Jiu: "Take it!"

Feng Shu also took out his share: "We are all old brats, and we can't get promoted. This thing is very useful to you, and it's useless for us to hold it. Cultivation, what should I say... …Your strength is all about your strength, but if you really meet a master, you won’t be able to do it. He flies away with a snap, how do you chase after him?”

"You have great strength and can kill the fifth rank, but as long as the master knows your characteristics, it is too easy to target you. You should practice your true energy as soon as possible, and then cooperate with your natural supernatural power. The future is limitless."

Feng Shu's tone sounded like a pyramid scheme.

Pills were placed on the table in front of Shi Jiu, making Shi Jiu dumbfounded, as if he had been in the Northeast countryside in his previous life.

——I can't eat anymore, really can't eat anymore.I can't carry this chicken, there's really no room in the suitcase.

"You guys—" the people at the same table in Baihutang stared at each other, "You guys are not authentic! Can you not tell me about this?"

"Go, go." Wang Lu smiled and waved his hands, "This is someone from our Qingsong Hall, what kind of meddling do you have?"

"You can't say that." A strong man in Baihutang slapped his chopsticks on the table on the spot, "Why don't you think that our Baihutang is poor, and why don't you tell us when the new brother comes?"

With that said, the strong man picked it up in his arms.After digging for a long time, I took out seven copper plates.

Uncle Ma immediately laughed without hesitation: "Hahahaha, you are a henpeck and still pretend to be an old man, these seven copper coins of yours are all your net worth!"

The brawny man blushed and took back the copper plate, turned his head and said to his colleague next to him, "Lend me some..."

"Okay, okay." Seeing that the atmosphere turned in the wrong direction, Shi Jiu immediately stood up with a drink in his hand to smooth things over, "Brothers, it's okay to spend money. Everyone has a family to support, Take care of your wife and children more, the younger brother Xinyi has already received it."

"Okay!" Zhou Guotai laughed loudly, "Brother Shi Jiu is sensible! Why don't you hurry up and take the medicine?"

Shi Jiu looked at these pills helplessly, and Feng Shu had already wrapped the medicines together for Shi Jiuhua, talking to himself: "Don't shirk it, this thing basically happens once for a newcomer. We old brats have reported the first month's medicine to you, and you will use your own in the future."

"Every newcomer has it?" Shi Jiu looked at Feng Shu in surprise, suddenly realized something, and immediately looked around.

Apart from him, the youngest person on the table is Wang Lu, who is in his 30s. As for the space between 20 and 30 years old, the space is completely broken.

Feng Shu seemed to see what Shi Jiu was thinking, and shook his head cryptically, telling him not to mention it.Although Shi Jiu was full of doubts, he didn't mention the age gap.

"In my life, what I look down on the most are cowards who look forward to the future. How many heroes in ancient times... Han... Anyway, only those with hard bones are called men. I think Shi Jiu is a man." Ma Shucai couldn't stop his loud voice. Came down, "Although I wasn't there for the Hehuanzong incident that day, I was there when I went out to suppress the demons in the city two days ago, and he really went to the front when something happened—he was the first one to go to the front line at that time, and took the healing medicine. He was sent there. If it weren't for him, how many people in the Iron Armored Camp would have died, and many of our hall masters would have delayed the treatment."

Feng Shu immediately explained to Shi Jiu in a low voice: "The most elite of the city guards is called the Iron Armored Battalion, and they have a good relationship with us. Although Mr. Li and the army are not particularly friendly... they are just generally friendly. But the people below us all have a good relationship, at least some of them are good.”

"It's none of our business if the superiors don't deal with us. When it's time to go all out, those brothers in the Iron Armored Battalion are all going through life and death just like us. If something really happens, maybe we will have to rely on others to carry us back." Feng Shu also knew There was no leader present today, so he spoke a lot more courageously, "The medicine you sent two days ago saved many soldiers of the Iron Armor Battalion, and they all have a good impression of you."

Although the medicine was delivered in the name of Tianmen Mountain, those who were treated didn't care about it.What they saw with their eyes was that the demon slayer brought a lot of healing pills, and when they remembered it, they would only remember the person who brought the medicine.

As for Tianmen Mountain?That's all outsiders.

To this, Shi Jiu could only respond with a smile.

Jiang Haitang's squirrel fish is a must. Shi Jiu brought Xiao Yusheng to eat it secretly.But he didn't know that Jiang Haitang had so many good dishes, so he tried them all today.

The atmosphere at the wine table was lively, and the old fried dough sticks often asked Shi Jiu to talk about his own affairs, which well resolved the embarrassment when they didn't know each other well.And Shi Jiu can be regarded as eloquent, he told a lot of jokes, and everyone knew a lot of them imperceptibly.

After drinking for three rounds, many people came to toast. Even though the alcohol content was not high, Shi Jiu felt his stomach bloated and wanted to go to the bathroom.It happened that Feng Shu also got up to go to the bathroom, so Shi Jiu hurriedly followed.

The two of them went to the bathroom together, Shi Jiu was thinking about the problem he found on the wine table just now—this demon-killing boss seems to be aging very seriously.

Except for him, there is no one under 30 years old in the whole wine table.

Finally, Shi Jiu couldn't hold back and asked: "Brother Feng, I see that our demon-slaying division... seems to have few young ones."

After Feng Shu finished urinating, he put on his trouser belt without saying a word, and hesitated for a moment.

He suddenly sighed: "Yes, why not... yes."

"But the atmosphere is so good today, I don't want to talk about this kind of thing."

Shi Jiu was silent for a moment, and he probably understood.

Seeing Shi Jiu's eyes, Feng Shu also knew that he understood.Although I really want to expose it, but once the sad thing is brought up, it is not so easy to let go.

"In the past ten years, more than 20 young demon envoys have come to Jinxiang City to kill demons." Feng Shu took a deep breath, walked to a place where the smell was not so strong, and stretched his tendons, "But you also see We have arrived, and only Wang Lu survives in the end."

Actually speaking here, things are already clear.

It's not that there are no newcomers in the Demon Slayer, but that all the newcomers are dead.

"Those new boys, young ones are eighteen or nineteen years old, and the older ones are about the same age as you. Most of them are of the first rank, and a few outstanding ones are of the second rank." Feng Shu looked at the swaying tree with his arms crossed. Ying, "Most of them have no experience, but they all have passion."

"Where is the demon slayer, directly under the royal family, patrolling on behalf of the sky, beheading first and playing later!" Feng Shu clenched his fists. It came with that."

"Don't look at Wang Lu's nagging, he knows what to do and what not to do, he is not curious, he is calm when encountering problems, and knows how to find an organization. So he is the longest-lived among the newcomers, and he is now considered a I'm an old brat."

"You may think that monsters are not that difficult to kill...Xiao Jiu, it's because you are very capable, you are born with supernatural power, and many monsters can't beat you. But one day you will meet a cunning and strong monster. Hiding inside, waiting for you to show your flaws, it will jump out and bite you to death."

"How many young demon hunters have died like this. They are not afraid of anything, and they think that with us old brats behind them, they will be safe... They trust us very much."

"But we are just a group of second-rank warriors, and our enemies are often third-rank monsters. And those monsters are very cunning, as long as you show a flaw, you will die."

"So we have the highest loss rate for newcomers here, and you have seen it too. You are the youngest at this table."

"I have taken... many novices. But no matter how I teach them, they still die in the end. Although they can live for a while under my guidance, after a long time, they all die in the end."

"Some were attacked by monsters when they acted alone, and some were replaced by monsters because of negligence... They only need to make one mistake and die."

"How can we old brats dare to die? The pillars of those brothers' families have died, and their families have to rely on us to support them. If there are new demon hunters, we have to pass on our experience and make them become old Fried dough sticks, they can survive."

"But most of them can't survive, do you know why?" Feng Shu turned his head, with tears in his deep eyes, "They are full of blood, they are too hot."

"Monsters are very cunning. Some of them can imitate human speech, some can hijack people, some can poison water sources, and some even set traps to hunt and kill us demon hunters. It takes the cunning and the stronger to overcome them."

"You can't imagine how cunning they are, they are even smarter than humans. They will bite civilians and throw them in pits, waiting for civilians to call for help. Many novices rushed into the trap with blood as soon as they heard civilians calling for help. We I can't even bring back the bones."

Feng Shu closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "If you haven't been to the scene, you may not be able to understand their impulse, because you don't know how distressing the cry for help is. It sounds like... I can't find the words to describe it." , but when the cries and the sound of the monster chewing are mixed together, most people will be stunned by anger."

"They eat people right in front of our eyes. They bite the bones and eat them. At that time, anyone with a heart will feel a puff of anger rushing to their foreheads, because they are just provoking and trying to irritate you. So you will definitely do the cruelest thing that can make you lose your mind."

Feng Shu smiled bitterly: "Don't laugh at us, it's true, monsters will set traps to kill warriors. Because warriors are full of energy and blood, it is a great tonic for them. And Dagan's laws are extremely strict on monsters. The monsters that can survive are the most cunning of cunning."

"In the dark that Dagan can't see, there is a hunting ground where humans and monsters hunt each other. We are both hunters and prey. We are the first ration in the mouth of monsters, and the fastest knife in Dagan's shadow. "

"Welcome to Demon Slayer, kid."

The wind at night was a bit cool and dry, which made Feng Shu's eyes so uncomfortable that he wanted to shed tears, and he didn't want to stay outside any longer.

"Today you see that everyone is very enthusiastic about you. Don't feel that everyone is begging you or that you owe us something. Because maybe we have to rely on other people to carry it back in any mission, and the survival of the mission may depend on which brother I blocked a paw for you. To put it bluntly, if we die, if the remaining women and children are bullied, they will have to rely on the help of these brothers who were born and died together."

Feng Shu hesitated for a moment, and continued: "Xiao Jiu, I don't know your background, and I don't look into it carefully. Anyway, as long as you enter the demon division, we will treat you as one of our own. Although the possibility of others bullying you It's quite low, but if someone really bullies you, the brothers won't sit idly by."

"The atmosphere of the demon slaying division is very good, and other divisions are absolutely inferior to us in this regard."

"Let's not talk about that, today is the celebration banquet." Feng Shu took a deep breath and smiled wryly, "Forget what you said just now and go back, everyone is very happy after eating and drinking."

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