Dealing with two seventh-rank demon kings at the same time is also a challenging task for Shi Jiu.But if the trap arranged by Jing Tianzhou is no match for the Demon King, he must help.

At this time, his sand sculpture netizens may still be hunted down by the demon king, and Qingsongtang's brothers may also join the battle. He doesn't want to see any of them die.

Chapter 89 Chapter 87

Shi Jiu rushed towards the khaki-colored curtain, and when he was halfway there, he saw the curtain shatter.Although I don't know which side the curtain belongs to, it is enough to prove that the situation on the battlefield has undergone earth-shaking changes.He saw a snake-like dragon hovering in the sky, and as it danced, the cloud formed a huge vortex in the sky.The vortex continued to spread, and dozens of thunderbolts were bred in it, covering dozens of miles around like rain.

Shi Jiu's heart tightened, and he quickly moved towards the whirlpool.But before he arrived at the scene, the giant snake suddenly shrunk and fled away.

It can be big or small, and can ride clouds and fog, which is almost the same as the legendary dragon. Shi Jiu even suspects that the snake has the precursor of transforming into a dragon.

Shi Jiu was anxious, and continued to chase forward, trying to find the clues left by the snake, but he couldn't guarantee that he could trace the snake.

Jing Tianzhou is too big, how can we find monsters more than ten miles away with the naked eye?What's more, the body of the monster snake shrunk significantly while escaping, and it was almost impossible to find a snake in a dense forest.

Shi Jiu gritted his teeth and rushed towards the nearest lightning strike location.He had noticed just now that although those lightning strikes seemed to strike indiscriminately, they actually only landed at fixed positions.Moreover, the place where the lightning strike fell was accompanied by an explosion of an obviously wrong scale, which was obviously aimed at.

Quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests, Shi Jiu quickly arrived at the lightning strike point closest to him.

The ground has been scorched black, and there are potholes everywhere that look like mortar bombs.The demon slayer's standard weapons were scattered all over the place, and a large number of metal parts and wooden utensils that were still on fire were blown up everywhere.

And people... there are no people anymore, only black charcoal all over the place.

Shi Jiu searched for the survivors, but the bodies of most of them had been turned into coke, and they couldn't see what they looked like at all.Shi Jiu's heart felt a little chilly, there was very likely the demon hunter of Jinxiang City's demon slaying division, and some of them might even have just had a drink with him.

Shi Jiu anxiously rummaged through one by one, trying to find a person who was still alive, and asked what happened to them.

In fact, Shi Jiu already had the answer in his mind, the reason why the government wanted him to escort the Moon Slave disguised as Luo Liuli was probably to lure the two monsters chasing Luo Liuli to show up.And the curtain that has just risen is obviously a sign that he is fighting the monster snake.But the current situation is that the monster broke free from the trap, and the dozen or so demon hunters at this point alone were killed or injured.

Shi Jiu checked the past one by one, but found no survivors, so he could only quickly rush to another lightning strike site to look for survivors, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously.

Just when Shi Jiu thought that everyone was dead, he found an acquaintance, but this acquaintance is now half-baked.

Half of Zhou Guotai's body was completely scorched, and his eyes had been blown off in the high temperature.Except for weak breathing and heartbeat, there is no sign of a living person.

"Zhou Guotai!" Shi Jiu rushed over immediately, regardless of other things, first took out all the healing medicines that could be taken out from the item box, and stuffed them into Zhou Guotai's mouth in a panic, "Can you hear me? "

"Who..." Zhou Guotai's hearing seemed to be insensitive, and he couldn't even move his body.

"I'm Shi Jiu!"

Half of Zhou Guotai's body was already charred, and he might lose his arms and legs if he touched it a little.Shi Jiu carefully delivered the medicine to Zhou Guotai, not daring to touch his body.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from a distance.Shi Jiu looked up vigilantly, but saw a flare rising from the northwest.

"Shi Jiu... is it..." Zhou Guotai unexpectedly grabbed Shi Jiu's arm with strength from nowhere, "Your task..."

"My mission has been completed." Shi Jiu nervously looked at Zhou Guotai's physical condition, hoping that the medicine given by the system would have some effect, "What about the others?"

But he also knew that no panacea would be able to save Zhou Guotai.The left half of his body was completely burnt out, and the internal organs in his body did not know what happened.Just listening to his voice, it was like the sound of wood rubbing against each other, and pieces would fall off.

"The old horse went to chase... chased...he said he give him a position." Zhou Guotai still held Shi Jiu's arm, as if he was afraid that he would run away, "Go back...go back..."

Shi Jiu raised his head and looked at the screaming distance, a signal flare that was very clear even in the daytime rose into the sky, it was the signal flare that informed the enemy's position.

"Uncle Ma?" Shi Jiu was dumbfounded.

That is the seventh-rank demon king, a single blow is enough to destroy hundreds of second-rank monsters, so Uncle Ma chases after him alone. Could it be that he thinks he has lived too long?

Uncle Ma is reckless, but to be so reckless, he is going to die!

Shi Jiu gritted his teeth and stood up: "I'll catch him back!"

"Trust the old horse!" Zhou Guotai tugged on Shi Jiu's clothes tightly, making it hard for anyone to figure out why he still had such strength when he was about to die, "Trust him...he has rich are still young, Don't rush...don't rush..."

This may be the first time Shi Jiu heard the word "don't worry" from Zhou Guotai.

"Don't worry...Xiao Jiu, don't worry...don't go...don't avenge me...the idea is go back and find Boss Ji...don't worry, definitely don't worry..." Shi Jiu seemed to be in a hurry... After calming down, Zhou Guotai lowered his voice, "You are still young...don't be impulsive...don't worry...everyone has everyone' yours...your task... ..."

Shi Jiu subconsciously held Zhou Guotai's cold hand, took out more pills with the other hand, and stuffed Zhou Guotai's mouth: "Shut up, I have healing medicine, you..."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Guotai spit out the medicine: "Keep it... take it yourself... it's dangerous... take it..."

"Don't worry...don't worry..." Zhou Guotai repeated.

His voice became smaller and smaller, and his hands slowly loosened.

He has always been in a hurry to do everything, and this time he left in the same hurry.

Shi Jiu gritted his teeth and stood up.

Yes, everyone has their own tasks. An organization is just a precision instrument, and only when every part works properly can it continue to operate.

But people are not parts, and Shi Jiu didn't have time to adapt to Feng Shu's daily routine of killing monsters.

He thought that this kind of thing was far away from him. He felt that with him around, everyone around him should be fine.

But he remembered a sentence: You are always not at home.

Shi Jiu's hand slowly took out his scream from the item box.

He remembered that on the night of drinking, the big brothers in the hall gave him the medicine salary of the month, and he also remembered that everyone took care of him, who had just arrived, as a calf of their own family.He has been in this world for ten years, and there are not many people who really treat him well, just a few.

One dies and one less.

Shi Jiu pulled the knife out of its sheath, its cold light reflected Shi Jiu's eyes full of killing intent.

"Then you can do it too, one less than one dead."

Chapter 90 Chapter 88 You've seen a butcher tell a pig

In the capital, supervise the rooftop.

An old man with white hair and childlike face sat in front of a chessboard with scattered chess pieces, like a piece of dead wood.A cup of cold tea was placed in his hand, but what was strange was that the surrounding was quiet and there was no wind, but the cup of tea kept shaking.Every time the tea is about to overflow the cup, there is an invisible barrier to block it back.

Suddenly, the old man stretched out a finger, flexed his fingers, and flicked a sunspot away.And this chess piece disappeared into the ripples in mid-air as if thrown into the water.

At the same time, an inconspicuous small ripple appeared on the battlefield of the Northern Wilderness. A sunspot flew out of the ripple and continued to expand until it was the size of a mountain.


On the prison roof, the old man stroked his beard: "Don't break the rules, Dragon Emperor."


Yu Jingzi's mood became more and more irritable.

It has been nearly two months since the mother seed of the spiritual fetus was stolen. Now is the time when the mother seed is about to give birth to new seeds. As long as the new seeds are born, they can immediately purify a new high-grade monster blood and return to the ancestors. To transform people, don't be sloppy.

If Naluo Liuli hadn't stolen the mother seed away, the new seed would probably have hatched now, and a third seventh-rank demon king could enter Jingtian State with dignity!

But it's fine for that trash in Duyan Valley not to be optimistic about the mother species, but he can't even catch up with a mere fourth-rank. It's really a great shame to the Ancient Spirit Pagoda.

The mother seed of the spiritual fetus is related to the grand plan of the ancient spirit pagoda, only the seeds bred by it have the effect of turning monsters into humans.As for the ordinary monsters enslaved by the ancient spirit pagoda, their bodies are nothing more than the air roots of the mother species.

Since the collapse of the sky, the fate of the human race has not been completely digested by the monster race.And because of the disaster of the dead, the human race survived the most difficult time abruptly.

Now the ancient spirit pagoda has changed its thinking. If it can't eliminate the human race head-on, it will disintegrate from the inside and slowly digest the human race. Only in this way can it completely seize the remaining luck of the human race.

There is only one mother seed in southern Xinjiang, and as the only base to go deep into the enemy's rear, that mother seed is their only hope.Only by using the mother species to continuously reborn high-grade monster beasts can it be possible to develop Southern Xinjiang into the next monster country.

But why is that Luo Liuli so slippery!She seemed to have a kind of incomplete supernatural power, and the poisonous gas emitted from her body actually had a restraining effect on the killing grass that she extended over?

Yu Jingzi was furious, but he could only vent his anger to the bug who was chasing after him.

"Don't bother me! Do you think I can't kill you?!"

At the altar, Ji Tianming didn't seem to hear the scream.The center of the formation has already merged with him, and his body is covered with complicated runes.

Accompanied by Yu Jingzi's scream, the supernatural power colliding wildly outside the altar abruptly knocked a hole in the barrier of the altar, and the supernatural power poured in wildly.

Dozens of demon hunters rushed forward desperately, trying to resist the supernatural powers with all their energy.But when the emerald green light swept over, the bodies of these demon hunters turned into trees and took root in the ground.

But this also bought time for Ji Tianming, his chest bulged, a mouthful of blood spurted out, turned into a blood mark, and bumped into the rushing supernatural power.

Although the curtain has been broken, Ji Tianming can still entangle Yu Jingzi and prevent her from leaving easily.

Everyone has their own tasks, some are defending against foreign enemies, some are solving internal troubles, and some just need to stall for time.

A huge khaki seal emerged from the ground and rose towards the sky.The attraction from the earth continuously sucks Yu Jingzi to the ground, as if the earth is falling towards Yu Jingzi.

Yu Jingzi was finally ready to take this bug that had been obstructing her seriously, and she burst out with supernatural powers, dancing wildly between heaven and earth like a dragon swimming.

Its skin was chapped and dry, as if it had been cracked by a huge body, and the skin was pearly; white tassels grew under the neck, and the underside of the abdomen suddenly bulged, and four crocodile-like claws pierced through the scales.

The wind is born from the tiger, and the cloud is born from the dragon.The wind rose suddenly in Jingtian Prefecture, and a large thick fog covered the sky and the earth, spinning like a tornado.Emerald green light seeped from the tornado until the tornado could no longer withstand its power and shattered.And the earth mark that was against the sky was gradually eroded and collapsed in front of the vibrant emerald green.

The Yellow River comes west to decide Kunlun, thousands of miles roars and touches the dragon's gate.

Finally, the wrestling ended with the victory of Jiaohua's Yu Jingzi.

Yu Jingzi originally traced the Zuba snake's bloodline, so he didn't want to switch to the dragon clan.But it has already sensed the approaching danger, and has no choice but to increase the power it can erupt to the highest level.

At this time, it had broken through the curtain that blocked inspiration, but it still couldn't contact Jiu Rui.Except for the possibility that Jiu Rui was dead, there was only the possibility that Jiu Rui was imprisoned in a small cave somewhere.If so, what happened today is likely to be a killing array against them by Jiantiantai, and Yu Jingzi has to be fully on guard and burst out with all his strength to avoid being sneaked and secretly injured.

Yu Jingzi was originally the mistress of the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Wilderness, and was lucky to be born of a dragon species.At this moment, it refines the dragon seed in its body, and forcibly reverses the direction of the ancestral bloodline, so that it can transform into a dragon.

It didn't worry at all whether refining the dragon species in its body would displease the Dragon Emperor. On the contrary, because of the impure blood, the Dragon Emperor and the Dragon Queen wished that the dragon species in its body would die.

Although he is far from the real Jiaotousheng Zhengrong at this time, he is already at the seventh rank, and even if there is no sign of transforming into a dragon, his strength is not much worse than that of ordinary Jiaotou.

After turning into a jellyfish, Yu Jingzi directly discarded the sloughed snake skin and re-locked Luo Liuli's position.At this moment, she can only catch Luo Liuli at all costs, forcefully devour her soul to get the whereabouts of the mother seed, and then immediately flee south into the southern border to return the mother seed.

Fortunately, Na Luo Liuli also seemed to be seriously injured, and was only a dozen miles away from him.He only needs to go a few miles forward to ensure that he can take her down intact.

After making up her mind, Yu Jingzi's body suddenly shrank, and she rushed towards Luo Liuli at an extremely fast speed.But before rushing far, he suddenly bumped into an invisible wall.

"What kind of supernatural power is this?" Yu Jingzi didn't expect that someone could stop him, and he didn't notice any signs of supernatural power, "Who is it! Come out!"

The sound of Jiao is like the cry of a cow, and its shape is like thunder.With a roar, all the surrounding trees were knocked down by the sound waves.

The Jiao is angry, the river flows against the flow, and the earth and rocks rise upside down.

Among the fallen trees, a person stepped on the wind and thunder, and walked towards Yu Jingzi as if he was in a hurry.

He didn't have any true aura generated by a monk when he was at full strength, and he didn't have the supernatural power field naturally carried by his supernatural powers. He walked simply like an ordinary person, ignoring the upstream river and the upside-down earth and rocks. .

Yu Jingzi even suspected that she was wrong, but how can an ordinary person pass through her own sound wave without any damage?This roar already implied the shock of its supernatural power field, not to mention an ordinary person, even a fifth-rank cultivator would be shocked to death on the spot.

Shi Jiu asked politely: "Hi, may I ask if you saw a tall, strong man with a miao knife? He should have sent a signal just now."

The scales on Yu Jingzi's body stood upside down, and although the worm in front of him couldn't feel the slightest characteristics that a master should have, he had an indescribable murderous aura.This kind of murderous aura is not the murderous aura between enemies who are fighting for life and death, but an intuition that it has almost forgotten.

It felt as if it had returned to when it was just born, the golden eagle staring at it seemed to have the same eyes as the bug in front of it.

Although Yu Jingzi has turned into a jellyfish, the habit of being a snake has not changed. He got up on his back and sternly shouted at Shi Jiu: "I don't know, I just ate it! Who are you!"

Shi Jiu pulled out the scream on his back expressionlessly.

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