Bai Shuqiu immediately put away his slumped face: "Come in."

Shi Jiu pushed the door open and entered, cupping his hands towards Bai Shuqiu: "Master Bai, I'm back."

Bai Shuqiu originally wanted to smile heartily, but just as soon as he uttered a syllable, he coughed: "Ahem...what are you doing here? You just came down from the front line, go back and rest."

Shi Jiu looked at the official documents piled up on Bai Shuqiu's case, and sighed: "You have been hurt so badly, so you don't have to stand up."

"Damn, who do you look down on!" Bai Shuqiu wanted to slap the table mightily and stare at Shi Jiu, but just after the filming, he coughed, "Ahem..."

Shi Jiu sighed, took out a bottle of healing elixir, and put it on Bai Shuqiu's case: "You should take a good rest, it's not good for your health to hold on."

Bai Shuqiu looked at the bottle of medicine, then at Shi Jiu, and suddenly understood: "Are you leaving?"

Shi Jiu nodded, as a tacit consent.

"It's fine to leave, the sea is as wide as the fish leap, and the sky is as high as the birds." Bai Shuqiu laughed, "People like you should have more important things to do instead of staying in the little brocade. Xiangcheng."

"I like Jinxiang City very much." Shi Jiu turned his head and looked at the small courtyard outside the window, "I like this very much. There will never be another Jinxiang City in my life."

"It turned out to be so lively here," Bai Shuqiu sighed quietly, "Everyone is a very lively person." Shi Jiu didn't answer.

Jinxiang City will still be very lively, but Qingsongtang may not be there anymore.

Seeing Shi Jiu's expression, Bai Shuqiu suddenly laughed: "Boy, I have eaten more rice than you have eaten salt, what are you worried about here?"

"It's nothing, it's just a little..." Shi Jiu looked blankly at the empty Qingsong Hall, not knowing why he was confused, "Brother Bai, how many people did we die this time?"

"A little more than half." Bai Shuqiu lowered his head and began to write death notices to every demon hunter who died in battle in the hall.

This number is terrifying. In Shi Jiu's previous life, social security was very good, and he has never heard of a place where more than half of the police force died in battle.

Maybe the demon hunter should not be on the same level as ordinary police officers, but more like the most risky police officer.Maybe it's anti-narcotics, maybe it's anti-terrorism...or maybe it belongs to the armed police force, firefighters.

Shi Jiu heard in his previous life that an oil pipeline exploded in a city, and if all of them were detonated, it would be equivalent to the power of twenty atomic bombs.That fire was eventually defeated by firefighters who stood next to an oil tank that could explode at any moment and manually turned a valve that required [-] turns to close.

An oil tank has two valves, and there are two oil tanks that need to be manually tightened at the fire scene.

Shi Jiu felt that he was a little ridiculous. A few years before he came to this world, he still dreamed of becoming a hero who flies high and walks high, and is worshiped by the world.

But now he suddenly understands that he is actually just playing the hero game just like Chi Yan.

Seeing Shi Jiu in a daze, Bai Shuqiu put down the file in his hand: "Come on, I'll take you to a place."

Shi Jiu stood up without knowing why, followed Bai Shuqiu on crutches, and walked deeper.There is usually a control here, and Shi Jiu is not allowed to enter when he is wandering. This is the first time he has entered.

After walking for about three to five minutes, Bai Shuqiu led Shi Jiu to a sacrificial hall: "This is it, I haven't shown you yet... In fact, I should have shown you a long time ago, but I've been too busy recently. Didn't find time."

Moss climbed on the stone bricks of this sacrificial hall, leaving green marks of years, which are ancient visible to the naked eye.Its surroundings are very quiet, and it seems that all facilities that can make loud noises are deliberately kept away from it.

Through the screen window, Shi Jiu could vaguely see the flickering fire inside.

"come in."

Bai Shuqiu pushed open the thick black wooden door of the sacrificial hall, and the creaking sound filled the air quietly.The sun shines on the ground through the gap between the wooden doors, pointing out a bright and straight path.

Shi Jiu raised his head, staring at the candles all over the wall in a daze.

There are hundreds of holes dug out in this wall, and a spirit tablet is placed in each hole.Candles were constantly burning in front of the altar, and a huge incense burner was placed in front of the wall, filled with ashes.

He has seen majestic mountains, and the clouds are like skirts worn by mountains; he has seen a dog swallowing the sun, and a dragon covering the sea.

But none of them are as shocking to Shi Jiu as the ordinary wall in front of him.

Bai Shuqiu, leaning on crutches, looked up at the wall.

"Jinxiang City has been built for 120 years, which is longer than the life of Dagan. But this wall was built 220 years ago. Today, there are a total of [-] lamps."

"All the demon hunters who died in the line of duty will get a spiritual seat here. Lao Ma and the others will go up soon, and maybe one day I will go up too."

Shi Jiu didn't answer, he was still immersed in the candlelight swaying in the wind on this wall.

They are dotted like a prairie fire.

"190 years ago, the Dapeng created a storm in Jingtian Prefecture. The demon slaying division of Jingtian Prefecture killed 140 people in battle, and finally killed them."

"150 years ago, the arrogant insects from southern Xinjiang came out of Xinjiang, bringing countless stinging insects. A total of 670 people were killed in the battle between Jingtian Prefecture and the army. The silver medals were all wiped out, the gold medals were all wiped out, and 47 people left with the bronze medals. The queen will be the arrogant insects. It repels, and the arrogant insects have not stepped out of the southern border for 150 years."

"110 years ago, the Qinyuan Birds flew into Jingtian Prefecture in large numbers, and Jiantiantai came to help. Jingtian Prefecture killed 47 demon masters and expelled all Qinyuan Birds."

"This was 60 years ago..."

"This was 20 years ago..."

Bai Shuqiu introduced them one by one, Shi Jiu listened silently, and followed Bai Shuqiu from one end of the wall to the other.These people who died in battle were not mediocre, they were all the elite of the demon slayer and the army.Even if they didn't expect this, the number of people alone is shocking enough.

Although this is the martyr's wall of Jinxiang City, Bai Shuqiu always introduces the demon slayer of Jingtian Prefecture as the main introduction, because there is no major event that can leave traces on this wall that a single city can handle.

"Shi Jiu, since the establishment of Demon Slayer, many people have died. This time we have killed more than 50. Among the more than 1000 martyrs, they can only account for one-sixtieth, but their weight is the same. It is because they once existed that Jinxiang City still exists today."

"You only saw that many people died this time, but you didn't see that more people survived because of their sacrifices. Whether it was Ma Shucai or Zhou Guotai, they all became part of the people of Jinxiang City. Jinxiang The people of the city are the proof of their existence."

Bai Shuqiu picked up the incense stored next to the incense burner, lit it with a match, bowed respectfully to the wall of martyrs, and plugged in the incense burner.

Shi Jiu wanted to follow suit, but was stopped by Bai Shuqiu.

"Seniors, Bai Shuqiu, the younger generation, come to pay homage today"

"This is brother Shi Jiu who just came to Jinxiang City a few days ago. Not long after he arrived, he captured the demon from the Hehuan Sect and beheaded the Jiaolong who caused disaster in Jingtianzhou."

"Share the incense, Shi Jiu."

Only then did Shi Jiu pick up the incense, following Bai Shuqiu's procedure to respect him.

After doing all this, Bai Shuqiu said nothing, and quietly led Shi Jiu out of the sacrificial hall.

After walking out of the sacrificial hall, Bai Shuqiu said, "Shi Jiu, don't worry, and don't think that Jinxiang City is finished killing demons. As long as Dagan survives for a day, young people will always come here."

"But you must remember that they came here not to die, but to a greater ideal. Humans are a very strange thing. If you want him to die, he will do everything he can, and even pay more than death." There is a terrible price to fight against you; but if you want him to die for his ideals, he will die."

"This person is different. Some people just want to have enough food and clothing, because food and clothing are the top they can touch, and this is their ideal; while some people are very greedy, Because he was born with enough food and clothing, he wants peace in the world, and he wants Haiyan and Heqing."

"People in different positions have different levels of ideals, and your ideals should not be confined in one Jinxiang City."

"Don't worry about the Demon Slayer, and don't worry about Qingsong Hall. As long as Daqian is still there, we won't die."

"We've all come here from generation to generation."

Bai Shuqiu looked at the empty courtyard and was silent for a moment.

"I will arrange for someone to do the funeral of the comrades-in-arms. Don't go - I have no other intentions. This kind of thing is usually done by veterans, and newcomers can't do it."

"The comrades-in-arms will be buried in a few days, will you come?"

Shi Jiu nodded: "I will."

Bai Shuqiu breathed a sigh of relief: "Actually, when you first came to Jingtianzhou, I thought you were extraordinary. I knew you would not stay in Jinxiang City for a long time. Extraordinary people often do extraordinary things. You There should be more important tasks to complete."

"But no matter where you go, I hope you can remember not Jinxiang City, but Daqian Nineteen Prefectures, and it's the same for all states."

"One day you will get used to life and death, but when you get used to death, you must also remember that behind those who died, there will definitely be more people coming out."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, you can take a good rest for a few days." Bai Shuqiu pretended to be relaxed and smiled, "This is a rare vacation."

Chapter 98 Chapter 96 After the funeral (two in one)

The funerals of the demon hunters were held two days later, and on the same day, there was also a celebration banquet for the demon killers.This seems to be a strange practice of the demon slayer, the celebration banquet and the funeral are held on the same day.

Celebrating victory does not conflict with remembering death, or celebrating victory itself is a kind of memory for martyrs.

At the funeral, Shi Jiu followed Bai Shuqiu, following his example, toasting every martyr who died.But when they came to Zhou Guotai's spiritual tablet, Shi Jiu replaced the wine with white water.

He remembered that Zhou Guotai didn't drink alcohol.

Bai Shuqiu glanced at Shi Jiu: "Instead of a bar, Old Zhou likes to drink the most."

Shi Jiu looked at Bai Shuqiu in surprise, hesitated for a moment, this was completely different from what he heard from Zhou Guotai.

"He liked to drink when he was young. Once he missed something while drinking, and he was a step late when he was on a mission." Bai Shuqiu filled the glass with wine, and slowly poured it in front of Zhou Guotai's spiritual tablet. He ate it all up, and since then he has not drunk a drop of alcohol, and he does everything in a hurry."

Shi Jiu was silent, and replaced the water with wine.

"Actually, you don't need to pay too much attention to it. People are mortal." Bai Shuqiu seemed to have come out of his sadness, "You have to look forward."

Shi Jiu poured the sacrificial wine in his hand on the table, and only after leaving the table did he answer: "I understand."

At this moment, someone suddenly tugged on La Shijiu's clothes.When Shi Jiu turned his head, he saw a young man in filial piety.

The young man hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

"" The young man held Shi Jiu's clothes tightly, as if he was afraid that he would leave, "Can I did he die?"

When Bai Shuqiu saw the young man, he became nervous. It was not before that the family members of the martyrs lost control of their emotions and fought against the comrades of the martyrs in the mourning hall.

"This is Ma Shucai's son, Ma Qianli." Bai Shuqiu explained to Shi Jiu in a low voice.

After finishing speaking, Bai Shuqiu tried to divert his target: "Qianli, come, uncle has something to tell you."

Just when Bai Shuqiu thought that this matter could be fooled, Shi Jiu suddenly said: "At that time, the snake turned into a dragon, and the thunder clouds were densely covered. There were countless deaths and injuries among the demon slayers, and more than half of them were treated as charcoal."

"Then the dragon broke through the barrier, fled through the clouds, and came straight to Jinxiang City. If it were allowed to escape like this, not only would the demon hunter die in vain, but it would definitely retaliate against the human city afterwards. At that time , the dead may be counted by the city.”

"At that time, no one was able to chase that dragon, only your father was the only one who chased after him and located the demon king."

"If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be able to kill that Jiao, and there might be no Jinxiang City today."

"Your father is a hero. He never surrendered to an enemy much bigger than himself until he died in battle."

Shi Jiu looked at Ma Qianli calmly, trying to read something from his eyes.

"Thank you." Ma Qianli's eyes were red, but he held back a tear.

There was no crying as expected, Ma Qianli's maturity and calmness even made Shi Jiu a little uncomfortable.

"Thank you." Ma Qianli repeated again, suppressing his voice to prevent the choking from being too obvious.

Shi Jiu wanted to pat Ma Qianli on the shoulder, but Ma Qianli turned around and left, leaving his hand in the air awkwardly.

Bai Shuqiu also saw Shi Jiu's embarrassment, patted his shoulder, looked at the tree in the distance: "Miss Luo is waiting for you, don't keep her waiting."

Only then did Shi Jiu look towards the exit, where Luo Liuli was hiding behind a tree, peering in.

Bai Shanzhui seemed to have arranged everything before they arrived in Jinxiang City, and even naturalized Luo Liuli...

Now Luo Liuli is no longer a wanted criminal by the court, but has turned into a guest of the Demon Slayer.

Of course, it would be great if this guest had more self-consciousness.

She seems to feel that nowhere is safe, but in this huge Jinxiang City, she has been clinging to Shi Jiu all the time.Once Shi Jiu disappeared from his sight, he would look for him non-stop, which almost made Shi Jiu mistakenly think that Luo Liuli and his sand sculpture netizen were two people.

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