As soon as he entered the room, Yue Nu leaned against the door and let out a sigh of relief.Talking to an old man like the pavilion master is really tiring. If she hadn't been prepared, she might have doubted her identity.

But it's true, the next Huakui of Yuegui Pavilion came to Huainan City alone, without even a entourage, anyone has to be suspicious.

"I'm so tired..." Yue Nu lowered her head and muttered to herself as her blue hair slipped gently from her shoulders.

"Ahem..." Shi Jiu, who was hiding behind the screen, coughed lightly twice, "Miss Yuenu...don't call me, it's me, Shi Jiu."

The moment Shi Jiu spoke, Yue Nu subconsciously opened her mouth and covered her chest with both hands.She was still in a relaxed state just now, and just now she locked the door again, so she didn't have time to escape.But after she heard clearly that it was Shi Jiu's voice, she slowly let go of her guard, patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Master Shi, do you know where this is?"

"The situation is special, please ask Miss Haihan." Shi Jiu could only apologize first, lest Yue Nu ask someone to arrest him, "Shi only has a question to ask."

Shi Jiu didn't think the guards here could catch him, but if news of Shi Jiu's trespassing in the women's boudoir of the brothel during the day would be bad if it was heard by Xiao Yusheng or Luo Liuli.

Yue Nu sighed and emphasized: "This is the girl's boudoir... Although Yue Nu is not a good family, but does Mr. Shi not treat himself as an outsider?"

"The situation is special, I hope Miss Yuenu will forgive me." Shi Jiu sighed, until now, he should talk about the business as soon as possible, so as not to cause misunderstandings, "May I ask Miss Yuenu if she knows where Luo Liuli is now?"

A little disappointment appeared on Yue Nu's face, and the eyes were full of love and sorrow: "I still think that Mr. Shi is enlightened, knowing that Yue Nu is better..."

Shi Jiu's face was full of bewilderment: "Huh?"

"Pfft..." Yuenu covered her lips and smiled, blinking her eyes, "I'm just kidding, Mr. Shi don't mind. Yuenu will open the silk and bamboo altar in Shangzhi Pavilion in three days, will Mr. Shi come? "

Shi Jiu weighed it up: "Sorry, I really... can't get away."

"Hey...Miss Luo still has a sweetheart thinking about it, poor Yue Nu is helpless..." Yue Nu rolled his eyes, "I thought Mr. Shi was here to find Yue Nu, but in the end he came to ask about other things. woman?"

Shi Jiu's face was dark and he didn't refute.At this time, Yue Nu was obviously using her imagination, and Shi Jiu didn't have any need to interrupt her.If it makes her interested or annoys her, even if she knows the news about Luo Liuli, she may not tell herself.

Seeing that Shi Jiu didn't answer, Yue Nu also knew that he was bored: "If Mr. Shi wants to know whether Miss Luo is with Yue Nu, then you have guessed wrong. We have parted ways long ago, so where can I get news about her? "

Shi Jiu was thoughtful: "Didn't she come to see you?"

Yue Nu burst out laughing: "Master Shi was joking, how could this Huainan City, which is heavily guarded, be able to come in, Miss Luo?"

Shi Jiu was taken aback: "Hasn't her arrest warrant been cancelled?"

Now it was Yue Nu's turn to be stunned: "Cancelled? Yue Nu hasn't gone out these days, and doesn't know what's going on outside. Could it be..."

Yue Nu blinked: "Is Mr. Shi operating from it?"

"Let's count." Shi Jiu shook his head, "It is true that her arrest warrant has been cancelled, but she left without saying goodbye. I don't know where she went."

"Oh..." Yue Nu's voice was drawn out, "Miss Luo is used to wandering around and wild cranes, so she must not be used to staying in one place."

As he said that, Yue Nu rolled his eyes: "But I have indeed heard Miss Luo say where she plans to go in the future. Do you want to hear Mr. Shi?"

Having said all this, Shi Jiu naturally knew what Yue Nu wanted, so he had no choice but to take out a silver ticket from the item box: "There must be a big thank you."

Yue Nu narrowed her eyes with a smile, jumped over and took the bank note, folded it and put it in her clothes: "Miss Luo said before that she plans to go to Zi Cangzhou, and she has a revenge to avenge."

Shi Jiu nodded thoughtfully, and said goodbye: "Thank you."

After finishing speaking, Shi Jiu was about to open the window to see if there was anyone outside.

"Hey wait!" Yue Nu hastily stopped Shi Jiu, "You just go out like this? There are all people outside!"

Shi Jiu whispered: "That's why I decided to check the situation first... Otherwise, how do you think I got in?"

"You..." Yue Nu couldn't laugh or cry, "It's broad daylight now, and the possibility of you being discovered is too high. Why don't you rest here for a while, and wait for no one outside..."

Shi Jiu waved his hand. For a scheming woman like Yue Nu, he tried his best not to provoke her: "Don't bother."

After finishing speaking, Shi Jiu saw that no one was paying attention to this side outside for a while, his figure flashed, leaving only a flashing black shadow in the air, and disappeared outside the wall.

Yue Nu leaned against the window, leaned on her chin and stared blankly at the sky where Shi Jiu left, and only sighed after a while.

"You two are chasing and fleeing, what are you planning... Is it enviable?"

Chapter 110 Chapter [-] Some people retire as soon as they work

In the afternoon of that day, Shi Jiu carried a bag of banknotes and two bottles of pills with a heavy heart, and walked down the streets of Huainan City feeling lost.

Gan, my own civil servants were really wiped out by Bai Shanzhui.

As for the bag of banknotes and the two bottles of pills, that's another matter.


After getting the news of Luo Liuli from Yuenu in the morning, Shi Jiu didn't leave for Zicangzhou immediately, but first reported to the Demon Slayer in Huainan City with a fluke mentality.

After Shi Jiu took his appointment papers to Huainan City to kill the demon boss, the people inside first greeted him very politely, and then said they were going to notify the superiors.

Shi Jiu sat in the lobby very obediently for a while. During this period, in order to relieve the embarrassment and to find out some big melons, he used his half-month salary in Jinxiang City as the beginning, and chatted with the people around him.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged demon hunter had a serious face and couldn't tell any jokes. After Shi Jiu chatted with him for a long time, he only talked about the fact that the master of the cold knife gate in Zi Cangzhou died young, and the wife of the gate master died young. A story that provokes the heavy burden of the sect master.

Not long after, a middle-aged man that he had never seen before came out. The middle-aged man introduced himself very politely as Ji Tianming, the town envoy of Jingtianzhou Demon Slayer Division...

Then before Shi Jiu had time to speak, Ji Tianming boasted that Mr. Bai Lan was young and promising, cared for his subordinates, and came to Huainan City to visit the wounded.

Before Shi Jiu had time to deny it, Ji Tianming lamented that there are too many wounded in the demon slaying division, and he himself went to the Yamen with wounds.

Afterwards, under Shi Jiu's complicated eyes, Ji Tianming settled Shi Jiu's salary for half a month's work in Jinxiang City on the spot, and offered the medicine and salary along with it—the food and salary were counted as silver taels.

In the end, they politely sent Shi Jiu out of the Demon Slayer, and declared that his temporary identity had been cancelled, and no one would know that Mr. Bai Lan had been to the Demon Slayer.

—and even gave him a new household registration.

Now, Shi Jiu is walking down the street feeling lost, his eyes are empty and numb.

Some people retire before they start working.

As for how many banknotes were in that money bag, Shi Jiuleng didn't dare to count.He didn't dare to refuse the banknote in front of Ji Tianming, because he had already realized why the demon hunter who had received him before had a serious face—he was scared.

What if they reject the silver ticket, they think they think they have too little money, so what if they give themselves a super double on the spot?

One cannot be too greedy.

Shi Jiu sighed and walked, walked out of Huainan City, and stood in the wilderness in a daze.

"This is not the same as my life plan!"

"Where's my civil servant! Return my civil servant!"

Although there are suspicions of being a good boy after getting cheap, but Bai Shanzhui's actions clearly bound Shi Jiu to him firmly.People don't believe what they hear, they only want to believe what they believe.So even if Shi Jiu explained, they would only think that Shi Jiu was unwilling to admit his relationship with Bai Shanzhui in order to keep his identity secret.

After all, the name Bai Lan came from [Sun and Moon in Palm] Bai Shanzhui, and Bai Shanzhui was the number two person in the Tiantai Supervisor.What you say, a junior who enjoys the shade of your elders, is actually insignificant. People mainly listen to what Bai Shanzhui says.

Thinking that I will be wandering alone in Dagan with thousands of taels of silver in the future, making my home all over the world...

"How much is it..." Shi Jiu opened the money bag after confirming that there was no one around, "One pair...two pairs...three pairs...I'll buy 1000 taels?!"

"Are they treating me as someone asking for money?"

Shi Jiu felt greatly insulted and decided that he would never return the money to them as punishment for their bribery.


An hour later, Shi Jiu ran to Jinxiang City to kill the demon boss.

The demon slaying division is now in the cold, not as lively as before.Shi Jiu successfully found Li Fuchuan who went to work with an injury, and handed over the 1000 taels of banknote to Li Fuchuan.

"Li Touer, Master Ji of Huainan City knows that Jinxiang City's Demon Killing Division has paid a lot in this battle, and also knows that many demon hunters have sacrificed heroically." Shi Jiu covered Li Fuchuan's sign language earnestly, "He entrusted me Bring the money to Jinxiang City, and distribute it to the families of the demon hunters who died in the battle."

Li Fuchuan originally wanted to speak, and wanted to move his hand away from the bank note, but Shi Jiu held his hand firmly, and he couldn't pull it out at all.

Shi Jiu took out another 1000 taels of bank notes: "These 1000 taels are some of my thoughts. Although there may not be many people who have lost their family pillars, I also hope to make some contributions to Jinxiang City."

Li Fuchuan tried to pull his hand out again, but failed: "This... this pension is all set by the superiors, you can't..."

"It's not issued by the government, it's purely our own wishes." Shi Jiu tightly covered Li Fuchuan's hand to prevent him from pulling it out, "The 2000 taels of silver should be regarded as a private donation. I don't care about it. I told other people, if you don't accept it, we will have a hard time explaining it."

After finishing speaking, Shi Jiu turned around and slipped away, Li Fuchuan had no choice but to stare at the 2000 taels silver note in his hand in a daze.

After running out of Jinxiang City, Shi Jiu heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay, the money that shouldn't be mine is also given to the person who should be given it, and the idea is clear."

"Let me see how Zi Cangzhou goes..."


After Shi Jiu got the possible information about Luo Liuli's location, he knew that his guess was right. Even though Luo Liuli didn't run very far, her goal must not be to fight guerrilla in Jingtian Prefecture, but to get farther away from Jingtian Prefecture. the better.

If he spends time looking for someone in Jingtian Prefecture, he will only get farther and farther away from Luo Liuli.

On the way, Shi Jiu tried to contact Luo Liuli again, but this time Luo Liuli actually answered.

"It's late, I've already gone to another state!" Luo Liuli's triumph was revealed in the text, "You can't catch me!"

"I'm not trying to catch you..." Seeing that Luo Liuli could still answer himself energetically, Shi Jiu heaved a sigh of relief, "I asked someone to make you a new Gu staff. You are outside alone, At the very least, you must have weapons for self-defense, right?"

This time, Luo Liuli hesitated for a while, but in the end she still refused firmly: "It's the same with it or without it, I don't want to fall into the trap."

Shi Jiu rubbed his temples with a headache, he couldn't understand Luo Liuli's way of thinking: "Bai Shanzhui has already left, you don't have to avoid him."

"It's okay." Luo Liuli's refusal was still very firm, "My side is fine, as long as you take care of yourself."

It seems that Luo Liuli is determined not to tell him where she is. In fact, it is not that Shi Jiu has not considered that Luo Liuli will go to southern border to repair the Gu staff, but there are many monsters in southern border, and now Luo Liuli is the organization behind the monster. The thorn in his side, southern border is definitely not a good place to escape.

If the south is excluded, there are only three states to the north of Jingtian Prefecture.Zicang State is in the west, Yunhe State is in the middle, Donglai State is in the east, choose one of the three.

Shi Jiu was very thankful that he asked Yue Nu before he set off.Although the information given by Yue Nu may not be accurate, but at least he has a direction.

"Zicangzhou... I heard that Gujiang County is being expanded, and a large area has been cleared out..." Shi Jiu recalled the information about Zicangzhou in his mind, "By the way, Luo Liuli is in Zicangzhou. What kind of enemy?"

Chapter 111 Chapter [-] Shi Jiu's Small Practical Classroom

There is a wide Fulong River in the center of Zicangzhou. Legend has it that no grass grew here until a dragon fell into the ground and his body turned into a river, which stretched for thousands of miles.

This river cuts Zicangzhou into two halves, and there are 47 stone bridges along the way for merchants to come and go.A group of people marched along the river to the bridge across the river.

"Boss Yu! There is a situation ahead!"

The escorts of Weiyuan Escort Bureau suddenly became alert, put their hands on their weapons, and looked vigilantly at the direction pointed by their companions.

They saw a vague figure on the east side of the river, but they were not sure if it was a person.Because he just kept standing on the water without moving, but his body glides at high speed on the water.

"Walking on water is a master." Yu Sui raised his hand to stop his brothers, took a few steps forward, and shouted loudly, "Yu Sui from the Weiyuan Escort Bureau, may I ask which road you are on and how many floors are you on? If it’s convenient for us to sit shoulder to shoulder, if it’s not convenient, we’ll go our separate ways!”

This is a slang word in the Tao, and most of the people who can understand it have something to do with walking or robbing darts.If you want to quickly verify the identity of the other party when you meet for the first time, it is the fastest way to say a bunch of slang words that laymen cannot understand.

There is a rule in Daqian's bodyguard agency, when guarding bodyguards, they do not travel with caravans or join passers-by.If there are strangers approaching suddenly, it is even more necessary to greet them far in advance and stipulate the distance between the two parties.

This is the same principle as "Li Xia does not take off his hat, and Guada does not lift his shoes", mainly to prevent misunderstandings.Jianghu chivalrous men who have no grievances or hatred are embarrassed to come out, so be extra careful if there are enemies or friends you don’t know who come to avenge you.There are especially many grievances and grievances in the profession of dry escort, and coupled with the special nature of the work, we have to guard against it.

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