For the past two days, it’s okay for the monk to ask him for food. After all, the monk only eats vegetarian food, so it doesn’t cost much; insisting that the two of them are destined is also acceptable, because the monk can provide him with the daily task of counting numbers every day...

But this monk has a problem, that is, whenever the knights passing by in the inn have any quarrels, they will definitely go up to join in the fun, and then somehow, the two people from the rivers and lakes who were originally hostile to each other can always end up beating the monk together.If the monk didn't run to his side every time he was beaten, the monk might not be sure...

Maybe it can exhaust those knights to death.

Shi Jiu could see that this monk's kung fu practiced horizontally can also walk sideways in the rivers and lakes. At least these days, he has not seen a person who can break the monk's defense.Although those people from the Jianghu beat the monk very well, but every time the monk was beaten, he just patted the ashes on his clothes and he was fine. On the contrary, those who beat people were so tired that they died.

But the monk never fights back, and every time he goes up to persuade a fight, he is terribly cowardly. It seems that he only gets beaten, and he has never seen him fight back.

Moreover, he didn't look like he had practiced martial arts when he was beaten, his defense was not organized, and his steps were messy.If it weren't for the excellent quality of this horizontal kung fu, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

But Shi Jiu thought about it again, although the monk was beaten every time, in the end the people in the Jianghu calmed down the conflict - because they turned the contradiction to the monk.

Judging from the results, this can be regarded as a different kind of karma elimination.

"Which monastery are you a wonderful creature?" Shi Jiu sighed, and complained while eating the meatloaf, "I have never seen a monk like you."

The monk smiled slightly, as if Shi Jiu was praising him: "The benefactor praised him very much, but the abbot forbids the young monk to say which monastery the young monk came from."

Shi Jiu thought for a while, this is probably the same reason that Patriarch Bodhi told Sun Houzi not to reveal who his master is...

The monk asked the first serious question in the past two days: "The little monk saw that the benefactor stayed in Gujiang County for a few days, and seemed to be inquiring about the whereabouts of a girl. Who is this girl from the benefactor?"

"Why, can you help me find it?" Shi Jiu glanced at the monk.

"Amitabha, I have been wandering in Zi Cangzhou for more than a year, and I have also formed good relationships with many people." The monk's voice was full of confidence, "If the benefactor wants to find someone, the monk may really be able to help."

Shi Jiu looked around and made sure that other people were a little far away from his table before he said, "What I'm looking for is news about Luo Liuli, whose arrest warrant was removed a few days ago, you know?"

The monk shook his head: "I don't know..."

Shi Jiu continued to eat, he had already guessed that the monk could not provide any clues...

"...The little monk only knows that this female benefactor seems to have some problems with the Handaomen."

"Some holidays?" Shi Jiu raised his head and looked at the monk in surprise.

"There should be some." The monk hesitated, "Last year Luo Liuli appeared in Zi Cangzhou, causing a large number of people from the Jianghu to encircle and suppress, and Han Daomen contributed the most among them. Luo Liuli even spread rumors in the Jianghu, slandering Han Dao Mrs. Men Li and outsiders... um... sin, sin."

Shi Jiu searched for clues about the Cold Sword Sect in his mind, but after thinking about it, it seemed that only the Demon Slayer in Huainan City heard a little talk about the Cold Sword Sect from the demon hunter who received him.

It is heard that the head of the Cold Sword Sect died unexpectedly a few years ago, and the wife of the head master shouldered the burden of the whole family.Although his skill is not high, his popularity in the world is very good...

Wait, widow?

Shi Jiu felt as if he had heard this word somewhere.

Did Luo Liuli tell herself before that she saw a widow having an affair with someone?

Chapter 115 Chapter 110 Chapter [-] Xiao Yusheng's Return

Facing the precious clue provider and fashion value swipe machine, Shi Jiu suddenly became enthusiastic: "Speaking of which, these two days have always been called monk monk... what's your name?"

"I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed, I actually forgot such an important thing." The monk slapped his forehead suddenly, with a look of shame on his face, "My monk's name is Dawei, dare to ask the benefactor's name?"

Shi Jiu nodded, now he knew what was written on the tombstone when it was time to dig this idiot's grave: "Miangui's surname is Shi."

After all, what this second-rate monk likes most every day is to join in the fun, and he is different from himself. He not only joins the front line, but even tries to mingle with the parties.At this pace, he would be beaten to death sooner or later.

"But this Cold Sword Gate...where is it?"

Monk Dawei replied without hesitation: "Han Daomen is located in Magu City in the north of Zicang Prefecture, which happens to be..."

Now that the target is confirmed, as long as Shi Jiu investigates around the Handaomen, he will surely find Luo Liuli who came to take revenge: "Thank you!"

Now that Luo Liuli's goal has been confirmed, it's not too late, he must hurry there.Before Monk Dawei finished speaking, Shi Jiu rushed out like flying.

After Shi Jiu rushed out, the second part of Dawei's words came late: "...the little monk just happened to be going too...hey, Donor Shi, don't go!"

Monk Dawei just got up and was about to chase after Shi Jiu, but the waiter in the shop stopped him in a hurry: "Hey, guest officer, you haven't paid the bill yet!"

Monk Dawei was dumbfounded: "But... But I didn't eat it at all, it was all his food."

"You think I'm stupid!" The waiter in the shop gave Monk Dawei a look, "The two of you eat together every day and talk often, you two are together!"

"But the little monk has no money on him."

"No money? What do you eat if you don't have money! Come and come! There is a monk here who eats the king's meal!"


Shi Jiu was not worried about Monk Dawei at all. On the one hand, this monk who was not good at business was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so no one could touch him; It doesn't make the shopkeeper think that he is eating Bawang's meal.

"Magu City...seems quite far away." Shi Jiu sighed, galloping along the official road like the wind.

Since everyone parted in Jinxiang City, Shi Jiu was the one who was most unaccustomed to it.

One must always have a thought in life, otherwise life will be boring.

In those ten years of killing the monsters, Shi Jiu's thought of supporting Shi Jiu's survival was that one day he would be able to escape from the monster-killing cave and be free; As a civil servant, eating melons, listening to music, admiring feudal characteristic industries, and living a healthy life is enough.

But now, Shi Jiu's job as an envoy to catch demons has been unilaterally canceled by Bai Shanzui, and Shi Jiu lost all thoughts of life all of a sudden.And Xiao Yusheng returned to Tianmen Mountain, Luo Liuli left without saying goodbye, Fangzheng was going back to Huainan City to prepare for the exam, and he couldn't stay in Jingtian Prefecture, and suddenly became a lonely family again.

It's like playing a survival game. After finally planning the construction plan and starting to build, all the buildings were burned down by a torch; I originally ran a server with my friends, but later my friends stopped going online.

This kind of loss and regain, the sense of gap between gain and loss is not even as good as having nothing at the beginning.

"Sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, here are potatoes. Sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, here are potatoes." Shi Jiu began to call Luo Liuli in the jade talisman again, "I am also a wandering cloud wild crane now, where do you go to play and bring me one."

In the past few days, he still communicated with Luo Liuli every day to ensure that she was still safe.It's just that Luo Liuli still didn't say where she was, just like before.

"Let's wait a few days, I have something to do now." Luo Liuli replied like a strong woman busy with her career, "I'll find you when I'm done. Don't run around, I won't be able to catch up if you run too far .”

Shi Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Luo Liuli's answer, it was obvious that he was planning to seek revenge from Handaomen.I hurried to Magu City, maybe I still have time to eat this melon...

Vaguely, Shi Jiu even felt a thrill.

Luo Liuli might have guessed that she had already chased her to Zi Cangzhou, but she would never have guessed that she had locked onto her target and where she might be.Next, I just need to go to Magu City to look for Luo Liuli, and there is a high probability that I can find her when she seeks revenge from Handaomen.

Thinking of Luo Liuli looking at him suddenly jumping out of the crowd with a shocked face, Shi Jiu felt happy in advance.

"As a human being, you have to be optimistic. Although I can't eat the imperial food now, I still have some fun to eat." Shi Jiu comforted himself, and ran towards Magu City.

After running at the speed of the wind for a while, Shi Jiu came to Luyuan City, which is the closest to Gujiang County.He wanted to ask the way here and leave, but it was already noon, his stomach was empty, and Shi Jiu planned to find something to eat in Luyuan City.

A day's delay is not considered a delay for Shi Jiu, after all he is confident in his speed, and Luo Liuli may be behind him.

After entering Luyuan City, Shi Jiu didn't rush to find a place to eat, but first found a shop facing the street to chat.

It's noon now, people are going to eat, and there are naturally fewer non-catering customers who sell groceries.Shi Jiu chatted with a cloth seller for a while, and took the opportunity to ask some news about Luyuan City.

"The inn outside the city... huh... it's a rip-off, and it's expensive to sell. It's because there is an imperial court behind it, and it rips off those merchants and people from the rivers and lakes." The cloth shop clerk sneered, his face full of disdain. , poor workmanship; when you open your eyes and talk nonsense, when you see that you are easy to bully and insist that you didn't pay, that's all too much."

Shi Jiu nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, the food at that inn can't be said to be unpalatable, it can only be said to be good for improving mental resistance.The price of the room is also on the high side. At that price, the Yuelai Inn in Jinxiang City can live in a room twice its size.

This is different from the way I used to go to Huainan City with the badge of the Demon Envoy. The people at the post station who seemed to be the imperial court did not charge any money. After all, the post station itself was a facility established by the imperial court for information transmission and transportation.

"I don't know. I stayed in that station for a few days, something to eat..." The muscles on Shi Jiu's face were twisted together.

The shop clerk looked around, and after making sure that there was no one around, he said in a low voice: "Let me tell you, the cooks in the inn are all not good at learning, and they can't get along in the city or county. We have delicious food in Luyuan City." There are so many things, the things made at the post station... 噫..."

Seeing that the topic finally came to his destination, Shi Jiu smiled openly: "Then you recommend to me, what delicious restaurants are there in Luyuan City?"

The clerk looked at Shi Jiu's clothes and estimated the money he could afford: "I recommend an alley shop in Wang's Hutong. His steamed pork ribs are ranked well in the whole Luyuan City. And Few people know about it, the price is cheap, and there is no queue. You go east along the street, turn left at the intersection of Liangjie, and the Wang Po ribs in the third box on the right is her house. There is also a rock-roasted fish that is good and the price is fair , the location is..."

After inquiring, Shi Jiu left contentedly.

Chatting with the locals can quickly improve his understanding of Luyuan City. 10 minutes of the 5-minute chat is to get acquainted with each other. In the remaining 5 minutes, Shi Jiu asked about the more delicious but more expensive restaurants in Luyuan City And some alley shops that are unknown to outsiders but taste better.

"Then today's lunch..." Shi Jiu hesitated between steamed pork ribs and grilled fish.

At this moment, a message came from the jade pendant left by Xiao Yusheng.

"I'm out of customs! I came down the mountain to find you, are you still in Jinxiang City?"

Shi Jiu narrowed his eyes: "I'm in Luyuan City in Zi Cangzhou, and I'm leaving for Magu City tomorrow. How about we meet in Magu City?"

"Okay, okay, then I'll go find you." Xiao Yusheng was obviously very excited, "Is Miss Luo here?"

Xiao Yusheng's tone seemed to be overly excited, Shi Jiu had never seen her so excited before.

Although he was puzzled, he still welcomed Xiao Yusheng's arrival very much. Who doesn't like a female sword fairy who can eat a hamster's face?

Now that he got rid of that monk, and Xiao Yusheng is coming back soon, Shi Jiu finally had a feeling that his life was back on track.

"She still has something to do. I'm not here. I went to Magu City to find her."

"Let's talk about it when you arrive in Magu City. I guess I can arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Chapter 116 Chapter 110 Three Monks

In the Lone Wolf Mountain in the south of Gujiang County, Luo Liuli sat on a branch, propped his chin on one hand, and looked thoughtfully at the deep mountains and forests in the distance.

This is where the wind cave given by Bai Shanzhui is located, but the wind cave has obviously not yet been born at this time, and there is nothing in Dulang Mountain except bandits.

Bai Shanzhui obviously felt that he couldn't solve this wind point, so he deliberately gave this problem to himself, hoping that he would retreat in spite of the difficulty.

But she grew up so big that she never relied on others for anything.


"Shi Jiu didn't come to Zi Cangzhou, did he?" Luo Liuli murmured uneasy, "Impossible, I was originally going to Donglai Prefecture, even Yue Nu didn't know that I would suddenly change my route..."

Although she is a bit arrogant to say such a thing for a mere fourth grade, she still hopes that Shi Jiu can stay away from this kind of thing.

In the massacre, the victim was still a high-ranking official of the imperial court, and it happened under the supervision of the Tiantai. Even today, the Tiantai has not cleared up the inner ghosts in the court.There is something hidden behind this matter, just thinking about it makes the spine shudder, and it is better to push out one person than two people have to bear the risk.

Dangerous things can't be done by others, but can be done by yourself.That alone made her feel at ease.

If she hides her identity and asks Shi Jiu to stand in front of the stage, then Shi Jiu will bear the danger for herself. This kind of favor makes Luo Liuli feel terrified. What she fears most in her life is probably the so-called kindness of others towards her.

Kindness shouldn't be like this, kindness should be...something harsher, meaner.This kind of warm kindness is not a safe signal at all, because it will make her worry about gains and losses, feel uneasy, and always have to calculate a value for the other party's kindness to be repaid in the future.

Yue Nu said that her thoughts were different from normal people, and she just smiled.From the Hehuan Sect, who is the normal person in Da Ganyan's eyes?

Yue Nu said that they were just using each other, but it was this relationship of mutual use that made Luo Liuli feel extremely safe.If it was a person who took care of him in every possible way, it would make Luo Liuli terrified.

Luo Liuli also knows that the world in her eyes may be very different from that of others, but she cannot control her thoughts and instincts.

Luo Liuli buried her hands deeply in her hair, her eyes stared at the deep Lone Wolf Mountain from a distance.It stands to reason that now she should be thinking about how to solve the problem of the wind point, but right now there is something even more terrifying, something that makes Luo Liuli deeply uneasy.

Before meeting Shi Jiu, Luo Liuli never thought that Shi Jiu was not her own slave.After Xiao Yusheng appeared, she felt a great crisis.

The person who accompanied her, encouraged her, and helped her during the long time seemed to be no longer her own.

But that was the only one he had.

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