Passat 3000 million.

They are all magic cars, and one sentence stands out, if you are not popular, I will not copy you.

These cars have all been sold for a few years and are now in their second generation.

If Corolla hadn't existed in 66, its name Jianghua would have been stolen.

There is no reason to even copy the car, not the name!

Just beat the teacher to death with random punches, not to mention, copying homework is just cool.

At the auto show, Audi's models were very popular.

And after several years of brand precipitation, everyone also respects Audi cars very much.

Their engines are all products of Toyota and Mercedes-Benz in the 90s.

Can it be bad, although the current material technology is not good enough.

But he has been able to beat his contemporaries.

High is not a star and a half.

But in front of the Ferrari booth, all cars were overshadowed.

Following the classic GTO sports car, Ferrari is in a bad environment.

In 74, a new car was launched, Lamborghini's Diablo.

Let me highlight one sentence, I only copy your most popular ones,

This car can be said to be a perfect example of car design in the 1980s-1990s.

Its pop-up headlights are impressive.

The appearance of Lamborghini, coupled with the technology of Ferrari,

It's perfect, this is Jianghua driving enough of Ferrari's existing models.

That's the idea of ​​Lamborghini.

How should I put it, Jiang Hua is too shameless to copy other people's cars.

It makes others think.

In fact, everyone has discovered that the models of Ferrari and Audi Group are now.

There are places where there are shadows of each other.

This is not nonsense, Jiang Hua still has a bottom line, and he didn't copy everything.

Some improvements have also been made, such as large fastbacks, chrome-plated B-pillars,

Frameless windows and more.

Anyway, how it looks good, the designers of the two companies came based on Jianghua's draft.

It is not surprising that each other has their own shadows.


At Ferrari's booth, several GTO facelifts were placed,

On the main booth is the big pineapple that Lamborghini launched in 80.

Each one is so beautiful.

Luxury car factories have been having a hard time recently, with the exception of one.

It is Ferrari. They have been hanging out in recent years.

Launched two or three models in a row, if not for the low output.

It is really possible to surpass the luxury class of Mercedes-Benz.

In the exhibition hall, only Ferrari has the most people.

Everyone's aesthetics are still the same, taking pictures of taking pictures, and taking pictures together.

There are beautiful car models in other homes, but Ferrari is so arrogant,

Even car models are not invited, only a few employees of the company are maintaining order,

I didn't even bother to talk about the explanation. The brochures were placed on the counter and I took them by myself.

In a word, outrageously home, with this attitude,

In the Internet age, if you want to be exposed, your brand image will fall from the altar.

But people nowadays still eat this way.

The most important thing is that there are too many people, supercars, every man's dream car.

Everyone came to ask again, and the staff had smoke from their throats.

No, people consciously go to the counter to get brochures.

The data of this car and some stories behind it are very eye-catching.

For a car company to do well, it is basic to be able to make PPT, and the key point is to be able to tell stories.

No, it's just a simple little story,

Attracted a familiar, she is the newly minted billionaire.

Xu Damao, who inherited more than 2 million US dollars from his ex-husband.

Xu Damao is a man through and through at heart,

Man, there is no resistance in front of Ferrari.

The high price of Ferrari is sprinkled in front of her.

She even wanted to increase the price and order this car.

She asked the staff and wanted to pick up the car on the spot.

"Ma'am, this car is $28, but it will take 3 months."

"Can't I increase the price? I want this one, right away"

The staff showed a troubled expression,

"Ma'am, our car is for the auto show, and it will be driven away after the auto show is completed."

They only prepared one car, who knew someone would order it on the first day.

"Okay, I'll pay right away, and I'll drive away as soon as the car show is over!"

"Okay! Please register here. We will register detailed information for each customer. After you purchase this car, you will become our most honored VIP member and enjoy priority in car purchase."

Xu Damao didn't do what he thought, signed and provided a bank balance and other information.

I went back happily and had a Ferrari.

It doesn't look good on any car.

At this auto show, Ferrari became famous, but the production was limited.

The second is the Audi Group, there is no limit to this car.

Sell ​​it casually, the cheap one is about 2000 US dollars, and the expensive one is more than 10 US dollars.

There is a wide range to choose from.

A steady stream of orders, especially Wuling, stepped on the wind,

All the cars launched are fuel-efficient, and they take off directly.

Of course, at this time, he was already on the Xiangjiang plane.

How should I put it, the bragging is always fulfilled.

To provide jobs for 1 people, isn't that half of it.

He had to go back and make arrangements to launch a new product.


Chapter 294 Transformers and the Comics

After staying in Xiangjiang for two days, it is almost Chinese New Year,

Recently TVB broadcast a cartoon called Transformers.

This is the project that RB Anime has been putting off, and it finally came out this year.

The main reason is that the layout of Jianghua has not been perfected yet.

You can see this cartoon as an advertisement in the shape of a cartoon.

The models inside are all Audi's cars, and there are a few Ferraris mixed in.

How should I put it, it is a car + toy promotional video,

This can be regarded as a linkage between the three companies. Before the cartoon was broadcast, Ferrari and Audi paid the advertising fee first.

The cost is almost recovered, and the animation company earns as much as it can sell.

The main reason is that the two car companies are not short of money now, and animation companies need money for rapid expansion.

This total, following the formal process, can also save a sum of taxes.

Transformers was finalized in this way, broadcast on wireless satellite TV, and publicized in newspapers.

In Europe, cartoons are sold to TV stations at extremely low prices.

For example, ABC Children's Channel, the three major commercial radio and television stations in the United States.

At a price of less than 20 US dollars per episode, [-] episodes were sold to them first.

It's not that I don't want to sell it, it's that people expressed doubts about this new animation, this brand new setting.

I don't know if the children in the United States will pay for it.

I just bought 20 episodes to test the waters, who knew that this wave of operations was directly regarded as a negative teaching material.

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