It's good to attract a large number of fans.

The news of the queen watching football quickly spread throughout Xiangjiang.

In the box of Jianghua's new stadium, she looked at the new modern stadium with great interest.

It is much more beautiful than the stadium in League One. The stadium is not big, and it can only accommodate more than 2 people.

The main reason is that there are few people in Xiangjiang. At its peak, there were only about 700 million people.

"Jiang, your course is really good!"

She is also a fan, and a staff member of the Queen said that she once revealed that she is an Arsenal fan.

Jiang Hua smiled and said: "This course costs a lot of money, but you can do as you like the Queen."

When the game started, Jiang Hua felt bored after watching it for a while.

Not as good as Chelsea's youth team,

He moved over to the La Masia training camp.

The whole of Britain is looking for young talents, anyway, the value of players is not high now.

Jiang Hua feels that in a few years, Chelsea will conquer fans all over the world.

Play well and win.

He is a man who wants to dominate the world.

Perhaps because of the halo, this game originally had a stadium that could only hold 3 people at most.

In the end, more than 5 people poured in, and the ticket price was 8 Hong Kong dollars per person.

This game alone is enough to pay the salaries of the South China team players for several months.

It's not a bad investment!

The two teams are also red-eyed, but today there are big shots.

The referee did not dare to lean to which side, the standard was very strict.

What lethal tactics can not appear, this tactic has been banned by FIFA.

Looks hot, but feels like a mess.

They're all showing off their abilities.

No wonder the current players can beat 9 players alone.

After 2010, Messi has been at the top of the ball for five consecutive players.

Future football will be more scientific, more team-based and more holistic.

However, the atmosphere at the scene was lifted.

Under the organization of the Evergrande Fan Association, everyone began to sing in a chorus.

"Broad Sea and Sky" is right, Jiang Hua amplified his moves from the beginning.

This song is in Cantonese, the people of Xiangjiang like it, and it happened to be used as the team song.

As long as you open your mouth, you will be an Evergrande fan.

At first everyone couldn't sing, but the Evergrande fans organized and learned for several days.

A few leaders with loud voices followed by more than 100 real fans singing together.

The scene was still a bit spectacular, after singing it twice.

More and more people are singing along.

Have you ever seen a chorus of tens of thousands of people, the opposite team was frightened by this posture.

Make mistakes repeatedly.

Jiang Hua instantly felt that the stadium had been repaired to a small size, it was just a fucking game.

How many die-hard fans do you have to convert?

Although there are few people in Xiangjiang, there are several million people in total.

When Jiang Hua was thinking wildly,

The Nanhua team scored a goal, and the audience was boiling, and even the Queen showed a long-lost smile.

How should I put it, the atmosphere at the scene has risen.

It seems that the entire stadium is full of South China fans, which embarrasses the fans of the visiting team.

Just dozens of people are too small in front of tens of thousands of people.

This game was watched by more than 5 people.

There are countless outside the stadium.

The singing continued, and now even the audience outside the venue began to sing along.

This wave of clubs has made a lot of money, let alone increasing tens of thousands of fans,

Not a diehard, nor a fan either.

Soon the home team scored again.

The audience was boiling, and the sound wanted to lift the roof off.

This is the charm of football, as the number one sport in the world.

It is easy to mobilize the emotions of the audience.

The game ended in such a hustle and bustle, Nanhua team 3-[-].

Winning cleanly, the Queen watched a ball game.

This day's interview started again, and Jiang Hua, the B, sneaked away.

He is not a staff member, so of course he cannot accompany him, no matter how good the relationship is.

Three days passed in a flash,

This time Jiang Hua went to the airport to see him off.

When she got on the plane, she turned around and said to Jiang Hua:

"Jiang, remember to send me the book!"

"no problem!"

Finally sent away, he breathed a sigh of relief,

Fear of what might go wrong.

"You are uncomfortable."

Jiang Hua spread his hands and said:

"No, it just feels weird!"

He did not say that he was hosting leaders of other countries on the soil of his own country.

And it is patrolling in the name of the master.


Jiang Hua's new book "Three-Body Problem" finally decided to publish.

This is another masterpiece of Jack Jiang after a few years.

He forgot that there are book lovers,

Sure enough, his book was heavily promoted, but it ended badly.

Is it forgotten by the market, or it has been discontinued for too long and abandoned by readers.

"Boss, this sales volume is not normal. How could it be so low, even less than newcomers."

Can this new secretary speak?

Which pot does not open which pot.

"While playing, I didn't see that I was depressed."

"Boss, I found another problem with you, that is, you like to escape and don't want to face reality."

Suddenly a man rushed in and said:

"I found out the reason. One of your fan groups bought headlines in the newspaper and boycotted your new book, saying that you can't guarantee that you will publish a book every year, so you won't buy it. You have stopped updating for several years, and they all old!"

Jiang Hua was stunned, and there was even a newspaper headline urging him to update.

You say that I am a billionaire and can write books for you to read,

It's already very good, and I'm still picky.

"What about Europe, my book is very popular in Europe!"

"Someone over there also wrote the newspaper headlines. Boss, you are boycotted by your fans!"

This is the legendary retribution. After a few years of suspension, a new book will be published.

His fans have stopped buying it and threatened him unless a copy is released every year.

Otherwise don't buy his book.

Jiang Hua patted the table and shouted:

"It's a threat, a naked threat."

There are a lot of rich people in his fan club, and newspaper headlines are not cheap.

The confrontation between Jiang Hua and his fans was also on the news, which is now a hot topic.

The popularity is not low, a writer is boycotted by his fans.

It was outrageous that mother opened the door for outrageous, and outrageous got home.

The media, which is not too big of a deal to watch the excitement, end up hyping the TV station.

What a breaking news, a world-renowned author.

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