
Chapter 375 The Golden Age

The matter of the courtyard house came to an end, and his Silicon Valley plan was also launched.

Apple Labs, Transsion Labs, even HiSilicon chips, and Blizzard Entertainment.

They have all established laboratories here, trying their best to climb the technology tree.

And the scale is not small, of course, in order to prevent being taken over by others, although it is big here.

But it's not the only one, he understands the truth of the cunning rabbit's three caves.

There are so many talents here, and in just one month, the laboratory framework has been set up.

Of course, the person in charge is someone from the original company, and the research direction is the second generation of communication technology.

Especially CDMA technology, which is the foundation of Qualcomm's fortune.

Of course, Qualcomm has not yet been established, which is really a good time.

2G/3G/4G including 5G technology, Jianghua must firmly grasp it in its own hands.

The world situation is changing, and the first generation of communication technology has been occupied by Motorola.

Now every time a mobile phone is sold, Motorola has to pay a high patent fee.

This is fine for a short period of time, but in the long run, it is easy to be stuck by others.

Think about the later Huawei, there is no 5G technology, and only 4G mobile phones can be sold.

Just because someone got stuck in the neck.

Apple's CEO said next to Jiang Hua:

"Boss, we invested so much money and developed so many projects at one time, isn't it too aggressive?"

"A lot? Not much at all. Communication technology, chip technology, mobile phone research, and operating system are only four major projects. I still have a lot of projects to start!"

Chambers looked confused, not many, four major items, dozens of small items,

The R&D cost alone is about 10 billion, which is the first phase of investment.

That is to say, the company has a strong family background. If you want to change to another company, you will have gone bankrupt long ago.

Now there are very few companies with a market value of 10 billion. Your investment is 10 billion, which is simply insane.

"Okay, we are a technology-oriented enterprise. Science and technology are the primary productive forces. Without technology, our current company is a castle in the air, no matter how large it is. Remember one sentence, our company is always only three months away from bankruptcy. If there is a crisis feel."

The boss is pouring chicken soup again, I have to remember it and use it for the employees below.

"The security of the laboratory here needs to be strengthened and patrolled 24 hours a day. This is the core department of all our companies."

A total of thousands of people were recruited this time, and such a big move still attracted some people's attention.

However, it is really not many for several large companies to expand their business and recruit thousands of people.


Jiang Hua stayed in Silicon Valley for a few days before leaving for Britain.

Because there is still a chance to pick up the loopholes, the privatization of state-owned enterprises in Britain is now in full swing.

Several companies launched in the early stage have achieved good results.

It gave them a lot of confidence. The British state-owned enterprise, the British Petroleum Company, was launched in the first phase.

19% of the shares were taken by Jianghua, but this is still a long way from controlling this large company.

In the second phase, all the shares of this company were released.

You should know that British Petroleum (BP) was formed by the integration and reorganization of the former British Petroleum, Amoco, Arco and Castrol, and is one of the largest oil and petrochemical group companies in the world. BP's sunflower logo is named after the ancient Greek god of the sun.

The acquisition of this company can effectively fill in the weakness of Husky's energy product line.

Greatly enrich the product categories of Jianghua's energy companies.

And this company also has many oil exploration rights, the most famous is the North Sea oil field.

And the oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico.

It's all money, but BP Petroleum's volume is too large, and it will not be settled for a while.

However, with 19% of the shares, they should give priority to selling to Jianghua's private equity fund.

The highlight of this privatization is not BP Petroleum, but British Steel.

But this company is a big pit, and there is too much competition in the European steel industry.

Britannia Steel is bloated and inefficient, which is a common problem of state-owned enterprises.

As for other privatized companies in Britain, there are still good ones.

But now people are cautious about privatization, and dare not release too much at once.

In the future, there should be more, but the competitors are also very strong.

He couldn't eat it alone, and he didn't dare to eat it.

The privatization process went smoothly, and BP Petroleum was fully acquired.

In this way, the energy layout is basically completed. If BP Petroleum and Husky Energy merge,

This volume is much larger than that of Mobil Oil.

However, in his energy layout, the only thing missing is the energy market in the United States.

To open up the market, the best way is to acquire,

After more than a year of precipitation, he now has sufficient cash flow,

The depreciation of the US dollar has been serious, and his assets have also shrunk severely, mainly because he made money too quickly.

The money has been exchanged for stocks of various listed companies. Of course, this is purely investment in nature.

Without any desire to control, he even bought a large number of Berkshire Hathaway stocks.

Is afraid of property shrinkage.

Of course, he would draw a lottery if he was rich, but he spent tens of millions, except for thanking you for your patronage.

Not even a consolation prize, this system should be abolished,

Can't draw a shot without a lot of reputation.

On June 6, he appeared in London to make up for the last short board in the energy market.

He focused on Gulf Oil, one of the seven oil sisters,

This is a pure American company, and the company is deeply rooted in the American market.

This company is in line with Jianghua's expectations, and its size is not large, only more than 100 billion.

It just meets his purpose of investment preservation, but he has just acquired BP, a large-scale company.

The family does not have much funds for activities.

At this time, his strongest tool man came out,

McDonald's remortgage, coupled with its own funds, feels completely enough.

In business, there is no one who doesn't owe money, and I don't even look for other banks.

It was directly mortgaged to HSBC. Of course, the procedures and interest are all formal.

It’s not short of this little money. We can’t let the tax department catch the pigtails. We can avoid taxes reasonably.

But not against the law.

After several rounds of negotiations and paying a part of the premium, Jianghua Petroleum Energy has made up for the last shortcoming in the energy market.

It can be said that as long as there are no accidents in his energy company.

What Exxon Mobil is in front of him is his younger brother.

Although Gulf Oil is small, its brand name is old, and these are intangible assets.

However, it cannot be merged at present. If it is merged, it will be another standard oil.

Of course, compared with the trust of Standard Oil, his company can only be regarded as a younger brother.

For the time being, all companies are operating normally, and now the energy crisis has eased, but the oil price has not yet fallen.

The profit margin is huge, and it is not yet time to integrate resources and fight risks.

In the golden age, all you need is crazy expansion. ,


Chapter 376

In June 82, Jiang Hua had returned to Xiangjiang, and his energy industry layout had been completed.

Now it's all about climbing the technology tree,

Forbes' list of the world's richest people has also been released one after another. Sure enough, none of the richest people in Xiangjiang is on the list.

As in the previous life, the richest man with 20 billion US dollars is engaged in real estate and shipbuilding.

But the richest family is the Quandt family, who control BMW cars.

Sold 15% of the shares in Mercedes-Benz and exchanged it for a huge amount of wealth, investing in many industries.

Wealth skyrocketed further.

Of course, those old families, because their wealth is hidden deeply, ordinary people really can't investigate.

These families have a history of hundreds of years, some even hundreds of years, and the investigation is too difficult.

What can be investigated now is the Quandt family, and their sale of Mercedes-Benz shares to the Kuwait Investment Authority.

There are traces to be found, and their investment direction is easy to check.

So there is the result that they are the richest family.

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