"Got it, let's start tomorrow, and I happened to bring a lot of people over."

Jiang Hua is very relieved that someone has taken care of Lu Bu's affairs, and now he only needs to take away what he wants.

It's none of Jianghua's business whether he is turned upside down.

The little secretary couldn't understand Jiang Hua more and more. He used to be a lone ranger.

Now there are so many allies all at once, and they are all unknown to her.

It's quite fun for this group of people to be noisy together, much more interesting than being with Jiang Hua.

If Jiang Hua knew what the little secretary was thinking, he might have asked her to fly back on the spot.

"Let's dance together, Mr. Jiang!"

"No more!"

"Come on, come on."

Not to mention, this group of people really know how to play. In this poor place, they have a stereo.

There is also a dance party.

It can only be said that there are always more ways than difficulties.

Seeing this, the little secretary complained in her heart: "This guy has a newcomer and forgets the old one."

"Mr. Jiang, can I dance with you, you are my idol."


Chapter 459 RB Collapse, Supermarket Listing

Jianghua is still in the Far East, making final preparations.

RB's stock market and property market plummeted,

Those rich people who bought Jianghua real estate lost all their money.

Among them is Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, the former richest man in the world, who bought the most real estate.

When Jiang Hua saw that he had bought too much, he reminded him.

This guy didn't listen, and still bet heavily on buying houses.

Jianghua cleared the warehouse and left in 89, and even sold all the supermarkets in Ginza including the decorations.

At that time, he still mocked this guy, this supermarket can bring in a lot of income every year.

Moreover, Jianghua's supermarkets are basically sold by the retail companies under Tsutsumi Yoshiaki.

It's not like the stock market crashed first, and he didn't even have time to sell it off.

Then the upstairs lasted until the end of the 90s, and finally collapsed.

This is simply that his wealth has shrunk sharply, from the peak of 200 billion US dollars to only 30 billion US dollars.

In the end, he had to sell a lot of assets, but it still couldn't solve the problem.

He had to take such risks that he was still in jail at the age of 71.

"Boss, people from TV Tokyo are coming to interview, may I ask...?"

"What was the interview, the stock market collapsed, and some people started planning a few years in advance. This is a bureau, starting from the Plaza Accord, it is a bureau against our country."

The secretary hurriedly said: "Boss, be careful, this is related to the relationship between the beautiful country and us."

"It's a fart. I was harvested by others and helped to say good things. It was Jiang Sang who had the foresight. This guy ran away a year early. He persuaded me back then. I really regret that I didn't listen to him."

While Yoshiaki Tsutsumi was still complaining, a big news broke out from RB.

Overseas funds have made countless profits in RB.

This is distributing wealth to the country. According to statistics, these consortium capital have grabbed hundreds of billions of profits from RB.

Among them, some multinational companies headed by 7 Days Supermarket have committed many crimes.

This is why RB is looking for someone who is responsible, who runs a supermarket, how can he make money from the stock market and the property market.

But when the victims jumped out one by one, accusing 7-day supermarket of hoarding houses, real estate, and land.

In 88-89, it was sold to them, and various promotional methods were used, even buying a house and giving a Rolls-Royce as a gift.

This is the behavior of dumping the pot, so many companies are buying the bottom, and so much international hot money has entered the property market.

Moreover, RB's own company is also speculating in real estate. Can a supermarket be blamed for this?

However, the 7-day supermarket, which has always been low-key, suddenly became popular, according to incomplete statistics.

They have been in RB for 20 years and the business model is exactly the same as 7 days supermarkets elsewhere.

They all choose to buy the store and only rent it as a last resort.

This time, it is normal business practice to sell all RB's stores + stores.

But here, all the stores in Ginza have been sold. You must know that a single store in Ginza has a profit of millions of dollars a year.

This is the signal for the great retreat.

And the boss behind this company is Jiang Hua.

In order to divert the public's attention, RB deliberately dumped the blame on these international speculators.

The stock market and the property market both collapsed.

However, all 7-day supermarkets withdrew before the crash, and even sold all the stores in the center of several business districts with huge profits. What kind of decision is this, or is there a conspiracy?

The Tokyo Metropolitan News directly reported: "According to various investigations by our reporters, 7 Days Supermarket has another business, which is real estate. They have been operating in their country for 20 years, and all their profits are used to buy stores, hoard land and real estate. This is a real estate company under the guise of a supermarket. It is reported that they began to sell properties at the end of 87, and the sales were completed in mid-89, with a total of about 600 billion US dollars in real estate sales.”

This is simply a big melon, 600 billion US dollars, which was an astronomical figure in the 90s.

Now Pepsi's annual turnover will only exceed 100 billion US dollars.

As soon as this news came out, all the past and present lives of 7 Days Supermarket were dug up.

RB's face is basically torn apart here, and they don't care about anything, everything explodes,

The Asahi Shimbun followed suit and issued news about the 7-day supermarket.

"Our agency has received news that there is a familiar figure in the list of shareholders of 7-Day Supermarket, Jiang Hua."

This time the pot exploded. How can Jianghua be regarded as the light of Asia, but it turns out that he is just a thief.

This time the stock market crashed, all of these thieves stole our assets.

Seeing that the situation is developing in the direction that the RB government wants, the main domestic contradiction is directed to the 7-day supermarket.

The spokesperson of 7 Days Supermarket urgently held a press conference.

Sincerely said: "Dear friends from the media, our company sold RB's business. In the country, our business has stagnated there, everyone only sees that the Ginza store earns several million a year, but our other stores are basically operating at a loss, and I have the turnover list of 7 Days Supermarket in RB.”

Each of the news media below has a copy, and the business list is stamped with the seal of the financial company.

Proving that there is no fraud, this is the confidence of 7 Days Supermarket. Of course, this list is not fraudulent.

But the company wants to hide the wealth, very easy thing.

"Sir, I want to ask, is 7 Days Supermarket the private property of Mr. Jiang?"

"No, Mr. Jiang is just a shareholder. Of course, we held a press conference today to explain the abandonment of the RB market. The next step is to announce that we will seek listing in the beautiful country."

The news is shocking, 7-day supermarket will be listed, which is a giant similar to Wal-Mart.

But there has been no plan to go public. Now that there is such a fuss, why do you want to go public?

The news media below all raised their hands, but the spokesperson had already chosen to exit.

Immediately after that was the equity adjustment of 7-Day Supermarket. Jianghua only had 1% of the shares, but the shares of 7-Day Supermarket held by Sequoia Capital only increased to 67%.

Of course, these ordinary people don't know it at all, and only a few people know the situation of equity changes.

Because it is going to be listed, the shareholding details must be clear.

The listing of 7-day supermarket is also the layout of Jianghua, in order to meet the Internet era.

Supermarkets should also make corresponding changes. The listing is not for cashing out, but for attracting several big families.

Because Jianghua is about to develop an e-commerce platform, the e-commerce platform can do business with supermarkets, and of course it can coexist better with supermarkets.

It depends on the development, if the supermarket affects the development of the e-commerce platform.

He doesn't mind selling it, and of course he has to sell it at a good price, so going public is a good exit mechanism.

In addition, RB's slander of 7 Days Supermarket is too fierce, this is also a good way to divert attention.


Chapter 460 Preparations for the Spotlight

The RB stock market and the property market both collapsed, and the 7-day supermarket was inexplicably blamed.

The eyes of the masses are all focused on this supermarket that has developed in RB for 20 years.

Only then did they discover that the supermarket was from a foreign country.

They thought this supermarket belonged to RB, and what's even more amazing is that this supermarket is almost a combination of RB's largest supermarket + convenience store.

They cashed out $600 billion in RB, which is a huge number, but think about 20 years of operation.

It makes sense, but they feel it still hurts their feelings.

7 Days Supermarket has always appeared in the lives of RB people, and they even thought it was RB enterprise.

Indeed, with the support of other Jianghua companies, 7-Day Supermarket has not been exposed because of their chip industry.

There are also industries such as computers, where patents are in the hands of others.

Now I'm tearing my face apart. Anyway, I'm at the bottom of the valley, and I have no bottom line than anyone else.

The listing of 7-day supermarket has attracted some attention, but RB continues to release new big melons.

89 years ago, Jiang Hua stayed in RB for a long time, and often went to and from the Tokyo Metropolitan Stock Exchange.

Many people have seen him often disguised and entered the big room of the exchange,

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