Everyone began to recommend themselves one after another!

"Use my Bagua Liangyi formation!"

"Use my Big Dipper Town!"

"Use my Qimen Bagua Formation!"

"Fellow Taoist of Longhu Mountain, please sit down, this is none of your business!"

"I am Xiaochen's own master, use mine! I don't care!"


The four kept arguing.

Ye Chen also has a big head, the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh, he can't make a choice!

I had no choice but to turn around and leave without losing my head!

The faces of the four were red and red, but they were not selected!

final decision.

Instead of working together for a while, everyone uses their own formations, and by the way, compare who can kill more zombies!

After deciding all this.

Everyone also took their magic weapons and prepared to attack Tenteng Town!

And this time.

Another new problem arises, that is who will lure the zombies!

They are four veterans.

They all have to arrange formations, and they can't escape at all!

And the matter of attracting corpses is extremely dangerous, and it might kill someone!

"I'll go!"

Ye Chen whispered softly.

But just after he finished speaking, he was greeted with decisive rejection from everyone! ! !

"Master, let the four of us go!"

at this time.

The four people from the southeast, the northwest, and the north volunteered to volunteer. They were influenced by Qianhe and had the courage to take responsibility!

But before Chizuru could respond.

Uncle Jiu interrupted the matter: "Leave this matter to Wencai Qiusheng! They both have more ways to escape than teachers, and they will definitely be worthy of great responsibilities!"

Wencai: ? ? ?

Qiusheng: ? ? ?

The two were dumbfounded!

I don't know whether my master is praising them or scolding them!

"Don't worry, I won't harm you as a teacher!"

"Here are two breathing talismans, which can save both of your lives if you are in danger!"


Uncle Jiu took out the talisman and handed it to the two of them!

But after taking the talisman.

The two looked at Ye Chen and begged, "Little brother, why don't you give us two more breath-holding talismans! We are worried that the ones given by Master will not be very effective."

It was a matter of life and death, and the two of them spoke without any concealment!

But the rest of the people looked at Wen Cai Qiusheng helplessly!

Really did not expect.

How ignorant they are!

As a disciple of Maoshan, no one knows that the breathing talisman is very special, and the method of drawing it has long been lost!

Uncle Jiu has copied it for several years, but he has never succeeded once!

There is no way to understand the mystery!

This time, the breath-holding talisman that was taken out!

It was handed down by Master, and it is regarded as a treasure... use one and lose one!

They actually asked Ye Chen if he would? !

Isn't this pure and simple? !

"Okay! How could Xiaochen draw this talisman?!"

"Hurry up and move!"

Uncle Jiu said helplessly.

Wen Caiqiusheng pouted, and was about to leave!

But he was called back by a child's voice: "Brother, give me the talisman, I'll try it!"

Ye Chen didn't know the special features of the breath-holding talisman, nor did he know that it had been lost!

But this trip is really dangerous, so there is no harm in trying it!


Ye Chen looked at the talisman Wencai handed over, observed it carefully, and under the blessing of [Tao Xin Tong Ming] and [Harmony of Heaven and Man], he quickly understood the mystery.

Quickly took out the yellow paper and cinnabar pen, and started to draw! .

Chapter 110: The fourth chapter is dead!

Chapter 110: The fourth chapter is dead!

Seeing Ye Chen frowning slightly, he looked very serious.

Everyone has no hope at all, the way of talisman and seal is extremely mysterious, if you can't understand the mystery, no matter how similar the painting is, it will be useless!


For so many years, Uncle Jiu is not the only Taoist genius who wants to penetrate the breath-holding talisman! ! !

All ended in failure!

Xiaochen's talent is indeed superb, and it is very possible to comprehend the breath-holding talisman!

But not now.

They would rather believe that the patriarch is still alive than that Ye Chen can penetrate the breath-holding talisman in such a short period of time~!

Soon Ye Chen drew two talisman seals.

"Take it here and show it to the teacher!"

While Ye Chen was drawing the talisman, everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Uncle Jiu was afraid of hurting his little disciple's enthusiasm for cultivating Taoism, so he quickly reached out and asked for the talisman, wanting to say something nice, coaxing Ye Chen.

After all, children are easily lost.

"This talisman is beautifully drawn..."

The words did not fall.

Uncle Jiu was stunned, his pupils constricted.

He clearly felt it.

The breath-holding talisman drawn by Xiaochen contains rich spiritual power and an incomparably mysterious aura!

It was the aura that he had spent several years but hadn't fully comprehended!

Xiaochen... he really drew it! !

This... this... how is this possible!

a time.

Ninth Uncle's Dao heart frantically swayed.

The hand holding the breath-holding talisman kept trembling, and the eyes were full of horror and disbelief! ! !

"What's the matter? Could it be that the talisman drawn by my nephew contains the spiritual power of lightning?!"

The four eyes said in disbelief.

I thought Ye Chen had injected the lightning power into the talisman paper.

He quickly snatched the breath-holding talisman from the hands of the horrified Uncle Jiu, and with his eyes slightly closed, he mobilized his spiritual power to perceive the special features of the talisman!

Available in the next moment!

He opened his eyes suddenly, his pupils trembling!

His eyes were full of horror!

Followed by.

As if a chain reaction was triggered, the unbelieving Qianhe and Zodiac came one after another! ! !

Same as Uncle Jiu.

The three of them were instantly in a state of shattered Dao heart and stunned! ! !

Others have been studying it for several years, but they can't understand the breath-holding talisman. Xiaochen looks at the painting and it's perfect!


The spiritual power contained in it.

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