Everyone frowned, they are all cultivators, so it is not easy to hear that this matter is not easy!

Ye Chen nodded slightly.

I know this is the original plot in the original drama!

And right now.

The sound of suona and gongs and drums came from the other side of the street!Husband.

Chapter 140 Nine, Zhang San!There is great terror!

The festive sound and the silent night are very incompatible!

Some sense of panic!

But Uncle Jiu and the others are all people who have practiced Taoism for several years, their hearing is much sharper than ordinary people, and they can catch a subtle cry mixed with the sound of suona and gongs and drums!


Everyone's faces became extremely dignified!

Stand still.

Keep an eye on the end of the road!


The bridal sedan team broke into everyone's sight!

The faces of the people carrying the bridal sedan chairs and those beating gongs and drums were not filled with joy, but their brows and eyes were full of fear and deep worry! ! !

Don't think about it.

This is what the old man in the inn said, a happy event for the Jiang family! ! !

When the group saw Uncle Jiu and the others, they cast unexpected glances. Several daughter-in-laws of the Jiang family died tragically one after another, and no one wanted to encounter this!

Asking for "[-]" is not giving too much!

They don't want to get involved in this kind of thing either! ! !

And right now.

Suona stopped suddenly...

When the man saw Ye Chen, his eyes lit up!

He rushed over in a hurry: "Little God, why are you here?!"

Ye Chen: ? ? ?

Wencai Qiusheng:? ? ?

They are very familiar with the person who ran over holding the suona and with a smile on his face!

Nima is Zhang...Zhang San! ! !

"Why are you here?!"

Wen Caiqiusheng immediately asked back.

It feels like this three, seems to be able to predict their appearance, and always arrive at their only way one step ahead of time!

If it is a chance encounter!


Dafangbo Town is several hundred miles away from Renjia Town!

Can this special code be encountered by chance? !

Zhang San, I'm afraid there will be great terror!

"Hey, I ran around a while ago, causing all the crops to die. I heard that suona craftsmen are recruited at a high price. I don't want to subsidize the family!"

Zhang San spoke very seriously, and his brows and eyes revealed the honesty and honesty of a farmer!

Even Ye Chen felt that Tema's was a bit too coincidental!

He couldn't help probing: "Zhang San, you know the king of heaven and Gai Dihu, what's the last sentence?!"

"Small... small..."

"The villain is uneducated, so I don't know very well."

Zhang San chuckled and touched his head in embarrassment.

Ye Chen didn't ask any more questions.

"Zhang San, is this girl forced?"

Hearing the woman in the sedan chair cry was extremely sad, although as a Taoist priest she had no right to interfere with other people's marriage.

But the kind Jiu Shu couldn't bear it.

"Hey, the seven daughter-in-laws of the Jiang family can't live for three days. I don't want to marry her... She was forced by my own brother!"

Zhang San sighed.

"There is still such a thing happening, brother, we can't sit idly by!"

Chizuru, who had a sense of justice, spoke uprightly.

The matter of marriage.

They really have no way to intervene, but the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family died tragically one after another. This incident is very likely to be caused by evil spirits. As a Taoist priest, if he sits idly by and ignores it, it is really against the principles of Maoshan!

The rest of the people also nodded in agreement!

"Several Taoists, you must make decisions for the little girl!"

Shanshan sitting in the sedan chair.

Hearing the voices of everyone talking, he ran out crying!

She didn't want to marry into the Jiang family at all!

Even more afraid of death!

Looking at Shanshan, who looked like a fairy, crying pear blossoms with rain, Wen Caiqiusheng's heart was broken, and he quickly patted his chest to reassure: "Don't worry, don't worry, this matter is on the two of us!"

"Little girl..."

Before Shanshan finished speaking, she was pulled aside by Zhang San: "Those two are idiots, if you want to live, ask that little fairy!"

little fairy? !

Shanshan looked in the direction Zhang San was pointing at, and her eyes were full of doubts. The child was indeed very soft and cute, but... can I really ask him? !

You can see Zhang San's serious face, and everyone's eyes that dislike literary talent Qiusheng!

Shanshan is also smart.

He quickly ran to Ye Chen's side: "Save my sister... as long as I can save my sister, I will do whatever I want for you!"

Hear this.

Wen Caiqiusheng immediately looked at Zhang San angrily.

Before Ye Chen could respond.

Uncle Jiu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, we won't sit idly by if the impoverished Taoist can take care of it! Go back to the sedan chair first, and we will go with you!"


Everyone followed the sedan chair team and marched towards Jiang's mansion!


At the same time, there are deep alleys in the town.

"It's not good, some damned Taoist priests appeared out of nowhere, and they followed the sedan chair and walked towards Jiang's mansion!"

The housekeeper of the Jiang family, who had been observing secretly, panted and said 0...

His eyes were full of anxiety!

He and Tang Long had planned for a long time to seize Jiang's property, so naturally they didn't want to be disturbed by a few Taoist priests!

"Ah?! Taoist?!"

"Master Zhao Jun, what should we do?!"

Tang Long was startled.

A look of worry appeared in his eyes! ! !

"It's just a few wild Taoist priests, there's nothing to worry about."

Zhao Jun didn't care, but a smile appeared on his face!

this era.

He is not the only Taoist priest who travels in the rivers and lakes. Is it normal to bump into a few by mistake, but as the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, he doesn't put anyone in his eyes at all!

It's not that he's arrogant!

after all.

He already has the strength of the peak master!

In addition, with the blessing of Shuangjuejian Qigong, in a desperate situation, the real combat strength can approach the half-step celestial master!

Looking at the entire spiritual world, half-step celestial masters are rare!

He doesn't pay attention to some wild Taoist priests at all!


These priests came just in time!

They and Master Jiang must all die in the hands of the corpse!

By the time.

With the foreshadowing of these Taoist priests, he, Zhao Jun, will deal with all the corpses alone, which will be more credible in the eyes of the townspeople!

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