Gongyang Zhiyuan:? ? ?

Everyone was dumbfounded, their eyes full of horror and disbelief!

Want to dodge in a hurry!

But the numb body and the corpse's breath entangled under their feet have already imprisoned their actions! ! !

Just at this juncture!

A burst of fiery flames flashed behind everyone!Husband.

Chapter 170 Four We Are Going to Die!Go to hell to pretend!

Just a breath of time!

The frost on the ground, as well as the thick Yin Qi, were dispelled by the extreme fire! ! !

The dark world suddenly brightened!


I saw that young child, holding a fire dragon in his hand, suddenly blocked in front of Qianhe and the others!

The flames swept through!

The golden light spreads!

Yin Qi and Corpse Qi collide with it!

There was a bang!

From Ye Chen's feet, the ground suddenly collapsed and fell apart, like a river bed that has been dry for a long time! !

Such a horrible texture.

Spread at an extremely fast speed, until a hundred meters away!

And the figure that collided with him!

Even more embarrassing!

He was blasted to the ground and smashed into several dilapidated buildings in the Taoist temple!

Embedded in the ground!

Slide out [-] meters!

A person-deep ditch was left on the surface, and it didn't stop! ! !

a time.

The dazzling golden glow and the swaying fire light are constantly scattered in the Taoist temple, but the air of "Two Twenty" seems to be condensed!

Surprisingly quiet!

Terribly quiet!

Quiet makes people flustered! ! !

The immense power of the gods swept away like a gust of wind.

Some zombies that hadn't been wiped out froze in place and didn't dare to move any more!

The eyes are full of horror and fear!

Although their spiritual intelligence is not high, they can still feel the coercion that invades the spiritual consciousness from the bones! !

And the ghosts and gods who belong to the underworld are even more horrified!

To know.

Many of them were enshrined with incense!

Although not a god.

But it has something to do with it more or less!

But they found that the charm emanating from the eight-year-old child was stronger and purer than all the superimposed charms of all their ghosts and gods!

Not to mention Shenwei.

In addition to the working time in the underworld, they have to cultivate for at least hundreds of years. Even if they are haunted by ordinary human fire, they will definitely not be able to hurt them in the slightest!

Even if you are far away from that child!

The flame on that sword brought them a heart-wrenching torture!

Could it be...

Is it the divine fire that only exists in the sky? !

The more ghosts and gods think about it, the more they admire it!

They have all stayed in the underworld for thousands of years before they got official positions...

"I am afraid that the emperor has received the priesthood!"

"I received the priesthood at the age of eight. Compared with it, we ghosts who have stayed in the underworld for thousands of years before becoming officials, what face do we have?"

"Hey! This Lin Fengjiao is really lucky! He actually accepted the emperor's envoy as his apprentice!"

"From now on, when he is in the underworld, I am afraid that Lord Yan will not dare to speak loudly to him!"

Several ghosts and gods talked with envy.


Say there are rules, but in fact it is also very chaotic!

As long as there is a slight difference in official positions, the superiors will not treat the inferiors as ghosts at all. It is light to be beaten up for doing something wrong. Maybe they will go to the [-]th hell to do hard work for a period of time! !

If Lin Fengjiao went to the underworld, even if she didn't receive the position of the underworld, just because his disciple is the emperor's envoy, she would be able to live comfortably...

Listening to the discussion of several ghosts and gods.

Wen Caiqiusheng's eyes lit up!

Don't care about fighting at all!

Hastily asked:

"Fuck, you ghost brothers, are you telling the truth?!"

"Yes, yes, you can't talk nonsense! Is my Xiaochen's identity really that awesome?!"

"Isn't it? Your Maoshan patriarchs used to be submissive in the underworld, but now their backs are no longer hunched, and their waists are straight! Hell dogs will get slapped twice if they don't say hello when they walk on the road!"

"It's all because of the status of the emperor's envoy!"

Several ghosts and gods explained in vain, their eyes full of envy!

They're not talking nonsense either.

Yama of the ten halls is in charge of the affairs of the underworld, their positions are under the five ghost emperors, and they are all under the jurisdiction of the mysterious Fengdu Emperor!

Those who have Fengdu Token are equivalent to the agent of Fengdu Emperor!

This horse is in the underworld.

Who can not give him some face? !

"Fuck, you're so awesome! Brother Black and White Impermanence, I don't want to live anymore, can you take me to the underworld?! (I want to pretend!)"

"I don't want to live anymore either! (I also want to pretend!)"

Wen Caiqiusheng's eyes brightened!

It seems to have caught the light of hope for the future, which is extremely exciting!

Everyone is mortal!

Either lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai, since you can pretend to be strong in the underworld... then what's the problem with death? !

Black and white impermanence:? ? ?

The ghosts directly ignored the two of them.

Feeling the fire flashing again, all the ghosts and gods quickly shifted their sights!

I see.

Holding the fire sword in his hand, the young figure stepped towards the thousand-year-old corpse king who fell to the ground.

A distance of [-] meters.

It seemed to be shortened under his feet!

In just a few steps, he has already rushed to the thousand-year-old corpse king whose eyes are full of horror!

The Millennium Corpse King was startled!

The two swords criss-crossed, cutting out an ultimate sword energy!

Powerful push back force!

Directly push his body back suddenly, leaping a distance of tens of meters!

Ye Chen frowned slightly!

He knew that the Millennium Corpse King's spiritual intelligence was not low, after all, he was able to lead a thousand corpses in battle!

This kind of zombie with its own intelligence is extremely difficult to make it surrender, if you want to subdue it, you must use gentle methods to open its knots!

Thoughts so far 0...

Ye Chen no longer hesitated.

Inject the Tiangang Slaying Dragon Sword Intent into the Nanming Lihuo Sword!

'Huo Ninglong, destroy all evils! '

The terrifying sword intent condensed, spiritual power, and divine power turned into a real fire dragon, entangled on the sword body!


Ye Chen raised his sword and pointed!

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