It is winter moon.

The hot spring hotel sitting in the mountains has been covered with snowflakes, and under the moonlight, it is shrouded in a layer of frost!

Make a gorgeous hotel!

It looks like a lonely city isolated from the world!



A car approached at an extremely fast speed, breaking the peaceful scene! ! !

But because the speed is too fast!

After sliding for more than ten meters on the snow, it stopped until it hit a stone pillar at the entrance of the hotel! ! !

"My two aunts!"

"I've said it all. It's snowing so hard that you can't stop it. Why do you insist on overtaking other people's luxury car fleet!"

The old man who drove.

When I got out of the car and saw the smashed front of the car, I said with a distressed face!

He was very sorry.

Listen to Ma Xiaoling's words!

When I met a luxury car team in front of me, I have to overtake him, a bad old man!

It didn't stop directly.

Hit it head on!

If the higher authorities were to investigate this, this month's salary would definitely be deducted. Fortunately, no stone pillar was smashed, otherwise three months' salary would not be enough to compensate! ! !

"Tch, can this be my fault?!"

"Who said that youth should be burned once?!"

Ma Xiaoling said helplessly.

She was just dissatisfied before that the man in the tunic suit can not only ride in a luxury car, but also walk in front!

So it's just a complaint!

who thought.

This old man is full of passion, and he directly commits a crime!With one kick of the accelerator, he charged straight up! ! !

"Okay, don't worry! We will intercede for you in this matter."

Fearing that the two would quarrel, Wang Zhenzhen quickly comforted her.

The old man didn't say any more.

Drive away slowly!

And right now.

Several luxury cars also came from down the mountain and stopped at the hotel entrance, Ye Chen in a Chinese tunic got out of the car!

To put it bluntly, this hot spring hotel is just a manor built on an extinct volcano! ! !

He came this time.

I just want to see what the hell Kazuo Yamamoto wants to do!

After glancing at Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen.

Ye Chen didn't say much, and followed the hotel butler directly to the depths!


Everyone looked at each other.

Ma Xiaoling just wanted to say hello.

After all, they met each other more or less once, and they also killed ghost generals together, at least they were destined!


She just raised her hand.

Just be ignored by the man in the Chinese tunic suit!

"Zhenzhen, see if I'm right, he's definitely not a good person~!"

"So cold-blooded, you don't even say hello!"

Ma Xiaoling stomped her feet angrily.

The arrogance in his eyes was completely covered by resentment! ! !

"Alright Xiaoling!"

"It's too cold outside, let's go in!"

Wang Zhenzhen comforted her.

I was also very puzzled in my heart, why the man always had an extremely calm expression!

Everyone went deep into the villa.

brightly lit,

Gorgeous decoration,

Very different from the lonely scene outside! ! !

Just when everyone was about to enter the hotel.

A voice sounded behind everyone!

"Early spring... (Baga dialect)"

"Chuchun, don't stay in there anymore, go home with dad, go home with dad!"

"Father really misses you! Misses you so much!"

Everyone turned their heads.

I see.

An old man with a stooped figure and gray hair was sitting slumped outside the hotel.

Holding a stack of clothes.

His face was extremely haggard, and he kept sobbing!


The bloodshot eye sockets have been drained of tears many years ago, and no more tears can be squeezed out! ! !

"OK OK!"

"Get out of here quickly, if you don't leave, I will do something!"

"Really! There are distinguished guests coming today, we don't want to make it too stalemate!"

Several security guards in suits and leather shoes.

While talking, while pushing and shoving the old man!

But that old man.

Hearing the word VIP, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly knelt on the ground and begged: "Please, everyone, can you take me in, I just want to see my daughter!"

"I beg you, I won't live long!"

"I just want to meet again!"

Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen's hearts suddenly softened, and they quickly supported the old man and began to ask: "Old man, don't worry! Don't worry, just tell me, where is your daughter?!"

The old man frantically pointed at the hotel.

Tremblingly, he said: "Decades ago, Chuchun was killed by someone, and she has been in it for decades..."

Ye Chen stood where he was, with calm eyes.

According to the plot.

20 years ago, Chuchun was killed by a mysterious man in this hotel.


After that, all the women in their village disappeared one after another! ! !

The entire hotel has been covered by ghosts!

"Old man, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to let you meet my daughter!"

After listening to the story told by the old man.

Ma Xiaoling frowned suddenly.

The business she received this time was to eliminate the daughter Chuchun in the old man's mouth!

I heard that I could see my daughter.

The old man suddenly laughed, acting a little crazy!

It's actually quite normal.

Decades of longing have accumulated, and there is no doubt that he has a serious illness!

He shouted excitedly: "Actually, in fact, my daughter was killed by the owner of the hotel. It was the owner of the hotel who killed her. His name is..."

The voice did not fall.

Several security guards in the hotel suddenly froze!

Hastily pounced on it!

Before Ma Xiaoling could react!

Like a shower of fists, it fell on the old man!

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