In an instant.

He went into a wasteland!

The surroundings are full of rocks, yellow sand, and white bones, as if no one has stepped into this place for thousands of years! ! !

Everything seemed so still!

And right now.

The void suddenly flashed, and an extremely cold wind surged from all directions!

Swish swish!

The strong wind rolled up the sky and sand! ! !

Cover the sky!

The cold wind is like a knife, and the earth has become a sticky board, raging non-stop!

Even Ye Chen, who has innate Dao body and body refining technique, also felt the extreme danger in the wind and sand!

Time passes with the wind and sand!

Wait for the yellow sand to fall to the ground!

Ye Chen was extremely surprised by the scene in front of him! ! !

I see.

The rocks that originally stood horizontally have been eroded by wind and sand to form sandy soil, and the white bones have also been turned into ashes...

as if.

Everything in this world!

Nothing can stop this wind of Taoism!

back to reality.

There is still a hint of horror in Ye Chen's eyes! !

Samadhi Kamikaze!

It seems to be the magic technique that the Monkey King blows and dances all over the sky in Journey to the West! ! !


at this time.

Ma Xiaoling's complaints attracted Ye Chen's attention!

0···Ask for flowers·······

I see.

Ma Xiaoling at the moment.

Between the two forces, it seemed extremely embarrassing!

She neither has the ability to overwhelm Chuchun, nor does she dare to take back the power of Taoism! ! !

All I can do is try my best! ! !

But Chuchun, who is full of resentment, has no patience to wait!

She suddenly attacked forward!

The momentum suddenly rose!

Ma Xiaoling is in danger!

Ye Chen didn't intend to make a move, because a figure had already arrived at a very fast speed!


at this time.

A man in a black leather jacket rushed into the battle circle against the blinding wind and snow! ! !


The black shadow pushed Ma Xiaoling away and collided with Chuchun!

The power of spells dissipated immediately!

Two figures flew upside down one after another, and that person was none other than Kuang Tianyou, the second-generation zombie! ! !

He came to the hot spring hotel.

.. 0

The most important purpose is to handle the case. Just now when I got outside, I ran into dozens of security personnel, who fled with wounds all over their bodies!

and so.

He asked his colleagues to help everyone first, and came to find out by himself!


It was a bit of a surprise to see ghosts fighting warlocks!

But not surprised!

But the next moment!

Kuang Tianyou, who fell to the ground, couldn't help showing horror in his eyes!

Him as a zombie!

The body is extremely hard!

But the collision just now left a wound on his body! ! !

Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen were also a little surprised, the evil wind was like a sharp knife!

this man.

Straight in!

Didn't die? ! !

"Bullet armor, find the body armor that the Taoist priest has opened!"

Seeing the two girls looked puzzled.

Kuang Tianyou quickly tore off his clothes, revealing the black body armor inside!

no way.

In order not to make others suspicious, he has done enough homework! ! !


Kuang Tianyou just finished explaining.

Seeing the figure in the Chinese tunic suit, he couldn't help being taken aback!

That breathless feeling!

It came to his mind again!

"I'm not afraid of dying!"

"Do I need your help?!"

Ma Xiaoling complained.

After she finished speaking, she sneaked a glance at the man in the Chinese tunic suit, feeling a little unwilling and confused!

Obviously the situation just now was more dangerous.

Why didn't he make a move? !

Swish swish!

Feeling that the man in black is not like an ordinary person, Chuchun returned to the hotel lobby with resentment flowing! ! !

these years.

Nearly a hundred women have died tragically in the hotel!

The reason why she can be so strong is because she keeps absorbing the resentment of those girls who died tragically, so the hotel where the resentment is full of sky is her home field! ! !

The early spring that replenishes yin and resentment.

Riot again!

Stretch out your hands!

Two blood claws, coming straight!Husband.

Chapter 190 The fourth literary talent is born!Finally did something!

a time.

The smell of blood in the air is extremely strong! ! !

The moment the falling snowflakes touch the blood claws, they will condense into blood-colored crystals! !

 Sudden wind strikes! ! !

Seeing the attacking blood red claws, Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling, who had suffered in Chuchun's hands before, did not dare to be sloppy at all, their eyes were full of seriousness! ! !

The two looked at Ye Chen unconsciously.

Found the man in the tunic suit.

His face was still like still water, unmoved at all!

The two became more and more suspicious.

It stands to reason that even if the strength is high, there will be some reactions in such a situation!

Available from start to finish.

That man in the Chinese tunic suit is like a person who has nothing to do!

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