Chapter 210 Four Something Wrong

Riley's attitude made Wang Zhenzhen blush a little.

I quickly introduced myself.

"Sorry, my name is Wang Zhenzhen."

"Did you save me?"

The man is noncommittal.

Instead, he stretched out a hand in front of Wang Zhenzhen.

Spread your fingers.

A necklace dangled from his fingers.

"Miss Wang."

"This is your necklace."

Wang Zhenzhen took a look.

It was indeed the necklace that Kuang Tianyou gave him.

The joy of regaining what was lost could not be concealed at all.

Wang Zhenzhen laughed happily.

"That's right! It's mine!"

"Thank you so much!"

Riley handed her the necklace.

Wang Zhenzhen took it.

Put it in the "[-]" in the palm of your hand and check it carefully.

Both she and the necklace have experienced too many things this day.

She was worried that the necklace would be damaged.


There is nothing wrong with the necklace.

Not even a trace of a bump.

But then.

Wang Zhenzhen noticed something was wrong.

Every country in this world has its own time.

But regardless of the time difference.

The hands of the watch are beating clockwise.

Yet the watch hands on her necklace.

But it is beating counterclockwise.

"How is this going?"

"Maybe it broke when it fell."

Listen to Riley's explanation.

Wang Zhenzhen nodded.

I can't help but feel a little sad.

"Time can be turned back."

"It's not a bad thing."


"After you did something that made you particularly regret."

Riley said.

His expression looked a little sad.

Wang Zhenzhen, who didn't notice these, answered casually.

"Even going back in time is useless."


She realized that Riley was looking at her.

Hastily explained again.

"Feel sorry."

"I mean."

"Even if time can be turned back."

"History can change too."

"So what?"

"It's man-made."

"If people don't change."

"Then what happened in the first place."

"It still happens."

Riley heard Wang Zhenzhen's explanation.


immediately.He put away his surprised gaze.

Instead, he put on the polite smiling face before.

"Maybe this is fate."

"But maybe it's fate?"

"Perhaps self-inflicted."

Riley and Wang Zhenzhen talked to each other.

The atmosphere was pretty good.

But after hearing the phrase "self-inflicted evil".

Wang Zhenzhen thought for a while.

"may be."

"Some people are really weird after all."

"You know it's wrong to do so."

"But if you give him a chance."

"Let him choose again."

"He's still going to do the same thing as last time."

"Same choice."


Wang Zhenzhen looked into Riley's eyes.


"He's still going to make mistakes."

This sentence seemed to touch Riley's sore spot.

He put away his smile in an instant.

It seems that something has been touched.

It's just that this emotion only lasted for a few seconds.

He changed the subject.

"Let me help you put the necklace on."

Wang Zhenzhen readily agreed.

turned away.

At the same time, he lifted his long hair from the shawl.

His fair neck was exposed.

It's been too long since Riley has smelled this vibrant scent.

Although still separated by some distance.

He closed his eyes.

You can even hear the sound of bright red blood flowing in the blood vessels.

And the arteries.

It is pulsating with the beating of the heart.




The temperature of a living person.

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