He silently swore in his heart that he would help Ruan Mengmeng get revenge!

Replaced Kuang Tianyou's identity and came to Jiajia Building, although not long after 0...

But this girl's cuteness made him see it.

Sometimes, people are really scarier than zombies!

"I must catch the murderer who killed Mengmeng!"

"Absolutely, I won't let that person go easily!"

Kuang Tianyou swears!

Everyone was sad.

Ruan Mengmeng is lively and playful by nature, and has only one mother to depend on.

"Is there something wrong with this killer's psychology?"

Kim Jong-jung cursed angrily.

"They pretended to be zombies to kill!"

"Does he want to blame the murder on the zombie?"

Nowadays, everyone doesn't know how to convey this bad news back.


Suddenly, Uncle Qiu reacted sharply!

Ma Xiaoling also sensed it.

The unusually strong corpse aura seemed to come from somewhere.

Then, Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou.Begging uncle, the three of them looked at a certain position in the night.

"Don't be so arrogant, you just want to expose your existence."

Building top floor.

Three figures stood against the wind, and the neon lights of the night were below.


A smile formed on the corner of Quirrell's mouth.

"Didn't you see that scene just now?"

The other two smiled.

"Just because you have eyes doesn't mean we don't have eyes."

Lan vigorously smoked a 3.4 cigar and said.

Thinking of the scene they saw just now, it was really interesting.

A person, such a powerful person.

They seem to be more powerful than these zombies.

"Mr. Lan, can I go play with this person?"

Quirrell asked next to him.

He has always hoped to fight against someone stronger than himself.

After all, the years of being a zombie are too long!

He wanted to be bored.

Nothing wrong with that.

Lan vigorously took a puff of his cigar, spitting out the circles under his eyes.

"Aren't you interested in Kuang Tianyou?"

"A second-generation zombie that doesn't suck blood at all seems to be weaker than a person."

"If Mr. Lan were me, who would I choose?".

Chapter 240 Six Resurrection After Death


Blue spoke vigorously.

"But remember, you must not cause trouble."

"Our plans are in sight."

Quirrell was clear.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lan."

After the words fell, Quirrell disappeared in place like a gust of wind.

Levi frowned.

"Mr. Lan, are you sure this guy won't play tricks for a while?"

"This person is very powerful. After all, he is just a person."

Lan Dali slowly smoked his cigar.

"Even if it is so powerful, where can it be so powerful?"

When Levi heard this, he felt that there was no problem.

After all, it is impossible for humans to defeat zombies.

As powerful as the heirs of the Ma family, he still cannot subdue the zombie king and generals.


Jin Zhengzhong returned to Jiajia Building and told everyone about Ruan Mengmeng's death.

Ruan's mother was so heartbroken in the past few days that she couldn't eat or sleep, and she lost a lot of weight.

Everyone in Jiajia Building saw it and felt very uncomfortable.

Sitting in the cleaning hall, Ma Xiaoling felt sad when she thought of Ruan Mengmeng's usual interactions with her.

It's a pity that the heirs of the Ma family can't shed tears.

No matter how sad you are, you can only endure it.


At this time, Kim Jong-joong hurried in from the outside.

He looked like he had seen a ghost.

Ma Xiaoling frowned.

"In the middle, what happened?"

"It's Mengmeng!"

Kim Jong-jung was out of breath, and he was in shock.

"She cheated!"


"What did you say?!"

Shocked, Ma Xiaoling stood up from the chair directly.

Kim Jong-jung took a sip of water to gather himself.

When he heard the news, he felt the same unbelievable feeling as Ma Xiaoling!

"Master, I went to Qiushu's place in the morning, and he told me!"

"He thought of coming here to inform you, so I'll come!"

"Go and see the situation!"

Finish talking.

Ma Xiaoling directly picked up her makeup case and strode out.

If it's really a fake corpse, then it's okay!

The master and the apprentice rushed all the way at full speed.

Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong arrived at the place and opened the door to have a look.

Ruan Mengmeng was sitting on the chair intact at this moment, she was hungry.

She was eating instant noodles that Uncle Qiu had just soaked for her, and she was devouring them.

It didn't look like he was dead at all!


Ma Xiaoling called out uncertainly.

When Ruan Mengmeng heard the voice, she noticed Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong.

Greet them with a lively smile.

"Xiao Ling, right in the middle."

Except that Ruan Mengmeng's clothes were still stained with blood, she was the usual her!

Nothing out of the ordinary!

Uncle Qiu came over and signaled Ma Xiaoling to take a step to speak with his eyes.

Kim Jong-jung was in charge of guarding.

"Uncle, what's going on here?"

As soon as Ma Xiaoling came out, she couldn't wait to ask.

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