"And you are the key to this disaster."



Everyone was surprised!

Jin Future understood.

No wonder Ye Chen said that Magic Star is just a title.

It turns out that Nino has a bigger secret!Husband.

Chapter 270 Predictions, Biblical Codes

"I saw it on the Bible Code."


Ask Uncle to speak.

His expression was serious.

He didn't want to talk about it.

But now it seems that it has to be taken seriously.

"It is recorded above that when the end of the world is about to appear."

"A boy will fall from the sky."

"At that time, he will open the ancient tomb."

"Save mankind from the dire straits of death."

"What about the book now?"

Ma Xiaoling asked.

Uncle Qiu looked at Kino's hand.

The ancient book in his hand is the Bible code.

From the moment he grew up.

Ye Chen gave Nino the Bible code.

After he has a certain understanding of the "three three zero" world in this world.

Nino began to decipher everything recorded above.

When everyone looked at Nino again, the expressions in their eyes became different.

"Nino, do you see anything up there?"

Ruan Mengmeng asked a question.

Nino nodded.

"I found an account of one of the Millenniums."

"I think I'll soon be able to figure out why I'm here and what I'm going to do."

Rumors of the catastrophe of the millennium.

From the biblical cipher.

And the magic star is the key to this disaster.

do not know why.

The catastrophe has not begun.

There was a deep sadness in everyone's heart.

Nino was born for this catastrophe, which actually seems quite pitiful.

He is different from normal kids.

He has no childhood.There is no freedom at all.

His fate was doomed from birth!

He wants to save the common people.

"Thank you."

in contrast.

Nino has no complaints.

This is his responsibility, he looked at Ye Chen very gratefully.

This person who pointed the way for him.

Turn around.

Nino turned around and continued to decipher the Bible code.

"Actually, I've always been curious about what the Bible code is."

Ma Xiaoling murmured.

She had heard of the Bible ciphers for a great deal.

But the reason is not understandable.

in the world.

Others' understanding of the Bible code is actually very little.

Only Ye Chen knew.

The Bible code is the program left by the Pangu clan.

The Pangu tribe is the human beings who survived the catastrophe of the previous era.

It's destiny, the closest thing to perfect human beings think.

The high-tech civilization of the Pangu people allowed them to create the Bible code.

Useful in this world!

Once the last clause of the Bible code is deciphered by Nino!

Then Nu Wa will wake up because of anxiety!

At that time.

Her primordial spirit will definitely return to this land first!

the next period.

Nino is struggling to decipher the Bible code.

And everyone also spent the only few days of peace.

three days later.

The Bible code was deciphered.

Everyone gathered in Ye Mansion again.

Nino sat on the sofa in the living room, with a heavy expression on his face, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Nino, what's wrong with you?"

Jin Future walked over to comfort him.

Nino looked up.

"I see the end of the world in the Bible code."

"I saw the end of all of you, too."

Everyone listens.

His complexion changed!

"Then did you read anything critical about this?"

Kim Future asked.

Nino nodded.

"Written in the last clause of the Bible code."

"When the last bell of the century rings, the end will come completely."

"Humanity will be completely wiped from the earth by Mother Earth."

"A bloodbath and chaos will be intertwined on this land she loves so much."

Could it be said that the end cannot be changed?

Ma Xiaoling felt unwilling.

"Nino, isn't there a chance to save it?"

"Aren't you a magic star?"

"There is a chance of saving 0..."

Nino said.

Everyone felt hopeful.

But soon, Nino felt a little sad.

"But at the end of the Bible cipher, it seems like there is data confusion."

"Or more like waiting for something."

wait for what?

Everyone fell into thinking.

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