So what if the magic star!

Now that he has sucked the blood of more people, he will definitely be able to defeat the demon star!

"Not always!"

next second.

Domoto Jing rushed directly towards Nino.

He is very fast!

Domoto Shizuka's crazy laughter rippling in the wind.

Nino couldn't see his direction.

But he could hear the wind.

In order to judge the direction of Tang Benjing.

Nino closed his eyes.

Tang Benjing thought that he had resigned to his fate and planned to accept the coming of death!

next second.

Caught off guard!


Nino opened his eyes abruptly.

Infused with a very powerful force, a fist directly pierced Domoto Jing's body!


Tang Benjing opened her eyes wide, flew a few meters away, and fell hard to the ground.


A mouthful of blood spurted directly from Domoto Jing's mouth.

He looked at Nino with deep fear in his eyes.



At this time, Jin Future and others rushed over.

Several people who saw this scene stood in front of Nino.

"Tang Benjing, why are you here?"

"He killed those people!"

Nino began.

Jin Mirai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nino, I knew you wouldn't kill anyone!"

"Damn Domoto Jing!"

"You actually left Nino's stuff, almost slandering Nino!"

Several people were very angry.

Domoto Jing's body was pierced with a big hole, and it was very difficult to get up from the ground.

"I tell you, I will not die!"

"I'm going to kill you all!"

Nino frowned.

Before he could do anything.

Ma Xiaoling directly summoned the Ma family dragon.

"All fighters are in the front line!"

"Excuse the evil!"

... ... ...

One command.

The golden light skyrocketed.

The Ma family dragon descended from the sky, and Tang Benjing was penetrated by the powerful power of the dragon again.


A loud bang.

Domoto Shizune exploded on the spot.

Several people quickly hid far away.

In the future, Jin is most worried about Nino, looking at Nino.

I'm afraid that something will happen to him.

Even if he is the magic star that the world fears, but now he is his own son.

"Nino, are you okay?"

Nino looked at Kim Mirae's worried expression.

At the moment when Jin Mirai cared about him.

Nino made up his mind.

If the world is not peaceful, countless families will be broken.

"Mom, let's go find Mr. Ye."

When Jin Milai saw Nino, he seemed to understand something.

Kim Future fully supports what Nino wants to do.

"Okay, let's go find Mr. Ye."

Ye Fu.

Several people gathered together.

This time, Nino made up his mind to open the tomb.

Under the moonlight.

Nino sat cross-legged on the ground, his hands began to seal, his face was very serious.

Soon, his body was filled with a layer of light blue light.

The light seems to have life and is constantly fluctuating.

At this time, the sky seems to have a sense of tension.

Chapter 270 Five Reasons for the Opening of Pangu Tomb

The night sky.

The moonlight is faint.

Everyone held their breath.

No one knows what the opened tomb will look like.

"Ye Chen, you have great powers, have you ever gone in?"

Ma Xiaoling looked at Ye Chen and asked.

Ye Chen was dressed in white.

Not stained with dust.

His expression was light.

"Soon, you'll know."

The opening of Pan Gu's tomb was the beginning of this doomsday.


Tongtian Pavilion.

Nu Wa, who returned to the human world, was watching TV.

It has been a long time since she left this land.

This is the only way to quickly adapt to modern society.

But don't know why.

She was always apprehensive.

She has never regretted the decision to destroy the "[-]" of this land.

After waking up, she went to too many places and witnessed the greed of human beings again.

Just like she made this decision thousands of years ago!

Nothing has changed!

But human beings have become even worse on the way of evolution!

She absolutely does not allow the product of her own hands to become like this!

For this piece of land, as the mother of the earth, she has long been completely desperate!

Since the world is dark.

It's up to her to reopen the light!

Suddenly, Nuwa felt restless.

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