But now what about this?

How could it be possible to be deceived again?

"Oh, I can't help you."

The god and demon Li Luo activated his magic power in an attempt to directly destroy their way out.

But he found that the magic power in his body suddenly disappeared.

It’s over.

He won't become a real Apiao, will he?

"What the hell did you do to me?"

Li Luo was taken aback.

Continuing to transport qi, but it was almost a waste of effort.

Didn't see any magic at all.

Even the evil power that he brought out from Pan Gu's tomb before.

No more.

"Since you are so willing to be a Piao, I will give you one chance."

Ye Chen said lightly.

All the magic power on him was transferred away.

It can be used to feed the power of Pangu Sword.

"Impossible, obviously you are not close to me at all, how is it possible to take away my magic power?"

He said in disbelief.

Think back carefully.

It's true that I haven't had too close contact with these people.


"Maybe you should think about your two parents."

He said without a trace.

Just find it ridiculous.

Using Pingci to forge a scam, do you really think they are stupid?

It's just a plan.

Looks like the dumbass isn't just dumber for the first time.

Even after being cheated before, they will still fall into this trap.

He has now become a lonely ghost.

And because he has no memory of his previous life, nor any files in the underworld, he will never be able to reincarnate.

"No, even so, it is impossible for you to leave this broken place."

But soon he was shocked.

Ye Chen waved his arm lightly.

0···Ask for flowers·······

Wantong City, which was still shrouded in black air before.

Quickly saw the sunny day.

It's not for destroying his magical power, Ye Chen doesn't have the heart to play some tricks with him here.

As for the wolf demon, it should indeed be eliminated.

At first, he wanted to rule the entire Wantong City, but it was really wishful thinking.

And Kim Jong-joong was completely taken aback.

"Am I really as stupid as an ox, I didn't see the slightest shortcoming at all, and you thought that was a real A Piao?"

He muttered to himself.

Not to mention that he didn't see it.

Even Ma Xiaoling didn't find anything weird.


Instead, thinking that the ghost had its own way out, he didn't act in a hurry.

"Master Ye, you are too powerful!"

There are stars in his eyes.

And Zhenzhen on the side kept staring at Ye Chen.

I was deeply impressed by his charm along the way.

"We can finally get out of this ghost place now, are we going to follow the original plan?"

Zhenzhen asked expectantly.

"The messenger should also be back, and he will bring us good news."


They are all at a loss.

He couldn't think of what Ye Chen meant by this.

"Good news? Didn't he block us to this Wantong City on purpose?"

"No, it's just that you were misled by Li Luo before."

He said calmly.

That guy is all about getting the job done.

If he really wanted to rule the whole world, his own ability was really too weak.

"I see."

Uncle begged nodded.

Fortunately, they followed Ye Chen along the way, otherwise they would fall into all kinds of strange traps sooner or later.

There is really no chance of survival.

Chapter 320 The Messenger Was Killed, Ghost King Acha!

But who would have thought.

The news they got here turned out to be that the envoy Yuri died.

It's not that he's going to have a big job on his shoulders.

And didn't he swear that he would be able to solve Nuwa?

Why did it just disappear after one day?

This is too outrageous.

"The World Destroyer Society is terminated. Nuwa is seriously injured, and it is impossible to have the power to destroy the world."

The minister brought the news.


They seemed suspicious.

After all, he had been nervous before, but now he suddenly changed his strategy.

It is definitely not what ordinary people are willing to believe.

Then they can be regarded as the end of "[-]".

Kim Jong-jung was very excited.

"My God, we have worked so hard for so long, is it finally not in vain?"

He said excitedly.

But Ye Chen on the side didn't think the matter was over.

It just said that Nuwa might be seriously injured.

But it did not explain what happened to the messenger.

Could it be that when he was in contact with Nuwa, he fought to death?

He felt that this matter was a bit strange.

Immediately ordered Hongli to check it out.

Temporarily waiting for news in this Wantong Building.

Can not be too slack.

About half an hour later.

"Master, this time the envoy suddenly lost his life. It wasn't caused by the direct fight with Nuwa. He encountered other monsters along the way."

Dividend spoke slowly.

They didn't expect things to develop to this point.

Surprisingly true.


But since the nuwa stone was dealt with, there has not been any evil spirits invading.

What's going on here?

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