Uncle Qiu also understood Ye Chen's meaning and nodded.

Ye Chen also felt that he couldn't delay any longer, so he came to the room where the puppet was.

It was very quiet here, and the envoy didn't seem to be at home.

Approaching this house, Ye Chen felt a chill that was different from Hades.

Ye Chen frowned, feeling that the cold had penetrated into his bones.

Presumably this is the icy air emitted by the evil spirit.

Ye Chen followed the cold air to a small house.

Ye Chen looked into the small house, and there was a Zijin alchemy furnace inside.

And that puppet, sitting in front of the purple gold alchemy furnace, threw all the herbs into the alchemy furnace.

What is this doing?

Ye Chen carefully observed every medicine he put in.

These drugs all have the effect of avoiding gas.

This is the anti-qi pill.

It is because of this Qi-avoiding pill that Renhuang and the others lost their skills.

However, the Emperor Renhuang and the Ksitigarbha King have already been given this Qi-avoiding pill.

People who have influence on them are no longer a threat to them, so who is this Qi-avoiding pill refined now?

Ye Chen thought of himself, thinking of himself.

This Qi-avoiding pill was refined for him, and now he is the only one who threatens them.

And I think it is the biggest threat to them.

Ye Chen was still thinking just now, who is it being used on, and he made such a fierce speculation.

I didn't expect that the clown was actually me!

Ye Chen thought so, but shook his head helplessly, he saw it all, how could he let them drug him?

What he was curious about was how the man would deliver the medicine to his mouth.

Perhaps, this underworld is not just his puppet.

In fact, this hell has been corrupted before, and people like them have long since penetrated it.

He should have thought about it a long time ago, there may be one person who can do this.

He must have wanted to find out this individual, and rectify this underworld.

Ye Chen thought so, and then he saw that person coming out out of the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, as Ye Chen guessed, the man handed a bowl of stewed soup to a woman.

Judging by the woman's attire, she should be a maid.

Chapter 450 The maid who broke into the interior, clean up!

Didn't expect that this maid was also beaten into it by them?

This shows how huge their team is.

Ye Chen frowned more and more tightly, what kind of person is this, to have such rights.

He carefully observed the woman, who was also made by forbidden techniques, and was made by living people.

Ye Chen looked at it like this, and frowned, where did they come from so many - living people?

I saw that the woman's movements were dull, presumably she didn't - this judge has been around for a long time.

Ye Chen watched him walking towards the direction where he lived, and hurried back home, where he sat.

Waiting for the knock on the door, Ye Chen got up and walked over leisurely.

Sure enough, it was the woman with soup in her hand.

"Master Ye, this underworld is full of yin, you are different from us, this soup is specially made for you, it is very effective in removing yin."

The woman was also flattering with a smile, and Ye Chen felt very disgusted.

"Put it here, you can go, I will drink it in a while."

Ye Chen waved his hand, and didn't continue to look at this woman, he always felt that this person was very strange.

Those eyes seem to be able to read people's minds.

"Master Ye, you'd better drink this soup, and I'll take this bowl away."

This excuse is really unconvincing. Could it be that this bowl is made of gold inlaid with jade?Even take it away.

Ye Chen didn't want to say anything more to him, so he drank it in one gulp.

Seeing Ye Chen drink it, the man looked satisfied, smiled very strangely, and then took the bowl.

The steps became more relaxed, probably thinking, "This Ye Chen is nothing more than that, he is so easy to deceive".

Seeing this person leave, Ye Chen turned around and vomited the soup into the bucket.

If this soup is not poisonous, it feels quite delicious.

Ye Chen thought so.

Ksitigarbha also appeared behind Ye Chen again, he was always elusive like this.

"What are you doing? Why do you always appear like this?"

Ksitigarbha King wished he hadn't heard what Ye Chen said just now, and looked in the direction where the woman left just now.

"Who was that woman just now? Could it be that you had an affair with her?"

When Ye Chen heard this, he wished to slap Ksitigarbha twice.

This Ksitigarbha King can think of anything.

Ksitigarbha was also taken aback when he saw the look in Ye Chen's eyes.

He knew that he had joked too much just now, so he hurriedly apologized.

"It's just a joke, don't take it to heart."

Ye Chen didn't say anything either.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go of farts if you have to, don't whine around here."

"What was that in his hand just now? I think you actually drank it. You dare to drink what he gave you."

Ksitigarbha then looked at Ye Chen with a serious expression and said.

Ye Chen smiled when he heard this.

"Do you think I'll take things from others casually? Not to mention it's poisonous."

Ksitigarbha widened his eyes when he heard this, who is it?He even dared to poison Ye Chen.

"Could it be that the woman and the judge were also in the same group?"

Ksitigarbha frowned, he also realized the seriousness of the problem.

They even infiltrated a small maid.

Then what kind of privacy is there in this whole underworld?This can be said to be completely in their hands.

"This underworld has long been ruined. As the manager of the underworld, you didn't discover this matter as soon as possible."

Ye Chen also looked at Ksitigarbha and said coldly.

0···Ask for flowers·······

Such a scale is no longer a matter of one month or two months.

But it has been so for many years.

So for so many years, Ksitigarbha didn't find anything wrong.

Is this somewhat unreasonable?

"How could it have been many years? Didn't the judge just come in a few days ago?"

Ksitigarbha felt that what Ye Chen said was somewhat exaggerated.

And over the years, he really didn't feel any changes in the underworld.

"The appearance of this judge marks the real start of their plan. Do you think such a large project can be achieved in just a few days?"


Ye Chen was also very speechless when faced with Ksitigarbha.

If Ye Chen hadn't clearly known that Ksitigarbha didn't have such great power, he would even have thought that Ksitigarbha himself led all of this.

"Since this is the case, it will be troublesome, what should I do?"

Ksitigarbha also lost his mind, usually he had to inform his superiors about such a big matter.

But this is what the people above did, so naturally we can't tell them.

He can only turn to Ye Chen for help now, and now he only believes in Ye Chen.

"Naturally, it is necessary to clean up this hell and carry out a wave of personnel cleaning."

If it is cleared this time, many people will be cleared out.

"But how do we know what is good and what is bad?"

Ksitigarbha looked at Ye Chen and asked very puzzled.

And this kind of fluctuation in personnel, isn't it too motivating to mobilize the crowd? Doesn't this raise doubts about the marriage?

"Of course I have my own method. You can just watch from the back when the time comes."

Ye Chen didn't explain too much.

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