He couldn't say it.

Seeing that Bi Li was in a hurry, Xiaoyue walked in regardless of Dalong's obstruction.

Xiaoyue couldn't bear it anymore.

"Master Ye, what is this?"

Xiaoyue pointed to the green liquid in Ye Chen's hand that exuded a foul smell and asked.

0···Ask for flowers·······

No matter how you look at it, it's like poison.


Ye Chen said lightly, didn't continue to say anything, and poured it directly into Xiaohu's mouth.


Xiaoyue said repeatedly, and then thought of the man in black just now.

"The man in black just now is a dragon?"

Xiaoyue trembled a little when she spoke, if that was the case, then all of this would make sense.

"Not bad, those green things just now are its saliva."

What Ye Chen said was very straightforward, but Xiaoyue who was on the side didn't know what to say.

...... 0

But she doesn't care about that anymore.

"Then can this thing make Xiaohu better?"

As long as it's something that can make Xiaohu better, it doesn't matter what it is.

"At least it can delay Xiaohu's death. You don't have to worry too much. I will find a way."

It's not that Ye Chen is nosy, it's just that Xiaohu has a special physique.

There may be places where he is needed in the future.

Ye Chen also made a long-term plan.

"Can he live longer? That's good, that's good."

Xiaoyue smiled, this was the happiest thing for her.

And she also believed that Ye Chen must have a way.

On the other hand, Dalong kneeled on the ground with a plop, and kowtowed to Ye Chen.

This startled Ye Chen, wouldn't this shorten his life?

"Dalong, what are you doing, get up quickly."

Ye Chen hurriedly pulled the dragon up and said.

Dalong didn't say anything, but tears did flow down his cheeks.

Ye Chen didn't understand, the big dragon's feelings for Xiaohu were not just friends, Zhang.

Chapter 470 IX The Body of the Most Yin

It seems that there is another layer of relationship.

But Ye Chen didn't think too much, after all, no matter what the relationship was, it had nothing to do with him.

"My head hurts? What happened to me just now? Why do I have no memory at all?"

Xiaohu covered his head, he only felt that his headache was severe, as if it was going to explode.

"You just got mad."

Originally, Dalong and Chang'e wanted to hide this matter.

But Ye Chen didn't intend to hide Xiaohu, Xiaohu's special physique cannot be protected by Dalong alone.

What he has to do now is to protect himself.

"I was struck by evil spirits? How could I be struck by evil spirits? Was the reason why I fainted from the "[-]" before that I was also struck by evil spirits?"

The little tiger thought that he was like this before, looked at Ye Chen and asked.

He knew that only Ye Chen would tell him.

And Xiaoyue and Dalong have always protected him very well, but he also knows that he can't be like this.

He also has the right to know this matter.

"You two go out first, I'll talk to him about something."

Ye Chen looked at the two of them and said, with a commanding tone in his words.

Because he knew that Xiaoyue and Dalong would definitely not leave so easily.

Sure enough, Dalong frowned. He has been hiding Xiaohu for many years, and has been silently protecting him by his side.

But Ye Chen said today, isn't everything he did ruined?

He just wanted Xiaohu to be an ordinary person, just like everyone else.

Just live this life in peace.

And after Ye Chen told Xiaohu about this, Xiaohu would probably blame him.

So he naturally didn't want Ye Chen to tell Xiaohu about this.

"Master Ye, I just want him to be an ordinary person."

"But he wasn't born ordinary, was he?"

Ye Chen also smiled, looked at Dalong and said.

Dalong was also stuck by Ye Chen's words, after all, what Ye Chen said was not wrong.

With Xiaohu's appearance, it is destined that his life will not be ordinary and different from others.

"You can protect him now, but what if you are no longer by his side in the future? Who can protect him?"

"Xiaoyue? But Xiaoyue is not from here after all, is she?"

Ye Chen also said to Dalong lightly, in fact, how could Dalong not understand these principles.

"Brother Dalong, I am no longer a child, and I don't need you to protect me anymore. I also want to know why I always become like this."

When Dalong heard Xiaohu's words, he sighed softly.

"it is good."

Seeing that Dalong and Xiaoyue had left, Xiaohu looked at Ye Chen.

"Master Ye, what's going on? Why do these evil spirits always find me so frequently?"

"And you just said that I have a special constitution, what does that mean?"

Xiaohu has a lot of questions in his mind now, and he expects Ye Chen to help him answer them.

"You are the body of the most yin."

"The body of the most yin? But don't only girls have the body of the most yin? I am a man."

Xiaohu didn't understand, what's going on?Could it be that he is not a man!

But he clearly has everything, so there is no need for anyone to lack anything?

"It is because of this that you are even more special. You are a man with a yang body, but you are also a yin body. This is extremely rare."

"There are few bodies with the highest level of yin and yang, but with a physique like yours, there are even fewer 0..."

Ye Chen hadn't said such a long word for a long time, and his mouth was dry.

"You are the most yin body, but also belong to the yang body, which is even more loved by evil spirits."

Xiaohu nodded. He understood this. He has a special constitution and there is nothing he can do about it.

"Then what should I do so that this doesn't happen again?"

Xiaohu was also very distressed by this. Hearing what Dalong said just now, he should have been hiding this matter from himself and protecting himself all the time.

But if that's the case, why did the big dragon help him because he was not related to him?

Xiaohu now also has a lot of questions he wants to ask Dalong.

"Master Ye, do you know what this big dragon has to do with me? Why does he keep protecting me?"

Ye Chen naturally didn't know about it, and of course, he wasn't interested in it either.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with him.

"This is your own business, you should ask him."

"This is an amulet that can hide your aura."

Ye Chen took out a reddish-brown mahogany talisman and handed it to Xiaohu.

"Can this thing 3.4 ensure that I am not infested by evil spirits?"

Xiaohu asked with some doubts, no matter how you look at it, it is just an ordinary mahogany talisman.

"If you don't believe this thing is useful, you don't have to take it with you."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Xiaohu looked at the peach talisman in his hand, tied it to his body, and walked out.

This kind of thing, I still believe it is better.

And Master Ye is a very powerful person, he will definitely not lie to himself.

These few times, it was Master Ye who came to help him.

He was able to get out of danger.

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