Some of the coffins have even begun to woodify, but judging by the way the coffins look like, it is likely that someone else put them here intentionally.

Ye Chen came to these coffins.

He was just about to check it out, but there was a scent in the air.


Ma Xiaoling was so anxious that she lit the incense hastily.

Jin Zhengzhong was standing next to her, watching the zombies getting closer and closer, he was suddenly very anxious.

"When will Ye Chen come back?"

Kim Jong-joong couldn't help asking over there.

Even though the front was fine, it felt like so many zombies suddenly appeared.

These zombies stretched out their hands, and they were gradually approaching them.

These zombies are more powerful than what they have seen, and the number is also extremely large.

If Ye Chen was not asked to come out to help, the two of them would very likely confess here.

"My incense has already been lit, and Ye Chen will come out soon."

Ma Xiaoling was also very flustered.

Ever since Ye Chen entered, the two of them have been vigilant about the surrounding situation.

Originally thought that there would be no zombies, but after Ye Chen went in for a while, there were dense zombies approaching outside.

"Or let's jump in together!"

Kim Jong-jung began to come up with bad ideas from the side.

There is not even a place to escape around here. The strength of the two is average. If they really confront these zombies head-on, they will only be at a disadvantage.

Knowing that the other party was going to jump, Ma Xiaoling immediately felt that he was crazy.

"Aren't you kidding, the two of us jumped down?"

Ma Xiaoling couldn't help asking, she took a look at the dry well.

"Aren't I worried that Ye Chen won't come back? If he really can't come back, then we can save our lives by jumping down."

Jin Zhengzhong shrank his neck, and cautiously opened his mouth beside him.

"Even if Ye Chen can't come back for a while, with the strength of the two of us, we can resist for a while. When Ye Chen comes back, we will have a helper."

Ma Xiaoling didn't think his approach was good.

"And if we jump down, what if these zombies also jump down?"

Ma Xiaoling thought it was very risky to do so, if they all jumped together, it would be a dead end.

As the zombies got closer and closer, the two became more and more nervous.

Just at the very moment, there was movement from below.

"Ma Xiaoling, quickly pull me up 0..."

Ye Chen shouted from below, and then asked the other party to pull him up.

He was going to check those coffins earlier, but he didn't expect to smell incense.

Worried about what happened above, Ye Chen came back in a hurry.

The two stood at the upper position, and after hearing Ye Chen's words, they immediately reacted.

The two of them didn't dare to slack off, and took advantage of this opportunity to hastily pull the rope to bring Ye Chen up.

Fortunately, the distance from the mouth of the well to the bottom of the well was not very deep. After two people tossed about, Ye Chen was pulled up in a short time.

When Ye Chen pulled him up, both of them could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The zombies next to her were about to attack, and Ma Xiaoling realized that there were many zombies nearby.

"Ye Chen, don't talk so much, you didn't go down for a long time, and zombies appeared here later, hurry up and help."

With Ye Chen's help, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, and the zombie will definitely be dealt with in a short time.

Ye Chen looked at the zombies around him, and couldn't help but thump in his heart.

No wonder they lit that stick of incense just now, it turned out that they were in big trouble.

"Where did these zombies come from?"

Ye Chen couldn't help asking, and the compass in his hand kept turning there.

"I don't know. Judging by the appearance of this group of zombies, it seems that they were dispatched in groups."

Ma Xiaoling didn't do anything in front of her, but a large group of zombies suddenly appeared nearby.

"Don't talk so much, the three of us will work together to get rid of these zombies."

Ye Chen didn't dare to slack off, and then put away the compass.

Chapter 490 The situation in the underground mine, crazy blood sucking!

Ye Chen took out the copper coin sword on his back, and then looked at the zombie beside him.

The zombie just stretched out its hand and was about to pinch Ma Xiaoling's neck.

Ye Chen's reaction was timely, and the copper coin sword "slapped" on the back of the zombie's hand.

When the copper coin sword hit it, the zombie was burned immediately when it was hit, making a "sizzling" sound.

The copper coin sword was very powerful, and the zombie quickly retracted its hand.

The zombie next to him also noticed that Ye Chen had a copper coin sword in his hand.

The zombies shifted their target and went to hit two unarmed people instead.

"You all be careful, but don't be bitten by these zombies."

These zombies are very poisonous, once they are bitten, they will immediately turn into zombies.

Ma Xiaoling was naturally very vigilant when dealing with zombies, and she did not dare to slack off.

The three fought with the surrounding zombies. Fortunately, Ye Chen had a copper coin sword in 03's hand.

After some entanglement, these zombies were also frightened by the power of the copper coin sword.

The zombies noticed that there was a copper coin sword in Ye Chen's hand, and they didn't dare to make too many movements.

All zombies left from where they were.

After the zombies passed by, Ye Chen and the others felt relieved.

The front frightened the few of them enough, and they were all afraid that the zombies would have other reactions.

As the zombies left from where they were, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Ma Xiaoling rested for a while, but instead focused on Ye Chen who was beside her.

"Ye Chen, you went to check under this dry well earlier, how is the situation down there?"

Ma Xiaoling asked curiously. Ye Chen had been down for a long time, and he didn't know what he was doing during this time.

"Yes, I see that you have been down for so long, could it be that there is something difficult to deal with down there?"

Both of them knew how strong Ye Chen was, but it was the first time they found out that Ye Chen had been down for so long.

If they hadn't lit the stick of incense in time, they don't know when Ye Chen would burn it.

When asked about the situation below, Ye Chen's face was rather ugly.

Ye Chen didn't have time to take a closer look below, but when he thought of the coffin below, Ye Chen knew that things were not simple.

"The things below are more complicated than I thought. I found a lot of coffins inside, and I don't know who put them inside."

Knowing that there was a coffin inside, the two people next to them were shocked.

"How could there be a coffin in this dry well? And the mouth of the well is so small, how did the coffin get in?"

Ma Xiaoling looked at the size of the mouth of the well, it was just big enough for them adults to go down.

"I don't know what's inside the coffin? I didn't have time to see it, but this place is not safe, let's go first."

Those zombies have just left, and there is no telling when they will come back.

Thinking of those zombies just now, the three of them didn't dare to delay, and left in a hurry.

The speed of Ye Chen and the others was very fast. This time they did not catch up with the old Taoist priest, so they could only let it go.


In a quiet room, Taoist Zhao Xiaobao was controlling Mao Zong at this moment.

Under Zhao Xiaobao's control, this Mao Zong became more and more obedient.

Zhao Xiaobao was extremely happy in his heart, he didn't expect to bring back a treasure this time.

Controlling Mao Zong to the side, Zhao Xiaobao immediately turned his head and looked at a man beside him.

When the man saw the scene just now, he was already trembling with fright. His body was trembling, and he couldn't even stand on his legs.

"Master Dao, I still have a 70-year-old mother at home, or let me leave first!"

The man tremblingly said such a sentence, he was really terrified in his heart.


Zhao Xiaobao couldn't help laughing, and then looked at the baby not far away.

"Do you know why I brought you here?"

Zhao Xiaobao suddenly asked the man in front of him.

This man was captured by him on the road. Seeing how strong he is, Zhao Xiaobao felt that 667 was a good nourishment.

"I do not know."

The man shook his head hastily.

"But if you need my help, Daoist, you can just say it, and I will definitely help you."

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