He learned this little trick just by watching it once.

Maybe Uncle Jiu didn't want to discourage him, so he taught him such a simple thing.

Yang Feiyun walked up to Ye Chen with a proud face.

"How is it? Do you think my talent is so high that you feel a little ashamed in front of me?"

Yang Feiyun, who had been touted by the two, had already drifted away, uttering such big words in front of Ye Chen, but Ye Chen just stood there silently, looking at the scarecrow silently.

Misunderstood by his actions, Yang Feiyun thought it was Ye Chen who was really ashamed of himself, and immediately continued to brag about his abilities.

"You just learned from Uncle Jiu earlier. If it were me, I would probably be able to learn better than you in less than half of your time. Don't you already have a sense of crisis?"

He thought that Ye Chen was frightened by his talent, and he was afraid that he was too powerful and would surpass him in a shorter time.

When Uncle Jiu saw this, he pursed his lips. Could it be that he was deliberately preventing the water from leaking, so that Yang Feiyun could not recognize himself even more?

"Is it talent?"

Ye Chen hooked his lips, smiled charmingly, and then stood where he was.

He didn't even need to control the scarecrow in the most basic way taught by Uncle Jiu like Yang Feiyun did.

0···Ask for flowers·······

He just lifted his finger slightly and drew circles in the air, and the scarecrow took advantage of the trend and flew around in circles in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Yang Feiyun felt ashamed.

"This is talent, but you still have to work hard."

Ye Chen's face was calm, even with a look of expectation, which made Yang Feiyun even more uncomfortable.


This comparison instantly compares himself to the ground, how can the gap between the two be 01:30 points.

Uncle Jiu also knew that he had drained too much water, so he pursed his lips, and then continued: "You can follow me, and you can be like him."

Suddenly, he realized that what he said seemed to be a slap in the face, which made Yang Feiyun even more embarrassed.

Yang Feiyun's face was full of embarrassment, he didn't expect that he would be overwhelmed with showing off his talents to Ye Chen, it's really a big deal.

"You are indeed very powerful, and...very talented."

Afan was also embarrassed, and wanted to praise Yang Feiyun, but unexpectedly, it made Yang Feiyun lose face.

But it is difficult for him to admit Ye Chen's ability openly.

Chapter 660

Ye Chen smiled lightly and patted his shoulder.

"Being down-to-earth is more important than anything else, but your talent is indeed much stronger than the average person, come on!"

The face of encouragement gave Yang Feiyun more support.

However, Yang Feiyun also understands that his talent is indeed much stronger than ordinary people.

But Ye Chen is no ordinary person!

Encouraged by Yang Feiyun, he firmly believed and continued to learn skills from Uncle Jiu.

"Nine Forty Zero"

Time passed little by little, in the evening, a cold wind blew past

At the same time, the inspectors of the police station went home from get off work one after another.

There was no one in the huge police station, only two inspectors on duty were left, and only one inspector was left in the office inside.

There have been a lot of cases recently, and the inspectors have been busy for a long time. They finally found out the cases and had to write documents to report to the superiors.

At this moment, he is concentrating on writing at his desk, penetrating the back of the paper.

The lamp flickered suddenly, and he raised his head in displeasure.

Everything was back to normal, and he continued to write vigorously with his pen in his hand.

At this moment, the window behind him was suddenly blown open by a gust of wind, and the bitter wind poured into his neck.

There is such a cold wind in this day?

Just as he turned his head with the pen, the light above his head was flickering on and off.

When he turned his head, everything was back to normal.

Just as the inspector was about to continue writing, the overhead lights went out immediately.

He dropped the pen in his hand and cursed, "Damn it, hell!"

What a shame, the light is broken.

The cold wind suddenly blew again, making him shiver.

He stood up with a displeased face, turned around and closed the window.

Just as he was about to sit back to his original position, he saw a figure flashing past in the corridor outside the door.

The lights in the corridor were fine, and just as he was wondering, a ghostly figure flashed past his office.

The inspector frowned, a sense of coldness emerged spontaneously, and he always felt that there was something wrong.

He didn't waste time and left directly from his position.

Walking towards the door, as soon as he opened the door, he found a ghost shadow sneaking around.

Touching the gun on his waist, he was still a little nervous, so he immediately took out his gun and chased after him.

The ghost figure was very strange, it flashed in front of him, and he was chasing after him.

Unexpectedly, the ghost went to the corner of the stairs and disappeared from his sight.

He was surprised by the sudden ghost, but it was pitch black.

Undoubtedly there was him, the inspector chased after him, but there was nothing there, and the moment he turned around, a ghost was approaching.

A pair of ghost hands went straight to his chest. In an instant, his eyes widened, and he lost his breath after a while, and was killed by the ghost on the spot.

Immediately, Ghosting's entire body swayed suddenly, gaining a bit of strength again, like a sponge that has absorbed water and continuously expanded.

He laughed grimly. Now that he has killed so many people, his strength has risen to a certain level. This time, his strength has increased so much that he has no opponents.

However, he was not in a hurry, but flew back to the office where he had just inspected, and turned around here, as if looking for something.

Suddenly his eyes fell on the pile of files on the table in 3.4, he flew over and found the answer he wanted in the files on the table.

With enough power, the ghost immediately flew to the suburbs without stopping.

The wilderness at night is very quiet, without any shadows.

Ghost Shadow soon came to an open space, and his body continued to flourish, with the aura of covering the sky and the sun.

Chapter 660 Completely Birth

Then, the huge ghost suddenly fell to the ground.

A mass of dense black air forms a human figure, but it is twice the size of an ordinary person's body.

A pair of invisible big hands pressed firmly on the ground, as if they had just dug into the inspector's chest, these hands firmly tore the ground apart.

I didn't expect this force to be so weird that the earth that hadn't moved in the text was really torn out.

As the ground split open, streaks of black light suddenly appeared.

Immediately, some ghostly things in the underground immediately flew out, and countless terrifying ghosts crawled out of it.

It happened that a person came here by car, maybe he came here to relax, parked the car on the side of the road, and then walked here slowly.


Suddenly feeling the ground trembling under his feet, the man leaned forward in some surprise.

I saw countless scary guys crawling out from the ground.

Some ghosts crawled towards him like zombies with claws and claws. The whole face was very strange, one eyeball was missing, and the facial features were also very distorted.

There are some even more creepy guys, and the man suddenly yelled.

The whole person turned around and ran forward, but unexpectedly tripped over a rock under his feet and fell hard to the ground.

The man who was rolling and crawling was about to run away, but the ghostly monster came running, let out a sinister laugh, and then devoured him in one gulp.

So many scary things were released, but the ghost didn't seem to stop.

His target was definitely not these ghosts, and then he set his sights on this big crack.

Seeing that there was something inside, he was so happy that he flew in like black smoke.

When Ghost came to the ground, he found a long-buried body here, which was his own body. He killed many people just to find his own body.

When he found it, he immediately dragged the heavy corpse to the ground.

Regardless of these ghosts doing evil on it, he looked at his corpse with a happy face.

"I've been looking for you for so long, but I finally found you. This time, I can come back in my original form!"

He laughed happily, and then the ghost like smoke immediately got into the corpse.

The dead body, which was already breathless and even very stiff, actually started to move at this moment.

The corpse on the ground stood up unexpectedly, and the tightly closed eyes opened at this moment.

After recovering his long-lost body, Ghosting moved every joint carefully, and it didn't take long for him to adapt to his original body.

After devouring the souls of many people, he gained great strength again. He returned to his body and absorbed some weak and sneaky things around him.

The ghosts that hadn't escaped were also sucked into his belly, and the remaining little ghosts scattered and fled.

Ye Chen, who was lying on the bed tossing and turning, suddenly felt a mysterious power.

For some reason, there was a premonition at night, as if something big had happened.

At this time, Ye Chen could feel more clearly that this terrifying power was flourishing. He immediately crawled out of his bed, put on some clothes, and came to the yard.

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