Moreover, the sword body did not crack as he imagined, but was so smooth that even the grain of peach wood could not be seen!

For a while!

The wrist holding the sword kept trembling, and the Dao heart that had just been repaired not long ago burst open again!

To know.

He, Lin Fengjiao, spent more than five years in refining weapons!

five years!five years!

Who knows how he spent these five years? !

And Xiaochen didn't even use it for an hour!

Such an unorthodox art of refining can be mastered as soon as you learn it. How can Tema be crushed as a teacher in an instant? !

As a teacher, there is... Bah!

What face do I have to mention Xiaochen to the patriarch again? !

back to God.

The trembling Uncle Jiu quickly picked up the other mahogany sword that had fallen to the ground!

In his eyes, it is already a treasure!

Even if it is sold, it is enough to make countless cultivators scramble for the first!

After all, a magic weapon with abundant spiritual power can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of a cultivator!

Just like the grandfather's whisk!

And the Taoist rhyme contained in the mahogany sword refined by Xiaochen is several times stronger than the former!

One can imagine how precious it is!

After picking it up, Uncle Jiu hurriedly handed it to Ye Chen: "Xiao Chen, these two swords are already regarded as spiritual weapons, so you must keep them well!"

And next.

Ye Chen's operation was true, and Uncle Jiu was completely confused again!

"Senior brother, you can play with these two mahogany swords!"

Ye Chen casually gave the mahogany sword to Wencai Qiusheng. After all, these two people always get into trouble, so it doesn't matter if you give him a magic weapon for self-defense!


This kind of magic weapon that doesn't even krypton gold!

Ye Chen really doesn't like it, and it can only be regarded as a burden if he carries it on his body!

"`々Thank you, Junior Brother!"

"Junior Brother, don't worry, Wen Cai and I will be your Dharma protectors from now on!"

"With this sword, you don't have to make a move when you encounter evil spirits in the future, just leave it to us!"

Wencai Qiusheng quickly thanked him!

From Uncle Jiu's actions and words just now, they could see the preciousness of this sword!

They know that they are trash, and they are not worthy of using this magic weapon!

Even so, the younger brother still wants to give it to them!

Wen Cai Qiusheng was so grateful that he even secretly made up his mind that they would die on the road to protect Ye Chen if they died in the future! ! !

Uncle Jiu was completely dumbfounded!

Just give two magic weapons to two villains like this? !

It's a waste (of Wang Zhao)!

Xiaochen also wants to be a teacher!

a time.

Uncle Jiu was very envious, but he was very calm as a master!

Said lightly: "Xiaochen, today's refining is really good! I will refine another one later, so I can get more familiar with it!"

What Uncle Nine thinks is very simple!

At that time, Xiaochen will not like it again, so he can pick it up and fly away!

But then two scoundrel words made him completely disheartened!

"Master, you really are! It's very late!"

"You have to let Xiaochen practice again! Tell us every day, you have to feel sorry for Junior Brother! You are good!"

"Little brother, let's go back to sleep!"

"Master, if you blame me, I'll be beaten for both of you!"

Saying that, the two hugged Ye Chen and went to sleep!

Uncle Nine:? ? ? .

Chapter 78 Actually!We never thought of asking you!

When the cock crowing.

Wencai Qiusheng, who had the Taomu sword, was very excited, and he got up early in the morning to start practicing in the courtyard!

"Wen Cai, you play the role of a zombie, and I will kill it!"

"Okay! After the fight, replace me!"


Wen Cai entered the scene in a second, with his arms raised straight, the two of them fought happily!

Uncle Jiu who hasn't slept all night and is still catching up on sleep.

Hearing the sound of the two beating and killing, he sighed helplessly: "This may be a bit childish for an eight-year-old child, but for Wen Caiqiusheng, it may be just right!"

However, he is also very envious, Wencaiqiusheng and Wencai Qiusheng can get the magic weapon refined by Xiaochen!

But he is a master.

You can't lower your body and ask Xiaochen for it, right? !

In that case, Xiaochen must think that this kind of magic weapon cannot be refined as a teacher!

"Master Patriarch, why don't you think of a way for me?!"

"It can prevent me from losing face in front of Xiaochen, and let Xiaochen refine a magic weapon for me."

Uncle Jiu lay on the bed, murmuring.

But when I turned around, I found the 'Portrait of the New Patriarch' just hung up two days ago!

Gone again! ! !

The dawn is broken by the new sun.

Tired of playing, Wencai Qiusheng resolutely lay down under the big locust tree at the gate of Yizhuang, and began to sleep soundly!

And right now.

Two gorgeously dressed and fat figures rushed to Yizhuang anxiously!

It was Ren Fa and Ren Fu, they were cousins!

After their ancestors made a fortune, they split 070 into two veins. Ren Fa's vein stayed in the current Renjia Town, and Ren Fu's vein also established a new Renjia Town in a nearby town.

The names of places in this era are very random, such as Xiaozhuzizigou, Wangbagaizi Village, Erxianqiao...

So it is not uncommon for the two towns to have the same name.

"Cousin, the Taoist expert you mentioned can really calm things in my town?!"

Alfred frowned.

His father died in a foreign land. In order to let his fallen leaves return to their roots, he hired a mortician, but he lost the body halfway.

His father also seemed to have turned into a zombie, attacking the townspeople non-stop, making the whole town turbulent.

This is not.

Hearing Ren Fa's words, he specially came to invite the so-called expert.

"Nonsense is not an expert, will I come to accompany you personally?!"

"Don't worry, I saw it with my own eyes at that time, that expert beat my father to a pulp!"

"Don't mention how shocking it is!"

There was a hint of arrogance on Ren Fa's face.

Ren Fu:? ? ?

He had never experienced it, so he naturally didn't understand why Ren Fa said he was so happy.

The two stopped talking and walked forward quickly.

But just arrived at the gate of Yizhuang.

I saw Wen Cai Qiusheng, lying under the big locust tree, holding a mahogany sword in his arms, talking in his sleep, his mouth was drooling, and he didn't even know it.

Look at the scene in front of you.

Ren Fu frowned suddenly, is this the so-called expert? !

Ren Fa quickly explained: "The two of them have nothing to do with Yizhuang, at most they are handymen, and the experts are inside!"

With that said, he quickly dragged Ren Fu into it!

The awakened Wencai Qiusheng was a little confused.

Before Xiaochen came, they sat down together, the two best disciples!

They ranked first and second, and no one dared to rank third!

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