Lin Dong returned to the hotel.His car just stopped.Then someone rushed over from the side.

stop!A man in black blocked Lin Dong's way.

Lin Dong frowned.He said coldly: My name is Lin Dong, and I am from China.May I ask if you have something to do with me?

Our boss wants to chat with you.The man in black said solemnly.

Lin Dong smiled slightly, nodded, and followed the man in black to the hotel.

Lin Dong guessed that these men in black were sent by Zhang's Jewelry Shop in Chinatown to find him.

Entering the private room, a middle-aged man in a suit sat on the sofa.He looks ordinary.The figure is thin, but exudes a majestic aura, and it looks like a high-ranking person.

Chapter 214: Sorry, I'm so poor that I only have money left!

This middle-aged man is none other than Zhang Mingyu, the owner of Zhang's Jewelry Shop in Chinatown.

Lin Dong sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, looked at Zhang Mingyu with a smile, and said: What's the matter?

Zhang Mingyu took a sip from his teacup, then stared at Lin Dong with sharp eyes, and said calmly: You are Lin Dong, right?

Lin Dong nodded and said: Yes, it's me.

It really is you.I heard that you won 40 billion betting on Shifang.Zhang Mingyu continued to ask.

Well, yes, I won.Lin Dong admitted frankly that he didn't need to deny it at all.What he won was money that others lost.

very good.I appreciate your character.Dare to act, is a man.Zhang Mingyu smiled and gave Lin Dongdao a thumbs up.

Lin Dong smiled, and said modestly: I'm too lucky, I'm just lucky.

Haha, you are indeed very lucky, you were able to win 40 billion in the gambling stone workshop.Do you know that your wealth is enough for you to live a luxurious life.Zhang Mingyu said with a smile.

Lin Dong waved his hand at 03 and said: I know what you said, but I prefer to make money by my own efforts, and I don't care about other people's charity.

Oh?Don't you care?Zhang Mingyu asked in surprise: Don't you need money?Maybe you can consider the platform I provide.

Sorry, I'm not interested in jewelry.Lin Dong said indifferently.

Did you know that the quality of jewelry I provide is far superior to that of outsiders?Zhang Mingyu asked with a smile.

I don't care about the quality, it doesn't appeal to me anyway.Lin Dong spread his hands and said.

How about this.If you are willing to join our Zhang's jewelry store, then I guarantee that you can get a more lucrative reward than outsiders.How about it?Zhang Mingyu said temptingly.

Feel sorry.I have thought about these things for a long time.Lin Dong still shook his head and refused.

Don't you even want money?Zhang Mingyu asked suspiciously, he had seen all kinds of young people with aspirations, even the rich and famous.

I have never seen someone with such backbone and such a young age as Lin Dong.

It's not that I don't want to.Lin Dong explained.In fact, money is something outside of me and of no use to me.

Are you short of money?Zhang Mingyu was taken aback.

Am I short of money?I have hundreds of billions of cash!Lin Dong curled his lips and smiled.

Hiss... Zhang Mingyu couldn't help taking a breath when he heard that.Hundreds of billions!

I'm talking cash only.Lin Dong corrected.

Zhang Mingyu's expression changed for a while.

Mr. Lin, you are a smart man.You should also understand that if you have money, you will have power.

We, Zhang's Jewelry Co., Ltd., can provide you with powerful resources to enable you to rise rapidly.Zhang Mingyu began to persuade step by step.

thanks.Lin Dong said lightly.

Have you ever heard that there is an old saying in China that it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail?If you are willing to join our Zhang's jewelry store.

Then I can guarantee that you will become one of the most important people in China.Zhang Mingyu continued to throw olive branches.

thanks.Lin Dong still replied indifferently.

Don't you think about it?Zhang Mingyu seemed a little disappointed, but he asked patiently.

No need to think about it.Lin Dong shook his head.

Zhang Mingyu sighed.Dao: Mr. Lin, with all due respect, there are too few talents like you.A talent like you should not be buried.

Your financial resources are very good. If you are willing to join our Zhang's jewelry company, I guarantee that you will become the world's top jeweler in a short time.

This is your dream, why say no to it?

Lin Dong smiled helplessly, shook his head and said: I already have a jewelry company.

Zhang Mingyu's eyes lit up suddenly.Say: I know you started a jewelry company.But, did you know that the company you started had only one store.

But we, Zhang's Jewelry, have dozens of branches all over the world.

If you are willing to join our Zhang's jewelry company, I can guarantee that I can provide you with more than 100 billion meters of business every year.

And I will promote our products to every corner of the world!How about it?My sincerity is not small, right?

Yes, the price offered by Chairman Zhang is indeed very generous.However, I think the two of us are not on the same level.Lin Dong laughed.

How will you know if you don't try?You can think about it slowly, and if you need it, please feel free to contact me.Zhang Mingyu stood up while speaking.

it is good.I will definitely contact you.Lin Dong said.

Zhang Mingyu nodded and left Lin Dong's office.

After Zhang Mingyu left, Lin Dong took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Tao, saying, "Check out Zhang's jewelry store for me."

Zhang Mingyu?Zhou Tao froze for a moment, then agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Dong fell into deep thought.He always felt that things were not that simple.Although he and Zhang Mingyu have never met.

But Zhang Mingyu took the initiative to invite him to join, and the conditions offered were indeed very attractive.

But after Lin Dong thought about it carefully, he felt that there might be a conspiracy hidden in it.

Zhang's Jewelry is the leader in the jewelry industry.Powerful, and now they invite themselves to join their ranks.

And with such a high price, it was obvious that he wanted to win him over to join Zhang's Jewelry Store.

Lin Dong couldn't help sneering.He has encountered too many such scams.

But what is the reason for Zhang's Jewelry to do this?

Lin Dong frowned and pondered for a long time, when suddenly he had a flash of inspiration.

He finally figured it out!

If he thinks about it differently, Lin Dong thinks that Zhang Mingyu must be deceiving himself and wants to get information from him.

After thinking this through, Lin Dong couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Now that he's been discovered, there's no need to act anymore!

Lin Dong immediately called Yang Xue.

Yang Xue was resting in the hotel room at this time, after receiving a call from Lin Dong.She looked a little excited. "Brother Lin Dong, it's so late, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Sister Yang Xue, I want to negotiate a deal with you." Lin Dong said.

"Brother Lin Dong, if you need anything, just tell me." Yang Xue said.

Lin Dong pondered slightly, and said: You go to New York City immediately, and I will wait for you at Moonbuck Cafe.Let's meet and talk!

Yang Xue nodded.Said to agree to come down.

Half an hour later, Yang Xue rushed to Yuebuck Cafe, saw Lin Dong sitting by the window, immediately walked over, sat down opposite Lin Dong, and looked at Lin Dong.

Lin Dong smiled slightly.Said: "Sister, what do you drink? Coffee or drink?"

drinks!Yang Xue nodded, showing a sweet smile, and said, "Brother Lin Dong, what do you want from me?".

Chapter 215: Why do people keep asking me to join?

"Of course it's about the jewelry store." Lin Dong said, "I've decided to join Qi's jewelry store."

Yang Xue's pretty face was full of joy.Hastily asked: "Brother Lin Dong, is it true? Then when will we hold a new product launch?"

"There's no rush. I'll talk about it after I sort out the company's affairs. Besides, I have another request." Lin Dong said with a smile.

"A request?" Yang Xue was taken aback. "Brother Lin Dong, tell me."

"I hope you can help me pay attention to the news about Zhang's Jewelry, especially their recent performance. If there is any important news, please let me know in time." Lin Dong said slowly.

"Yes. I will!" Yang Xue nodded.

Lin Dong smiled.

Yang Xue asked, "Brother Lin Dong, which company do you plan to join?"

"Qi's Jewelry Shop!" After Lin Dong finished speaking, he looked up at Yang Xue's eyes and said, "Sister Yang Xue, do you know why I chose Qi's Jewelry Shop instead of other jewelry shops?"

"Why?" Yang Xue asked curiously.

"Because Qi's Jewelry is the only large-scale jewelry company in the world that has four types of jewelry, and it represents the jewelry level of the entire world."

Lin Dong explained. "In addition, I also want to use the channels of Qi's Jewelry Store to create my own jewelry store. Therefore, I choose Qi's Jewelry Store.

As for why Zhang's Jewelry wants to poach me, it's very simple, because they have taken a fancy to my potential!They wanted to get me in as their salesperson.

but.I don't want to join any company so easily.Because, my goal is to be the richest man in the world! "

Hearing this, Yang Xue rounded her beautiful eyes in surprise.

She didn't expect that Lin Dong's ambition was so big!The richest man in the world!What a distant dream this is!But Lin Dong actually said that he wanted to realize this dream!How insane!

Yang Xue couldn't help but said: "Brother Lin Dong, the world's richest man is too far away from us, let's do our job well first. Let's strive to realize our dreams as soon as possible~!"

"Dream? Haha..." Lin Dong couldn't help laughing. "Whether I have a dream or not has nothing to do with them."

"This..." Yang Xue couldn't refute.

Lin Dong continued: "Sister Yang Xue, if you have time, please help me investigate the situation of Zhang's Jewelry Store."

Yang Xue nodded and asked, "Brother Lin Dong, that..."

"Sister Yang Xue, just talk about it if you have something to say." Lin Dong said.

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