Lin Dong couldn't help but secretly scolded himself for being a fool.

How could I be led by the nose by a woman!

Qianqian, do you like me?Lin Dong suddenly said such a sentence.

Chen Qianqian blushed to the point of her ears, and she didn't dare to look at Lin Dong, so she could only lower her head and whisper: "Who likes you? I just treat you as a friend."

Since we are friends, since we like each other, why don't you say it?Are you afraid that I will reject you?Lin Dong said again.

Who said I like you!I don't.Chen Qianqian repeatedly waved her hands in denial, her face blushing dripping with blood.

Although Chen Qianqian is usually bold, she doesn't know how to hide her inner feelings. Seeing Lin Dong's questioning, her blush is no different from that of a ripe tomato.

Chen Qianqian didn't even dare to look at Lin Dong, but she felt Lin Dong's eyes, staring at her cheek all the time, which made her feel uncomfortable!

Qianqian, you like me, right?Lin Dong asked again.

Brother Lin Dong, what nonsense are you talking about, I don't like you!Chen Qianqian retorted with a blushing face.

You like me or not, you know in your heart, but I like you too!Lin Dongdao, it’s okay if you don’t admit it, anyway, that’s what I think 0...

Oh, I don't care, I'm going upstairs to take a shower first!Chen Qianqian left a word and ran upstairs!

Chen Qianqian ran into the room, closed the door, and covered her face.

This dead Lin Dong, scoundrel, I don't like you, I don't like you!Chen Qianqian muttered to herself, and then, Chen Qianqian suddenly remembered something, and quickly took out a photo album from under the bed!

A photo album is a family portrait.The photos Chen Qianqian took when she was a child, inside her photos.

There are also Lin Dong, Chen's mother, and Chen's father. The family of four is happy and harmonious, and Chen's father's face is filled with a happy smile.This photo was secretly hidden by Chen Qianqian.

In the album, there are several photos of Chen Qianqian with her parents, grandparents, grandmothers, uncles and aunts, cousins, and cousins.

This is a photo of me and Lin Dongge.This one is a group photo of father, mother, grandpa, grandma, uncles and aunts, and cousins. a family portrait of our family, the biggest one, it is father and mother, grandpa, grandma, cousins...I flipped through it one by one.

After so many years, this picture was taken by Brother Lin Dong, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life.Chen Qianqian looked at the family photos one by one and muttered to herself.

While talking to herself, Chen Qianqian secretly wiped her tears with a blissful bliss on her face!


Qianqian, Qianqian, what's wrong with you, why are you crying!At this time, the door of the room opened, and a woman in pajamas walked in, shouting softly.

Mom, Mom, it's okay.

Chen Qianqian wiped away her tears, shook her head, and said: Mom, I'm going to take a shower.After speaking, Chen Qianqian left and returned to the room.

This girl, why are you crying?Are you having nightmares again?Mother Chen muttered, walked to the bed and sat down.

At this time, Father Chen also walked in.

Wife, I just saw that the light in Qianqian's room is still on, won't I have another nightmare, right?Father Chen asked.

Probably not, Qianqian just came out of the room.It should be a bath.Mother Chen said with a smile.

Chen Qianqian is the only child of Chen's mother, and also the most beloved baby in her life.

Chapter 254 Meet the Veterans and Learn a Lot of Things!

Too many things have happened in the past few days, and Father Chen is also very tired every day.He hopes that Qianqian can end this relationship as soon as possible, and also hopes that Qianqian can meet a man as good as himself.

Chen Qianqian came out of the room, glanced at the lights in the room, and then went upstairs.

Seeing this, Lin Dong stopped asking.

He believed that as long as he worked hard, one day, Qianqian would take the initiative to speak out.

The next day, Lin Dong woke up and found that the pain in his body had decreased a lot. Although he still felt numb, it was much better than yesterday.

Moreover, it will not be like before, without the strength to raise your hand!

After eating, Lin Dong called Liu Qiang and was going to find someone from the Lin family!

The place where Lin Dong and Liu Qiang made an appointment to meet was in a tea restaurant. When they met, Liu Qiang saw that Lin Dong had regained his spirit, and couldn't help exclaiming, "Boss, you've recovered!"

These are not important, what is important is how did you appear here, is it a coincidence, or is it just to wait for me?Lin Dong smiled and didn't explain in detail, and he didn't know how to explain it either.

I came here on purpose to find you. I've already reserved a seat here, let's go there.Liu Qiang said 03, and then they came to the agreed box together.

Entering the box, Lin Dong saw that besides the two of them, there were two young men inside. Both of them were dressed in ordinary clothes and their appearance was not outstanding.

Lin Dong frowned and asked: Who are they?

Boss, this is my cousin and sister-in-law, they are chefs in a hotel!Liu Qiang introduced.

cousin?Cousin?You don't call me the boss, you call them cousins, cousins, right?Lin Dongdao.

No, they are my cousin and sister-in-law, and my cousin is called Zhao Ming!Liu Qiang said.

Oh, hello, I'm Lin Dong, it's an honor to meet you.Lin Dong stretched out his hand to Zhao Ming with a smile.

Zhao Ming was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand, held Lin Dong's hand, and said with a smile; Hello, it's an honor to meet you too, and I hope we can become friends in the future.

must!Lin Dong smiled and nodded.

Liu Qiang said with a smile: Boss, let me introduce to you, both of their wives are doctoral students who have returned from studying in the United States, and they are both very beautiful.Cousin sister-in-law is also very kind!

Ok!Lin Dong responded lightly, and his eyes fell on Zhao Ming.

Zhao Ming was swept away by Lin Dong's gaze, and his heart skipped a beat.However, thinking that he was Liu Qiang's boss, what was he afraid of, and then he showed what he thought was the brightest smile!

Let us introduce you!Liu Qiang greeted another person.

Cousin, this is our boss, Lin Dong!Boss, this is my eldest cousin, Zhao Ming, and this is my cousin, Lin Meijia!Liu Qiang pointed to a woman next to him and introduced him.

This is a very beautiful woman, tall and slender, with a slender figure, very beautiful, but unfortunately, she has a pair of eyes that cover most of her appearance.

Lin Dong sized up Zhao Ming and Lin Meijia. Seeing that Lin Meijia was pale and haggard, he guessed that he must be sick.

At this time, Lin Meijia was surprised when she saw Lin Dong's appearance, and then she showed a little joy, and said, "Lin Dong?You, are you really Lin Dong?

Lin Dong nodded and asked; who are you?

Lin Meijia smiled slightly and said: I am Lin Meijia, I heard your father talk about you.He told me a lot about you, and I haven't seen you in person yet!

Cousin Lin Dong, I am Lin Meijia and this is my husband Zhao Ming.At this time, a tall and straight man in a white suit came over, smiled and extended his right hand towards Lin Dong.

Looking at the man, Lin Dong suddenly felt familiar.

This man seems to be his little brother!

You are cousin Lin Dong, you have long admired your name.Zhao Ming said with a smile, he looked polite, but there was an uncontrollable hostility hiding deep in his eyes.

Lin Dong nodded and said; I remember you, it seems that you were responsible for taking care of my father back then.

Hearing this, Zhao Ming's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Yes, cousin Lin Dong, my name is Zhao Ming.

My father and your father are comrades in arms. When I was in your army, I helped your father a lot. You should thank me.

Although Zhao Ming's expression was hidden quickly, it still did not escape Lin Dong's eyes.

Lin Dong smiled slightly, but didn't say anything.

Boss, let's order.Liu Qiang interrupted hastily.

The three of them ordered a table of dishes, all of which were very rich, and Lin Dong was a little surprised to see it.

Liu Qiang said: Boss, you don't know, my cousin is a chef, and the dishes she cooks are very authentic!

Ok.Lin Dong smiled and nodded.

Liu Qiang toasted Lin Dong again, and said, "Boss, let's have a drink."

how did you find me?Lin Dong asked curiously.

Although he had recovered, he had just woken up and his head was still a little dizzy, so he didn't drink too much.

I told him.We drove here from Yanjing, because I have a friend there, so I called and asked him to pick us up at the airport.As soon as we got off the plane, we ran over to meet you.

I see.However, there is still one thing I don't understand.Since you are from Yanjing, why didn't you tell me in advance?

It's my fault. I'm afraid you're too busy.I also know you are busy, so I dare not disturb you.Liu Qiang said with a grin.


Lin Dong didn't care either, and said; this time, there are mainly a few tasks here, so it took a while.Is your work done?

It's almost there, we are fine now, but we still have some things to deal with over there, so we plan to wait until we finish those things before returning to Yanjing.

Well, I think you must be doing a dangerous mission, otherwise, you wouldn't have to run such a long distance continuously.Lin Dongdao.

Liu Qiang smiled: Boss, don't misunderstand us. In fact, we are not doing bad things, but just performing tasks.

Our mission is simple, to protect an important person.This character is very important and very critical, so we must protect it ourselves!

Is this task completed?Lin Dong asked.

Liu Qiang nodded and said; it has been completed.We also finished this task, so we came back this time, because there is still some work to be done, so we are late.

Is this mission dangerous?Lin Dong asked.

Liu Qiang smiled and said: "It's not dangerous, but it's a very difficult task."If we fail, we will be dead and wounded.

so serious?Lin Dong frowned and asked.

Chapter 255: Arrange the whereabouts of personnel, no need to repay favors!

It had to be done, and if we failed, we were dead, so I had to be cautious, I had to be careful.

Liu Qiang said; no matter what, boss, I will never forget your life-saving grace this time.If you need my place in the future, just ask!

Although Liu Qiang spoke politely, his tone was very firm. Obviously, it was impossible to forget!

Lin Dong nodded and said: Good.However, there are some things I hope you can keep secret for me and not disclose any information.I want to handle my affairs by myself, so I don't want to bother you!

Liu Qiang nodded and said; Don't worry, boss, I will keep my mouth shut.

Lin Dong smiled and said: In this case, it will be easy.Let's eat, you guys go to bed early after eating, what's the matter tomorrow - let's talk about it!

After drinking and eating, Liu Qiang and Lin Meijia left.

Lin Dong sent him out the door and watched the car leave before returning to the store.

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