"Someone robbed and killed!"

Immediately, Lin Dong felt a cold dagger stabbing his chest fiercely.

"Hmph, little trick!" Lin Dong opened his eyes suddenly, reached out his hand like lightning, instantly pinched the attacker's throat, and then twisted it hard.

With a click, the attacker's neck was broken and he lost his breath of life.

The raider was a man.

After Lin Dong looked at him for a few seconds, he took out a pack of photos and a lighter from his pocket.The lighter was stained with blood, and it was obvious that the lighter had ignited and burned the photo just now.


"Who sent you here?" Lin Dong stared at the attacker with an indifferent expression.

The attackers died in peace.

"Who are you?" Another passenger rushed to Lin Dong and looked at Lin Dong in shock.At this time, everyone on the plane noticed the situation here.

Lin Dong narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Since you want to die, then come up together."

"Arrogance!" The purser yelled angrily, and shouted, "Arrest him!"

Hearing this, the three flight attendants immediately drew their guns and pointed at Lin Dong.

"You don't dare to shoot." Lin Dong glanced around and said lightly.

Although these flight attendants have gun licenses, they did not carry weapons, let alone this is a public place.They dare not shoot!Otherwise, you will become a wanted criminal.

"No matter who you are, you have violated the law and you cannot escape. You'd better get caught now and avoid suffering." The purser said in a deep voice.

"What is your task?" Lin Dong continued to ask.

"Don't say anything, don't even think about leaving this airport today," said the purser.

Lin Dong frowned and asked, "Where is your employer?"

The purser was silent and seemed reluctant to reveal the name and identity of his employer.

Lin Dong snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and took out a pistol, rushed to the side of the purser, and pressed against his forehead.

Chapter 308: The situation is critical, escape from birth!


The other two flight attendants were trembling with fright, and their faces were pale.They never thought that Lin Dong would use such a weird method to kill people!

They didn't see clearly how Lin Dong shot, they turned a living person into a pile of ashes.

"Tell me who your employer is, and I will spare your lives." Lin Dong said flatly, "Otherwise, you two will die too."

The two flight attendants looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and said, "You don't want to trick us! We will never give in! You should die!"

"Hehe." Lin Dong sneered, and suddenly slapped a flight attendant's head.

The brains were splashed, and the flight attendant was lying on the ground with his eyes wide open.

"Now, it's your turn!" Lin Dong raised his hand and grabbed another flight attendant's neck. With a little force, he pinched the other flight attendant "Five Six Seven" out of breath, struggling violently, mouth Foaming inside.

"I said, I said, please let me go... Woohoo, I will say everything, I will confess everything..."

Seeing that Lin Dong didn't let go, the flight attendant wailed hastily, and shouted in a mournful voice: "I'll say everything, and I'll explain everything!"

Lin Dong let go of his hand and said in a cold voice, "Speak."

"Our employer is Wang Hao, a native of Qingzhou City. He sent us money to kill a student named Lin Dong..." the flight attendant said hurriedly.

"Wang Hao." Lin Dong wrote it down.Then he asked a few more questions, and after confirming Wang Hao's specific information, he threw him on the ground, got up and got off the plane.

"Master Lin." As soon as Lin Dong got into the car, Lao Yang greeted him and said respectfully, "I've already contacted you for the things you want to buy. Shall I send them over now?"

"Well, send it over now." Lin Dong said: "Remember, keep it secret."

"Understood." Lao Yang hurriedly ordered the driver to set off.

"Also, don't tell anyone else about this matter." Lin Dong warned, then leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and recharged his batteries.

When he woke up, the car had already driven into Qinglong County, heading towards Nanshan District.

Qinglong County is not far from the airport, just over 20 minutes away.

At this time, Qinglong County is in chaos.

There are patrolling policemen everywhere on the street, and there are many strong men wearing black vests and carrying iron bars.Obviously, these people should be members of the Qinglong Gang.

The car stopped in front of a hotel.

Lao Yang supported Lin Dong and walked down.

The lobby manager of the hotel saw Lao Yang walking over with Lin Dong supported, and hurried over and asked, "Excuse me, did Mr. Li ask us to come?"

"Yes." Lao Yang nodded.

"Mr. Li is waiting for you in the upstairs room." The lobby manager of the hotel quickly led the two upstairs and knocked on a door.

The door opened, and a burly shirtless man stood at the door and said, "Old Chen said Mr. Li sent him here, come with me."

Lao Chen is the proprietress, and her younger brother works at a nearby police station.So, when Lao Yang called the proprietress.

The proprietress immediately called the neighbors, briefly explained the matter, and acted immediately.

Lin Dong and Lao Yang entered the room one after the other.

In the room, Li Xueer was crying on the table.Sitting next to the proprietress, there are two girls.

Li Xueer's face was crying like pear blossoms with rain.

The proprietress and the two girls were consoling her.

"Lin Dong, you're finally back! Huh..." Li Xueer threw herself into Lin Dong's arms and cried bitterly after seeing Lin Dong.

"Okay, don't cry." Lin Dong patted her shoulder lightly and comforted her softly.

"Hmm." Li Xueer sobbed a few times, then wiped away her tears, and said, "Brother Lin Dong, can you help my parents and sister?"

Lin Dong said: "Don't worry, I will handle this matter well."

Li Xueer nodded.

Lin Dong looked at Li Xueer's parents and sister, and said, "Uncles and aunts, you go out first, I have something to talk to Xueer alone."

Li Xueer's father hesitated for a moment, nodded, and then walked out with his wife and daughter.

After the three of them left, Lin Dong said, "I know you want revenge, but I think this matter can be solved in another way."

"Brother Lin Dong, what do you want to do?" Li Xueer asked.

"It's very simple." Lin Dong said, "It's enough to let your sister sleep with you for one night."

Li Xueer's younger sister is a beautiful girl, although she is far behind Li Xueer.

After listening to Lin Dong's words, Li Xueer's eyes showed a trace of disgust and anger, she bit her pink and thin lips, and asked in a low voice: "Do you think it's possible?"

"Nothing is impossible 0..." Lin Dong said: "As long as you want, you can definitely do it! I can guarantee that no man has ever touched your sister except your sister."

"Are you really willing to let my sister sacrifice her beauty for me?" Li Xueer asked.

"Yes." Lin Dong nodded firmly, and said earnestly, "Xue'er, you should be glad that you met me, otherwise, your fate will be even more miserable.

I can't bear to see you continue to be persecuted, and I can't bear this huge blow.I just hope you can cheer up, work hard to make money, and get out of trouble as soon as possible.

As for other matters, leave them to me.You just have to remember that no matter when, no matter what happens, you will always be my most beloved little sister, and this life will never change! "

Having said that, Lin Dong reached out and touched Li Xueer's hair, then took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Li Xueer:

"There are 500 million in it, and the password is your birthday.

No matter what problems you encounter in the future, you can use this money to solve them.Remember, no matter what trouble you encounter, come to me as soon as possible.Even if the sky falls, I can support you. "

Li Xueer stared at the bank card in her hand in a daze, and did not speak for a long while.

Lin Dong smiled slightly and said, "You should think about it first."

"Thank you, brother Lin Dong." Li Xueer looked up at Lin Dong, and said with affection in her eyes, "I promise you."

"En 1.4." Lin Dong nodded and said, "Go and wash up, we will set off for the provincial capital later."

"En." Li Xueer replied, and then left.

Lin Dong sighed and lay down on the sofa.

After a while, Lao Yang opened the door and walked in, and asked with concern: "Brother Lin, what's wrong? Has the injury recurred?"

"No." Lin Dong shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

Lao Yang sat down opposite Lin Dong, and said: "You are too reckless this time! If you don't show up, the bastards in Qingniu Town will definitely find you.

This move of yours is really too ruthless, the Wang family will absolutely not be able to swallow this breath!Not only the Wang family, but other gangs in Qingniu City may not be able to swallow this breath!

I'm afraid your actions tonight will set you on fire! ".

Chapter 309: Discuss countermeasures and proceed in secret!

"I know." Lin Dong nodded and said, "So, we must work together!"

"How to join forces?" Lao Yang asked.

"First of all, the two of us have to unify our caliber, saying that we are not together at all. Otherwise, it is very likely that we will be used by our opponents!"

Lin Dong said slowly: "Then, let's discuss how to retaliate against them."

"That's a way!" Old Yang nodded approvingly, and said, "Then tomorrow I'll call all my brothers and announce this matter."

"En." Lin Dong said: "What's more, neither of our two families should be exposed. It's better to keep this matter secret for the time being."

"Don't worry. I'm good at this kind of thing, just watch it." Lao Yang said with a grin.


Early the next morning, the sky was drizzling and the sky was overcast.

Li Xueer's parents and her younger sister Li Ting have been guarding Lin Dong's bedside, never leaving.Li Xueer also sat on the side.


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