Just when everyone in the flood was overwhelmed by this voice.

Suddenly, the sky suddenly darkened.

Even the sky above the 33rd layer became dark.

Hongjun stood up as if facing a formidable enemy, looking at the pitch-black sky with a tense expression.

However, in the next moment, Hongjun, the six saints, and all the creatures in the entire prehistoric world.

They all felt an unprecedented pulling force.

In the face of this force, neither saints nor ordinary humans have the ability to resist.

When people came back to their senses, they found that they all came to a vast starry sky.

As far as the eye can see, there is no end in sight.

Even the saints have no way of knowing the limit of this starry sky.

In this piece of starry sky, the saints can't feel anything.

Whether it is the way of heaven, the law, or the prehistoric, the avenue, they all disappear without a trace here, and nothing exists.

Among these endless stars, phantoms also appeared, which should be the creatures of those worlds that were pulled here just like them.

"Here, where is it?"

Yuan Shi's voice trembled slightly: "Unexpectedly, even Tao doesn't exist..."

"Exactly, what happened."

In this endless and empty world, people seem to be able to see faintly.

Across the starry sky, the stalwart is boundless, a phantom that symbolizes the beginning and the end.

Wearing a robe made of emptiness and reality, the brows seem to contain endless Tao and dharma.

The slight movement of the fingers is the transformation between life and death, time and space, and countless contradictory laws.

The greatness of that figure cannot even be described or compared with words.

In front of this figure, all avenues, all laws "zero twenty", and all words have lost their power and effect.

It can't be measured, it can't be figured out, and it can't be touched.

A phantom seems to cover thousands of time and space, with endless chaos and nothingness in it.

Beside Xu Ying, billions of stars in the starry sky actively approached and surrounded Xu Ying's side, as if swearing loyalty.

The Lord of the Forbidden Area of ​​the One Leaf Covering the Sky World, Ye Tiandi and Ruthless Emperor and other top powerhouses, they themselves seem to have come to this endless starry sky.

The most powerful beings in the world of One Leaf Covering the Sky, seeing the scenes in front of them, were all so shocked that they couldn't speak.

The many powerhouses in the starry sky world trembled for a while. The void world in front of them was countless times bigger than their big universe.

They, who opened up small universes and reached the cosmic level, are as insignificant as a grain of sand in this vast and boundless void.

With their strength and vision, they can naturally see that these so-called stars are not ordinary planets at all.

They all exist in this endless void, a vast and complete world!

And those who can surround the phantom are the most powerful worlds among these hundreds of millions of constant sand-like worlds.

Many powerhouses in Dou Po World and Dou Luo World looked at the phantoms in each world, each of them was shocked beyond words.

They can all clearly feel that in this void world, there are tens of thousands or even more worlds no less than their world.

And the phantoms that appear in some powerful worlds, their powerful strength can easily destroy their worlds.

The saints of Honghuang also trembled. Although these worlds are not as powerful as Honghuang, there are many existences that are almost the same as Honghuang.

And this phantom in front of countless worlds is countless times stronger than the so-called Dao, the so-called Dao of Heaven.

Dao Dao is inconceivable, indescribable, infinitely more noble than the majestic purple aura, and an aura that is countless times more powerful emanates from Xu Ying's body.

Just feeling a little bit of power, Hongjun felt Mao Sai suddenly opened up, as if he was in the original chaos.

Following that, a voice that was countless times stronger and billions of times more magnificent than the voice in the prehistoric world spread across countless worlds.

【I am, Mythical Fuxi】

[Today preaching in billions of worlds, bestowing Tao and Dharma to all races in the world]

In everyone's eyes, the mythical Fuxi phantom that encompasses endless worlds slowly opened its eyes.

Its sound is brilliant, like the sound of the Great Dao, and even more like the chime of the Chaos Divine Bell!

"This is the Supreme Dao!?"

Tong Tian trembled in shock, and said in disbelief.

Looking back, all the saints including Hongjun were already sitting in the void, not daring to miss a single bit.

Even if you can only understand a little bit of the supreme Taoism spoken by the existence in front of you, you can benefit a lot.

For a moment, in the entire endless void, only the voice of Fuxi's preaching remained.

The echoes of the endless avenues echoed continuously in the void.

After an unknown amount of time, Fuxi's voice stopped.

The creatures in the various worlds just woke up leisurely, thinking about the words of the supreme Dao one after another.

"Preaching once is worth as much as my hard work."

After opening his glasses, Yuan Shi sighed incomparably.

"Unfortunately, the time for the sermon is really too short."

Hongjun sighed regretfully. You must know that he preached for more than 1 years.

In the void, after the phantom of Fuxi stopped preaching, he spoke quietly again.

"Tell me that all the people in the world are listening to my preaching. I hope you will treat the human race well. The human race in the ten thousand worlds is one. If you hate my human race, it will be a death penalty!"

Fuxi's voice was terrifying, and all the non-human beings in the world felt a terrifying killing intent.

The soul seems to be dead.

It was as if a great terror was coming!

The creatures in the ten thousand realms know that this is a warning!


Then, Fuxi's voice sounded again.

"I, Fuxi, preach to the human race again, and hope that my human race from all over the world will pass it on from generation to generation."

He raised his hands slowly, and after stretching out his fingers, he swiped down suddenly.

With one finger down, it was as if the heavens and the earth were opened up, and the universe was born.

Countless worlds moved away from his phantom in an instant, leaving Fuxi alone.

All of a sudden, the human races of all the worlds seemed to be magnified, and they came to the space in front of Fuxi's phantom.

These people are poorly dressed, rude, and uncivilized.

Even the better human races can only wear animal skin clothes, which can withstand some wind and rain.

At this moment, the human races of all worlds are gathered together.

Look at these human races who drink blood and suffer a lot.

Fuxi slowly raised his finger, and gently pointed towards the void.

"I, spread fire for you, so that you can escape from the hair and drink the blood, and escape from the long and miserable night."

As he pointed out with his finger, the people in the mainland of China looked at the picture in the sky, and their eyes were in a daze.

In front of their eyes, there seemed to be a thick and desolate barren era. The human race was born, and it was like a wild beast.

The weak human race huddled up in the dark, trembling in fear of the danger lurking in the darkness.

But as Fuxi's voice fell, flames suddenly ignited around these phantoms, and they knew how to make flames.

The human race who used flames no longer ate meat, but used flames to make cooked food.

With flames, the night of the human race can be illuminated, and it can also drive away beasts in the dark.

Human civilization has taken a big step forward.

However, this is not the end.

On the screen, Fuxi once again pointed out that the brilliant Taoist sound spread throughout the void and myriad realms.

"Teach you the method of animal husbandry and farming, and you will no longer suffer from hunger and hunger for three meals."

In front of the people in mainland China, the picture changed again.

The phantom of the human race that already possessed the flame captured a sheep cub.

Not only that, they also began to plow the fields to grow food, and made clothes from silk threads from sheep and silkworms.

The human race will no longer die from hunger and cold in the cold winter, nor will they die from lack of food and clothing.

Fuxi pointed out again.

"Let me tell you the method of casting again, with utensils accompanying the body and clothing covering the body."

In front of the people of mainland China, the human race who possessed flames and food was vulnerable to the intruders.

The human race's physical ability is too weak to compete with wild beasts at all.

However, after the human race mastered the technology of refining artifacts and making weapons and armor, the situation was reversed.

Those originally arrogant races were vulnerable to the weapons and armor of the human race.

Since then, humans have had the ability to protect themselves.

Finally, Fuxi spread out his hands, and in the dark, countless yin and yang qi gushed out from the void, turning into a pattern of yin and yang balance.

"Finally, pass on my human skills, not afraid of wild beasts, not afraid of all races, our human race should strive for self-improvement, and protect hundreds of millions of fellow human beings."

"Billions of worlds, in the endless void, the name of the human race must be left behind, and the prestige of the human race must be left behind."

Boom! !

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