To be honest, there's no reason Gu Yi didn't give him the Time Stone.

"Mage! I'm here because I want the Time Stone!"

Lin Feng pointed at the Eye of Agamotto, and stated the purpose bluntly. Since Gu Yi didn't speak, let him do it.

Hearing this, Master Gu Yi smiled.

Although Lin Feng's strength has grown, his character has not been fully tempered.

In just a few minutes, I couldn't help but ask myself questions.

"I know your purpose, you should be collecting infinite gems..."

Lin Feng nodded and admitted it openly.

For Master Gu Yi, there was nothing to hide.

He stretched out his left wrist with a thought.

The invisible Superman wristband immediately appeared on the wrist.

Four infinite gemstones of different colors shine brightly on them.

The moment the four Infinity Gems appeared, the Time Gem hidden in the Eye of Agamotto began to shake uncontrollably.

The Infinity Stones are interconnected.

The Time Stone can sense that its companion is nearby.

"Power, space, soul, reality..." Gu Yi recognized these gems at a glance, then shook his head with a smile.

In just one year, Lin Feng was about to collect the Infinity Stones.

However, Gu Yi didn't think this was a good thing.

Infinity gems shouldn't be so close. If several infinity gems appear at the same time, it can only prove that an unpredictable and huge disaster is coming.

"I'm also thinking about whether I should hand over the Time Stone to you." Gu Yi said this uncharacteristically.

In the past, she was wise, and all the decisions she made were decisive.

But now, Gu Yi hesitated.

Among them, the main reason is that with the time gem, it is no longer possible to see the future of Lin Feng and Blue Star clearly.

Lin Feng's appearance disrupted all of Gu Yi's plans, including Strange who was supposed to become the supreme mage a few years later.

These words made Lin Feng a little confused.

He said bluntly: "I don't understand why the mage hesitated."

"With my current strength, I can completely protect Blue Star from countless darkness."

"In my hands, the Infinity Stones should be safer than in anyone's hands."

"If the mage is worried about Domamu, then I can assure the mage that I will destroy him with my own hands."

Lin Feng knew that Gu Yi's biggest enemy at present was Domamu.

In the long years, the reason why Ancient One can live so long is related to her absorbing dark energy in the dark dimension.

With four gems in his hand, plus Gu Yi's time gem, Lin Feng can directly blow up Dormammu in the movie.

Chapter 129 Learning magic, and learning magic ass

After saying these words, Lin Feng stopped speaking.

Just set aside time for Gu Yi to think on his own, while he drank tea quietly and leisurely.

Today, Gu Yi can no longer defeat Lin Feng.

According to the setting, Gu Yi and Odin are the same level of existence.

It's just that the strength of the two of them was not shown too much in the movie.

As for Lin Feng, the Silver Superman, if he really wanted to do something, Gu Yi couldn't keep the time gem.

But Lin Feng obviously didn't want to do anything to this supreme mage who had guarded Blue Star for countless years.

Lin Feng is not a big villain.

To be honest, Lin Feng couldn't bear to reach out to snatch the bald mage's things.

After all, Gu Yi is still his hometown!They are all oriental!

If Gu Yi really refuses to give it, then Lin Feng can go and get the soul gem first.

There are still two or three years before Strange's car accident, and by then, the time gem will still belong to Lin Feng.

For Strange, Lin Feng had no intention of holding back.

Lin Feng's words made Gu Yi feel relieved, but he shook his head at the same time.

She believes that Lin Feng's current state is enough to deal with the existence of darkness from the universe.

"It's not entirely because of this." Gu Yi took a sip of tea and sighed.

With a wave of her hand in the air, she created a winding timeline.

Time flows like water, connecting past, present and future.

Gu Yi tapped the torrent of time, and the phantoms of six infinite gems appeared on it, slowly rotating around time.

"The six Infinity Stones create the flow of time we feel."

"There are infinite possibilities in the future."

"Countless branches will also be born."

"But all of this is the normal trend of time."

Gu Yi was demonstrating it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also nodded seriously.

The timeline is mysterious and terrifying.

Strange has seen more than 3 million futures in Avengers 1000.

However, this is only a small part of the countless futures.

Maybe Strange just drank 0.1ML more water, and it would be a completely different future.

So, the timeline is also terrifying.

Gu Yi continued to reach out and pinch the void, and suddenly a lifelike villain version of Lin Feng appeared in her hand.

She put Lin Feng's phantom on the timeline.

Then, from the timeline after the node where Lin Feng appeared, it directly exploded into a firework.

The time flow to the back turned into a cloud of white mist.

The clear timeline has thus become blurred.

"Did you see it! After you appeared, everything became unstable and undetectable."

Gu Yi deliberately pointed to the cloud of white mist.

Reasonably speaking, even if Lin Feng's existence creates more timelines, Gu Yi should be able to see it.

After all, the future is the future, no matter how changeable it is, one of the paths will be chosen.

But now, she really couldn't see it, couldn't see if she gave the time gem to Lin Feng.

Gu Yi could foresee that there would be a disaster that would determine the fate of the universe in the future, but she couldn't see the course of the event clearly, which made her not worried.

So for Gu Yi, whether to hand over the infinite gems is like making a big gamble.

At this point, Lin Feng also understood Gu Yi's worries.

The unknown is scary.

However, Lin Feng actually had some premonitions about the fuzzy future, but he didn't delve into it.

He is not a native character in Marvel.

His appearance is like a cup of hot coffee spilled on Marvel's script.

From the moment it was poured down, the subsequent plot has been melted by coffee.

Now how to go in the future, basically, will revolve around Lin Feng.

"I still say the same thing, mage."

"I will do my best to protect Blue Star!"

"Besides, the future has changed, we can only adapt to it, can't we?"

Touching his chin, Lin Feng said flatly, but his tone was full of seriousness.

He felt that Gu Yi was a little dazed.

Since you can't see the future clearly, then create a desired future yourself.

For Lin Feng, whether he can see the future is not important, what is important is that he has the power to reverse the future.

Perhaps Ancient One needed such a guarantee.

To put it bluntly, Lin Feng's strength is already the most powerful and most likely existence in the universe that Gu Yi has seen so far.

After thinking for a long time, Gu Yi waved his hand to disperse the phantom in the air.

She finally decided to hand over the Time Stone.

The duty of every supreme mage is to guard the time gem.

But she can no longer control the future, so let a stronger existence guard the Infinity Stone.

Since it was Lin Feng who made her unable to see the future clearly, then throw the time gem to Lin Feng and let him have a headache!

That is to say, no more hesitation.

Gu Yi pinched out a spell in the air with both hands.

The Eye of Agamotto on the table slowly turned.

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