In desperation, various weapons and tools greeted the protective shield.

But no matter what method is used, the protective cover does not even have a "wound" the size of a needlepoint...

Things have reached an impasse.

And misfortunes never come singly.

Just now, S.H.I.E.L.D. called directly, saying that Pietro could not be reached.

Zheng Xian was in a cold sweat, and held back for a long time, but he couldn't say a thing or two.

He didn't know how to explain it, so he just said that your superhero disappeared?

Then send it directly, every superhero is an extremely important existence.

He could have imagined that after the bittern found out, he could directly drive the space carrier over to ask for an explanation.

Of course, marinated eggs should not be so radical...

In a hurry, Zheng Xian gave an overview of the current situation. He did not clearly state that Pietro disappeared, but said that the task was in progress.

But the black stewed egg is not so easy to deceive. He directly stated that he would send personnel to understand the situation and let Zheng Xian receive it. He should be there immediately.

Zheng Xian, who hung up the phone, stared in a daze at the humanoid object approaching at high speed on the screen in front of him...

Before he could wipe off the cold sweat on his face, he saw Lin Feng falling from the sky.

There was no other way, Zheng Xian could only bite the bullet and lead two of his men to meet him...

Besides, Lin Feng flew straight over after getting the address that Black Braised Egg gave him.

From a long distance, I saw a huge circular flying base suspended in the air.

He remembered that the name of this base was very intuitive and rude, it was called the circle...

At the same time, I couldn't help but mutter in my heart, why do these organizations like to fly the whole base up, isn't this a moving target...

After landing steadily on the circle, Lin Feng saw three people walking towards him.

One in front and two in the back, the leader is estimated to be the high-level.

All three have black hair and black eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Feng's eyes flashed and he felt kind.


After I came to Marvel, I basically didn't see any fellow villagers.

One is because I have traveled from the east outside the fourth wall, and I didn't have the consciousness to actively look for fellow villagers for a while.

The second is that this is the Marvel universe, and Lin Feng subconsciously focused all his attention on the main plot of Marvel.

To be honest, Lin Feng has no sense of belonging to this Marvel world, maybe only the East before crossing is his real hometown!

Those three oriental fellows walked up to Lin Feng and greeted him politely.



Opening his mouth, Lin Feng just leans back...

He remained silent for a while, and saw the embarrassment suddenly realized on the fellow's face...

"Hello, I'm Lin Feng..."

Lin Feng also extended his hand and shook hands with the leading fellow.

He opened his mouth and spoke authentic Chinese, which made the fellow even more embarrassed.

Chapter 133 Sit down and chat, the enthusiasm of fellow villagers

After the embarrassment, Zheng Xian was agitated.

"Your Excellency is a descendant of China?"

Seeing his excited look, Lin Feng nodded amusedly.

"Yes, a pure descendant of China."

She spoke authentic Chinese, with black hair and black eyes.

And this standard oriental name.

After getting the answer he wanted, Zheng Xian showed joy, and kept shaking Lin Feng's big hand up and down.

"Quick, please come in and sit down!"

With that said, he dragged Lin Feng into the battleship.

Lin Feng was dragged away dumbfounded.

This fellow is so enthusiastic.

But it's not Zheng Xian's fault.

To know who Lin Feng is, Lin Feng is superman!

The most powerful superhero on Blue Star, but this superhero is actually an orthodox Chinese.

A plan to win over Lin Feng suddenly rose in his heart!

Go to TM's S.H.I.E.L.D.Anyway, Lin Feng didn't join S.H.I.E.L.D., didn't he!

Soon, Lin Feng was brought to the reception room.

Several people sat down around a square table.

Lin Feng received warm hospitality from the God Spear Bureau!

Serving tea and pouring water, I won’t say much about all kinds of greetings.

In short, everyone who saw Lin Feng was laughing.

The enthusiastic Lin Feng broke out in cold sweat.

However, Lin Feng was not too polite, after all, everyone had the same skin color.

After some chatting and familiarity, Zheng Xian began to wink at the weather witch sitting beside Lin Feng.

The Weather Witch followed the good advice and immediately understood what Zheng Xian meant.

She pretended to be casual, and asked Lin Feng beside her, "Mr. Superman! You must be from the East, right?"

Weather Witch, the leader of Zheng Xian's superhero team, her real name and origin are unknown.

On weekdays, she always wears a metal mask, only revealing a pair of eyes, and her whole body is also wrapped in special metal armor.

The armor on the wrist can gather lightning and release it to attack the enemy.

The reason why the weather witch started the topic is mainly because of the principle that opposites attract!

Some sensitive questions uttered by women are not likely to arouse Lin Feng's disgust.

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng said with a smile, "That's right! Didn't I say that just now? I'm a pure oriental."

"Also, don't call me Superman, just call me Lin Feng."

Among the few people who greeted Lin Feng just now, there was a weather witch.

And Zheng Xian's small actions did not escape Lin Feng's eyes.

But Lin Feng didn't care about these, he just wanted to see what the fellow villagers wanted to do, although he could roughly guess some of them.

Hearing Lin Feng's self-identification of race again, Zheng Xian couldn't help but smile.

The weather witch continued to lead the topic.

"Okay, then shall I call you Mr. Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng nodded.

The weather witch continued to ask: "I heard from them that Mr. Lin Feng often travels in the universe?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Feng's expression was half a smile.

Who did you hear that from?

He went to the universe, but he didn't tell anyone, except Susan, of course.

But if you think about it a little bit, you will understand.

Black stewed eggs know that they have gone to the universe.

Of course, the Spear Bureau also has its own intelligence network.

Besides, it took half a year for Superman to disappear, so it's not surprising that God's Spear can figure it out.

After all, he couldn't guarantee whether he was photographed by other satellites during the few times he wandered through the atmosphere.

Nodding his head, Lin Feng directly admitted with a smile: "I do often go to the universe."

"I guess you all know that aliens don't just exist in science fiction anymore."

Hearing this, Zheng Xian and the Weather Witch nodded in sympathy.

The Chitauri invasion has proven to the world that aliens exist.

"I have seen more alien life in the universe."

"Zehuberi people with green heads and green brains, big trees that can talk and walk."

"And a manic raccoon with a weapon."

Lin Feng smiled and told about his experiences in the universe. He would not mind telling these stories to the fellow Dongfang folks to broaden their horizons.

After all, we all share the same blood.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the eyes of the members of the Shenspear Bureau lit up.

Sure enough, there are vast places in the universe with life, not just in the blue star.

"Mr. Lin Feng, I have a question, I hope you will not be angry."

Director Zheng Xian said this, he hesitated for a while, but was still ready to ask this question.

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