Immediately afterwards, I met Zheng Xian and Dr. Hu who hurried down.


When Saber and Vector saw Zheng Xian, they immediately stood up straight and said hello, but Vector was a little weak and wobbly.

Seeing the four people who came back intact, Zheng Xian's heart was finally relieved.

"God, where did you go, you're so worried about me!"

Chapter 149 Admonition to Zheng Xian, the information on Compound No. [-]

Zheng Xian let out a long breath.

The safe return of Lin Feng and his party is the biggest good news these days.

Lin Feng pointed at Vector: "Stop talking about this, Vector needs to rest."


Hearing this, Zheng Xian looked at it, and was a little anxious just now, but he didn't find the state of the vector.

After being reminded by Lin Feng, Zheng Xian discovered that Vector's condition was not good.

She was being supported by the saber at this time, her face was pale, as if she was about to fall to the ground at any time.

Seeing this, Zheng Xian's heart that just fell to the ground hung up again.

Every superhero is precious, and if something goes wrong with Vector, it will be a big loss for Godspear.

"Quick, follow me up!"

Zheng Xian waved his hand decisively and led the crowd to the ground.

Hurrying back to the ground, a doctor from the Divine Spear Bureau immediately stepped forward to take over Vector.

Fortunately, after a simple test, the vector is not life-threatening, it is just the weakness caused by the injury and not eating for a long time, and it can be recovered by supplementing some nutrients.

This result made Zheng Xian feel relieved again.

Life is true, ups and downs.

The past two days have been so exciting, with ups and downs, that I could write a novel.

"Mr. Lin Feng, please move to the reception room and tell me in detail what's going on here?"

After asking the medical staff to take the vector down to rest, Zheng Xian invited Lin Feng.

Now, he is eager to know the whole process of this incident, the complete process.

"The reception room?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"I won't go to the reception room, I have other things to do."

"As for where you went, let Saber and Pietro report to you!"

"This..." Zheng Xian was a little embarrassed.


Saber and Pietro disappeared for a longer time, and they must have received more information.

It's just that Lin Feng is the most powerful among them, subconsciously, Zheng Xian asked about Lin Feng.

"By the way, Mr. Lin Feng." Zheng Xian seemed to remember something again.

"That spaceship, that protective cover, can you help me remove it?" Zheng Xian rubbed his hands with a beggarly smile on his face.

Although Lin Feng and the others came out, the shield of the spaceship was still open.

Zheng Xian has seen Lin Feng's method of going back in time, and the current state of the spaceship is impossible to study.

Seeing that Zheng Xian was still talking about the spaceship, Lin Feng shook his head and laughed.

"Director Zheng Xian, listen to my advice, don't study this spaceship anymore."

"This spaceship cannot be touched by humans."

Zheng Xian was taken aback by Lin Feng's words.

"Why is this?"

He frowned slightly, with some doubts and guesses.

Could it be related to the place where Lin Feng teleported to?

Lin Feng said mysteriously: "Let Saber and Pietro report this experience, and you will understand."

"Really, don't study this spaceship anymore, if you are not careful, the whole blue star may explode!"

"Just observe from a distance and see how long his energy shield lasts."

"If I'm not wrong, there should be new moves appearing soon, and I will continue to pay attention."

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng ignored him and floated upwards.

"Then, see you next time, Director Zheng Xian!"

There was a sound of breaking through the air, Lin Feng flew away without giving Zheng Xian a chance to ask.

There were only three people left staring at each other.

Lin Feng deliberately made the research situation of the spaceship a little more serious. He was afraid that Zheng Xian would be tempted and cause uncontrollable consequences.

This spaceship should be related to this Nine Stars Lianzhu.

Of course, this is also Lin Feng's guess.

Spaceships that can transport people to other universes.

Zheng Xian is afraid that he can't study it. It is estimated that Tony Stark will not be able to make progress in a while.

It is completely beyond the understanding of science in this universe.

Even Lin Feng couldn't see through the material of the hull.

Moreover, Lin Feng has tested the strength of the protective cover. In Blue Star, there is no weapon that can open it.

Even if the nuclear bomb is replaced, it will not work.

For the rest, we can only wait and see.

Wait until the Nine Stars Lianzhu, and see what the origin of this spaceship is.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but think of Thor and Loki.

In the Marvel universe, Lin Feng only left for about half an hour.

I don't know how these two guys are doing now, whether they killed Malekith or not.

Soon, Lin Feng flew back to the Waist Twister.

He still didn't choose to go home directly, but flew over from the playboy's villa.

He has something to discuss with Tony.

"Hi, Tony!"

Lin Feng slowly landed in Tony's villa.

"Lin Feng?"

Tony looked at Lin Feng falling from the sky in surprise.

"In the middle of the night, if you don't accompany your little girlfriend, what are you doing here?"

"Didn't I miss you!" Lin Feng was in a good mood at the moment, and he joked.

Tony stroked his arm immediately, goosebumps arose.

"You're normal!"

"I just need beautiful women to miss me!"

Lin Feng laughed out loud, and he took out a USB flash drive and threw it to Tony.

"Okay, okay, actually this time, I brought a document and I want you to help me research it."

In the USB flash drive, the information of Compound No. [-] that he obtained in the world of the black-robed pickets.

Of course, it is integrated with the help of the system.

Originally, Lin Feng wanted to hand it over to Zheng Xian for research.

But for one thing, Zheng Xian's scientific research team should not have the strength to conduct thorough research in a short period of time.

Secondly, Lin Feng was afraid that they would not be able to withstand the temptation, so he used the No. [-] compound without authorization.

After all, this thing can only be used on children.

Injection for adults has a high probability of one result: death.

What Lin Feng thought was to let Tony study thoroughly and make improvements.

In the third season of the Black Robe Pickets, Billy used Compound No. [-], which can also be used by adults, allowing him to briefly possess superpowers comparable to those of the people of the motherland.

Of course, Lin Feng didn't pay attention to any side effects.

What Lin Feng really wanted was an optimized version of this without side effects.

Tony didn't reject Lin Feng either, the relationship between the two of them doesn't need too much wrangling.

"Jarvis, look what this is!"

With that said, Tony inserted the USB flash drive into the computer.

Huge streams of data pour into computers.

A piece of information appeared in the room through projection technology.

"Sir, it looks like some kind of super potion."

Jarvis's voice came out.

"He can give ordinary people supernatural abilities."

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