"Ah... To be honest, I obtained this agreement through special means."

"So as of now, they don't know about it."

Tony showed a smile that you understand me, and he has no guilt at all for invading the American system.

The ghost knows what those high-level officials are doing every day.

I, Tony Stark who guards the world, take a sneak peek, it shouldn't matter.

Chapter 151 If you want to use a superhero as a pawn, don't be ignorant

"However, the joint bureaus of all countries have agreed to this agreement." Tony continued.

"But they take Superman very seriously."

"So the release date of this agreement in the system is to be determined, and wait until Superman appears."

Tony talked about the information he got from the authority system.

"You also know that it's been half a year since you disappeared."

"Now that you have appeared, I think someone will come to us with this agreement soon!"

"Looking for the door?" Lin Feng snorted coldly.

"Aren't they afraid of death!"

Is it because I have only shown a kind side for a long time?

Let them think that they are so bully that they want to experience the wrath of Superman?

"What do you think of this agreement?" Lin Feng suddenly asked Tony.

"I want to know what your attitude is."

Lin Feng remembered that during the civil war, Tony led everyone to sign this agreement.

However, Tony's answer was unexpected.

"I don't want to sign this bullshit agreement, he is depriving us of our personal freedom!"

"I don't think anyone in the Avengers would sign this shit."

"You really think so?" Lin Feng looked straight at Tony.

"Of course, Lin."

"Why do you look at me like this?" Lin Feng's eyes made Tony a little puzzled.

"It's nothing... I thought you would agree..." Lin Feng waved his hand.

Lin Feng was a little surprised that Tony did not agree to the agreement as in the original book.

But this Lin Feng can also figure it out.

Although Tony is a playboy, he has a strong sense of justice, and at the same time he habitually takes responsibility on his shoulders.

Ultron was created by him.

And the destruction of Sokovia is Ultron's arm.

It can be said that Tony is the chief culprit in the fall of Sokovia.

Coupled with the sad words of the black mother, she reprimanded the actions of the Avengers, which made her whole family disappear, which made Tony feel a deep sense of self-blame and guilt.

Then the Secretary of State seized the opportunity to release those pictures, the casualties caused by the Chitauri incident and the Sokovia incident.

This also led to why Tony was willing to sign this contract-like agreement.

However, in this case, Tony clearly overlooked one thing.

That is, whether the coalition authorities can be trusted.

Even places like S.H.I.E.L.D. have been infiltrated to this extent by Hydra without anyone noticing.

If you want to say that there are no villains in the top management of the coalition authority, Lin Feng will be the first to not believe it.

Moreover, where there are wars, there are casualties.

It is not to say that accepting the control of the authorities will cause no more casualties, this is pure nonsense.

Now, however, what happened in Sokovia has not happened.

Coupled with Lin Feng's intentional or unintentional guidance, it is reasonable for Tony not to sign the agreement.

Having said that, Lin Feng still decided to put eye drops on Tony.

One of the provinces was led astray by the coalition authorities without paying attention.

"I will not agree to such a bullshit agreement."

"How disgusting the dark side of the US government is, I think you can understand."

Lin Feng said the words "dark side" one by one, and the implication was very obvious.

Tony nodded in agreement without any hesitation: "Of course I know how dark the authorities are."

"You know, Lin! I've never wanted to deal with them."

In his database, there are countless ugly transactions recorded.

Everything, in their eyes, can be measured by money and interests.

"That's right." Lin Feng nodded, Tony is very smart, and he just needs to stop when he says something.

"Superheroes are not pawns they can control."

"Where there are people there is a struggle, hopefully they won't be really stupid enough to put this deal in front of me."

"Otherwise, I don't mind giving them a big cleaning."

Want to use Lin Feng as a pawn?I'm afraid I don't think I've lived too long!

The bloody breath in Lin Feng's words rushed towards his face, and Tony couldn't help shivering.

Good guy.

Superman's rage is chilling to think about.

The "kind" Tony couldn't help but pray for them, hoping that they would not be fooled by lard and angered Lin Feng.

"Okay, okay, let's ignore this for now, this is for you." Tony took out another triangle reactor to ease the serious atmosphere.

"This is?"

Lin Feng took it, he is familiar with this, isn't this the Mark 85 reactor!

"You're done?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Good guy, it's only been a few days. When I came last time, the progress was only about 60%.

"No no no" Tony explained quickly.

"The performance is only about 90% of the one you gave me, but it has all the necessary functions."

"As for the rest, it is basically limited by current materials and technologies."

Speaking of this, Tony is also a little distressed.

Some things currently do not have this kind of technology, or are finished products.

All of this requires Tony to remake the structure and produce it himself.

Fortunately, the technical problems have been completely overcome, and the rest is the stacking of materials.

"And after my adjustments, the size can be adjusted according to the wearer's figure, and even the appearance color can be adjusted."

"Although I really don't want to admit it, but with the poisonous sting, I can almost stay in the laboratory for two days without eating or drinking."

"And I don't know if it's an illusion, my brain has become more useful than before!"

Tony stretched out his hand and gestured randomly: "Can you understand what I mean?"

"That's the kind! Hmm... suddenly changed from a family car to a super sports car!"

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Only by experiencing the symbiote possessed can one understand how powerful he is.

The stinger undoubtedly strengthened Tony's clever brain and magnified his specialties.

To let such a Tony develop into Avengers 4, it is estimated that Mark 185 will come out.

At that time, when the purple sweet potato essence comes again, it may be who will beat who.

Don't tell me, Lin Feng really wants to see this picture.

But with Lin Feng around, it might be difficult for Purple Sweet Potato Essence to fight Tony.

After chatting again, Lin Feng left with the replica Mark 85.

He happily flew in the sky wearing his battle armor.

Although not as fast as his own flying speed.

But he is handsome!

Who can turn down a chance to be Iron Man.

Although he is a superman, Lin Feng is also a big boy!

I can't put it down for this smooth and handsome mechanical shape.

As for the superhero management plan, Lin Feng is too lazy to bother him for the time being.

It stands to reason that Lin Feng is now Silver Superman.

If someone makes himself unhappy, let him turn into ashes.

But Lin Feng still felt that he was from Blue Star after all.

Therefore, when dealing with the same kind, we will unconsciously enlarge our tolerance.

For other races, Lin Feng would have kicked in the door long ago and taught them a bloody lesson.

For now, Lin Feng intends to wait and see what happens.

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