I haven't advertised that there are five infinite gems.

Lin Feng immediately thought of the little raccoon.

But it was rejected immediately.

The little raccoon is not a big mouth, there is no reason to spread the news that he has several infinite gems to the whole universe.

But in the Marvel universe, Lin Feng only came into contact with the little raccoon.

Oh no, strictly speaking, there are also the Legion of Xandar and the team of Yondu the Predator.

However, Lin Feng was not sure if they saw and recognized his Infinity Stone.

But the information that he had five infinite gems was leaked, which made Lin Feng smell a hint of conspiracy.

No matter who spread the news, there was absolutely no kindness in it.

Chapter 153 Unreasonable Shocked Mom, Do You Want To Hit?then let you play enough

Seeing that Lin Feng was silent, Carol became even angrier.

"Do you know what the Infinity Stones represent!"

"That is the most powerful force in the universe!"

"Do you know how many people covet these things?"

"Do you know how much danger this news will bring to Blue Star!"

The surprised aunt asked three times.

Lin Feng suddenly realized.

It turns out that Carol's hostility towards him comes from his collection of infinite gems.

This move brought a huge amount of potential danger to Blue Star.

So Big Mom developed hostility and anger towards herself.

Yes, Carol has a sense of justice.

It can be seen from her constant saving and helping weak planets in the universe.

Figured it out!Lin Feng leaned back on the recliner, and lay down again under Jingma's murderous gaze.

"I think it's a big deal, isn't it just that the news leaked out?"

"Whoever dares to come to Blue Star without opening his eyes, I will send him to see the goddess of death!"

"Didn't Nick Fury tell you how powerful I am?" Lin Feng said indifferently.

Mentioning this made Jing's mother even angrier. For a moment, she felt that Lin Feng was arrogant and ignorant.

"Nick Fury showed me your video."

"But I don't think you know, the Chitauri Legion, in the universe, is as weak as ants!"

"Your strength is only for Blue Star."

"In the universe, there are countless numbers stronger than you!"

"I have only one purpose for coming here."

"Give me all the infinite gems in your hand, and I will handle them properly."

Carol's idea is simple.

She felt that no matter how powerful Lin Feng was, he was only at the Blue Star level.

Lin Feng had never seen the vastness and cruelty of the universe. He couldn't grasp the Infinity Stones, so he had to hand them over to him to avoid the imminent danger.

But her aggressive attitude made Lin Feng feel a little uncomfortable.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s information on Lin Feng is still limited after all.

Lin Feng's strength has already surpassed SHIELD's imagination, but he has no chance to show it.

As Lin Feng said, whoever dares to come to Blue Star without opening his eyes, Lin Feng can blow them up without infinite gems.

Carol's tone of knowing everything made Lin Feng a little annoyed.

It's like ants yelling at elephants.

In Lin Feng's eyes, isn't Carol the weak existence that she herself said didn't know anything?

"Want Infinity Stones?"

"Get out!" Lin Feng said unceremoniously, he was too lazy to explain so much.

What annoys him the most is this kind of person who preaches with an attitude like a person who has experienced it.

I, Lin Feng, need you to show me how to do things?

"I don't know what to do!" Lin Feng's attitude completely angered Carol.

God knows how scared she was when she got the blue star and someone collected five infinite gems.

Those cosmic powerhouses, big and small, have already started plotting against this blue planet.

As for Lin Feng, the culprit who caused Blue Star to be exposed, he didn't care at all.

This is simply not paying attention to the hundreds of millions of lives on Blue Star!

It seemed that she had to act and teach this selfish kid a lesson.

We must let him know that his strength is not enough in the universe.

"Lin Feng!" Carol shouted angrily, stepping on the ground.


The ground trembled under this foot, and the lawn of the villa also split a big crack.

"I'm not negotiating with you! One last time, hand over the infinite gems!"

This is a threat!Ultimatum from Aunt Marvel!

Lin Feng turned over with a kite and finally got up.

He looked at the destroyed lawn under his feet, his eyes became dangerous.

A huge aura spread out in an instant.

"You must be sick!" Lin Feng scolded angrily.

"Do you know how expensive this lawn is?!"

"Are you in debt?"

If he hadn't known that Carol's nature was not bad, Lin Feng would have gone straight to a set of bastard punches and let him knock him down first.

Do you really fucking think that Lin Feng is a bully master?

"Where did you come from and go back, want infinite gems?"

"Go to sleep, there is everything in the dream!"

"I'll say it again for the last time, get the hell out! Then ask Nick Fury to compensate me for all my losses!"

Lin Feng pointed to his feet, including S.H.I.E.L.D.

This guy can be said to be the first member of the Avengers.

Lin Feng took it for granted that the compensation should be paid to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although women have privileges with Lin Feng, this does not include unreasonable people!

"It seems that you really don't know what to do!" Carol's arms were shining brightly, colorful and beautiful.

This is the photon energy cannon, one of Carol's attack methods.

In the video that Ludan showed her, she probably had some understanding of Lin Feng's strength.

Since Lin Feng doesn't know what to do, she will teach him a lesson.

As long as you control your strength and don't kill Lin Feng.

She wanted Lin Feng to know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

The powerful photon energy cannon bombarded Lin Feng's chest. Lin Feng didn't even hide, and he was tough.

A fiery energy cannon did not cause any damage to Lin Feng.

Carol was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes became more serious.

"It seems that you are stronger than I thought."

The source of her power appeared after blowing up the light speed engine.

So to be precise, the source of Carol's power should be caused by the development of the energy core of the light speed engine: the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

She predicted that this shot would at least knock Lin Feng out of combat.

But the reality was different from what she thought, Lin Feng didn't even take a step back.

Carol suspected that Lin Feng used the infinity gem to block the attack, but she didn't see Lin Feng take out the infinity gem.

But it doesn't matter, Carol flew directly in front of him, and his huge fist rushed towards Lin Feng with light.

It is more lethal than the energy cannon hit just now.


There was a sound of impact, and Lin Feng caught Carol's punch with one hand.

The sound waves burst out from the junction of the fists, causing secondary damage to the lawn.

Clay figurines are also very angry, let alone Lin Feng.

Carol's involuntary aggressiveness and attack has angered Lin Feng.

"Since you want to fight, then let you fight enough!" Lin Feng said with a gloomy face, and instantly opened a portal connected to the universe, pushed Carol over, and then flew in himself.

Carol can survive in the universe, Lin Feng knows this.

If this crazy woman wants to fight, she can fight in the universe. Her small villa can't withstand the blow of the two of them.

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