Braised Dan drank his drink, his eyes swept back and forth among the few people, not knowing what he was thinking.

Jing's mother had a heavy expression on her face, as if she hadn't recovered from Lin Feng's coercion.

"Tell me, where did you get the news, Carol!"

Since no one spoke, Lin Feng started and directly opened the topic.

Mother Jing nodded and did not refuse Lin Feng's inquiry. She came back to Blue Star this time just for this matter.

"At first, I heard the news in a small transition."

"In some bar, there are often looters and robbers mixed in, as well as some gold hunters."

"They're so well-informed that you can get almost any information in the universe from them."

"But they didn't keep the matter of the five infinity gems in Blue Star as a secret, but they were chatting wildly."

"Do you know what I mean?"

The chatter speaks volumes for how far the Infinity Stones clues have spread.

Just one Infinity Stone can fetch sky-high prices from collectors.

If you had news like this, would you blow it up?Most people should hide it.

When this matter was brought up for discussion, it could only show that he was already well known.

Lin Feng frowned and responded.

He understood the meaning of Jing Ma's words and sighed.

"This is really not good news..."

Which melon skin spread the news that he has five infinite gems.

"So I'm back, and I'm going to scatter the Infinity Stones all over the universe."

"This way we can avoid the upcoming danger." Jingma continued to explain.

This is pretty much the best way to deal with Infinity Gems.

"Wait a minute!" Tony stretched out his hand.

"Why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

"What is an infinite gem?"

Tony vaguely felt that the conversation between Lin Feng and Jingma had something to do with Lan Xing, but he couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Lin Feng and Jingma looked at each other.

Among the four people present, it seems that only Jingma and I know what the infinite gems are for.

As for whether the black marinated eggs knew about the infinite gems, Lin Feng had already forgotten.

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng decided to talk to Tony about the Infinity Stones.

After all, in the movie, it wasn't until Avengers 3 that Tony learned about the Infinity Stones from Strange.

And as Blue Star's avenger, Tony is still qualified and has the right to know about this stuff.

Chapter 159 The best choice, leave Blue Star, follow the vine

Lin Feng put the wristband on the table and showed the crowd several gemstones of different colors.

He took off the Reality Gem and held it in his hand. With one stroke, the whole villa instantly turned into a sea of ​​stars.

The origin of the Infinity Stones was shown to the three of them like a picture scroll, which was very shocking.

"Infinity Stones, born at the time of the Big Bang."

"There are six of them in total, and each of them controls an original attribute of the universe..."

"Something similar to authority, or rules." Lin Feng briefly explained. .

"Do you still remember the Chitauri incident?" Lin Feng pointed to the blue gemstone on the wristband and said, and at the same time used the reality gemstone to conjure up the phantom of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"That blue cube, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, its core is the space gem."

"He can open a portal to anywhere in the universe."

As he said that, the phantom of the Rubik's Cube split open, revealing the blue gemstone inside, which was exactly the same as the one on Lin Feng's wristband.

Before Tony was amazed, Lin Feng pointed to the green Infinity Gem.

"The Time Stone!"

"He can allow the user to manipulate time arbitrarily, whether it is fast forwarding or rewinding."

"It can even stop time."

"You should have seen it, Carol's injury was reversed through the time gem..."

"Oh, by the way, her name is Carol..." Lin Feng explained to Tony.

"Back in time?" Tony stroked his chin in disbelief.

"Fack, I thought it was some new trick you learned."

Even when Tony was killed, he didn't expect that a small gem could make time go backwards.

Lin Feng shook his head and continued to introduce Infinity Stones.

"The orange one is the mind gem, which is the scepter that Loki held at that time. It can control the thinking of living beings at will."

"A purple power gem, it allows the user to have unimaginable physical attack attributes, and it can crush the blue star with one blow."

"And the red gem of reality, as the name suggests, can modify reality. All scientific codes and natural laws have no meaning in front of it, and it can modify it at will."

After some introduction, several people all looked solemn.

Tony was even more audible.

It never occurred to me that such a thing exists in the universe.

Lin Feng continued to explain.

"Each infinite gemstone contains extremely huge energy."

"When you have collected all six infinity gems, you only need to snap your fingers!"

With that said, Lin Feng looked at a few people, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

With Lin Feng's snap of his fingers, the phantom of the universe transformed by the Reality Gem exploded in an instant.

The entire universe, under this snap of the fingers, turned into nothingness again.

Jing Ma said solemnly, "Snap your fingers."

"You can restart the entire universe, or reduce the entire universe to ashes..."

"Mazefak?" Tony burst out the colloquial words of the braised egg.

He looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

Lin Feng nodded, indicating that what Jing Ma said was true.

There is no need to question Lin Feng's words, Tony believes in Lin Feng very much.

After all, there is no need to lie about such a big matter, is there?

"You have five of these damn things?!"

Tony exclaimed, the little heart was beating uncontrollably.

Each of these things is beyond the scope of science!

"That is to say, you are only one star away, and you can destroy the entire universe?"


Lin Feng dismissed the phantom with a wave of his hand, with black question marks on his face.

"Why do I destroy the universe?"

"Isn't that what you collected him for?"

"Get lost!" Lin Feng's face turned dark.

"There are other reasons why I collect these Infinity Stones."

"In the universe, there is an attacking purple sweet potato who has become a spirit, and is also collecting these gems."

"His name is Thanos."

As he spoke, Lin Feng transformed into a big purple head again.

It is the overlord of the universe, Thanos.

"He is the last survivor of the Titan family."

"And his purpose is to use the Infinity Stone to immediately destroy half of the life in the universe."

"I'll interrupt, why did he do this?" Tony asked again, reaching out his hand.

"Good question! As far as I know, he thinks that in this universe, life consumes too much resources."

"And eliminating half of the universe's population would make the universe more prosperous and sustainable."

Lin Feng explained.

Thanos, the director of the Universal Family Planning Office, was very aggressive.

"And Chitauri's war, Loki was sent by him." Lin Feng emphasized.

"He has already set his sights on Blue Star's Infinity Gem."

"So I collect these things to prevent disasters from coming."

"I think, you don't want to see half of your relatives and friends disappear for no reason..."

After demonstrating the origin of the universe, Lin Feng retracted his wristband.

The amount of information is huge, but easy to understand.

Several people nodded heavily.

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