I don't know why, but he always feels that his head is faintly green...

"He just left?"

"There is no respect for me as the captain at all!"

"and also."

"Gamora, what did he do to you? Why can't you lie?"

Gamora gave him a blank look and walked away.

"Don't go, Gamora! Tell me what he did to you!"

Chapter 170 Ebony Throat: I Can Still Rescue

Planet Titan.

That is Titan, the sixth moon of Saturn.

It is also the hometown of Thanos.

In the past, the descendants of the Eternal Clan transformed by the Tenjin Group lived here.

The Titans have inherited the abilities of their ancestors and possess great power.

Thanos was born on this planet.

At that time, the Titan star had blue sky and green grass, and advanced technology.

The residents were laughing and laughing, very peaceful.

However, at this time many years later, only the loess flying in the sky is left on the planet Titan.

Looking around, there are iron and steel ruins left after the city was destroyed everywhere, dilapidated.

Old and barren, with no breath of life.

The entire planet presents a grayish-yellow hue, giving people the feeling of a doomsday planet.

Thanos is walking on this planet.

He looked at the desolate, lifeless land in front of him.

Like his head, nothing grows.

The former hometown has become what it is today, thanks to the hard work of Thanos.

Behind him are Nebula and Ebony Maw, and behind him are Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade.

"My lord, Lin Feng already has five infinite gems!" Ebony Throat lowered his head respectfully.

He was as thin as a withered chicken paw.

"No one can be stronger, more noble, and more worthy of the Infinity Stone than you!"

"Right now, news of the Infinity Stones is spreading throughout the universe."

"Should we, before them, go to Blue Star?"

Ebony Throat's flattering skills are superb.

And compared to Thanos' other subordinates, he is more like a wise general.

Now, the news that the blue star has several infinite stones has spread throughout the universe.

He felt that he should act first to avoid unknown variables.

It's just that for some reason, Thanos has been slow to act, but instead stayed on this barren planet for so many days.

"Father, please let us go to Blue Star, kill Lin Feng, and get back your power for you!"

Behind Thanos, Proxima Centauri, General Deathblade, and Xingyun all knelt on one knee to show their loyalty.

There was no fluctuation in Thanos' heart, and there was no expression on his face, he just looked ahead calmly.

"Here we come..." Thanos said to himself.

Not far in front of him, a blue vortex suddenly appeared.

The well-informed Thanos knew that it was some form of portal.

A voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"Who is it!" The young male's voice sounded majestic and full of power.

His voice was like an overlord, and a strong sense of oppression hit his face, which instantly attracted everyone, and they all looked at the portal in unison.

"Who is calling me handsome behind my back?!"

Lin Feng came out from behind the door with his hair brushed, making an extremely handsome appearance!


Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade reacted very quickly, immediately picked up their weapons and stood in front of Thanos, looking warily at the person coming.

Ebony Throat stopped kneeling, and straightened up with a displeased expression on his face.

He was expressing himself in front of Thanos, and the sudden stranger interrupted his flattery, which made him a little angry.

"Who?" Lin Feng was wearing a black Superman suit, and the thick black hair on his head was in stark contrast to Thanos' bald head.

"Didn't you just say that I was handsome behind my back? Why did I come here, but I didn't recognize him?"

Lin Feng looked around several people, showing his white teeth.

Very good, Thanos and his loyal dogs are all here!

"Lin Feng..."

Thanos called out the name in a low voice.

With the appearance of the name, the eyes of Ebony Throat and the others flickered as they remembered Lin Feng's existence.

After Chitauri's failed invasion of Blue Star, Lin Feng's image had already been seen by them.

"Thanos Thanos!"

Lin Feng also blurted out a sentence, and looked at Thanos "affectionately".

"You're here..." Thanos seemed to have foreseen Lin Feng's arrival.

"Well... I'm here..." Lin Feng's reaction to Thanos didn't seem to be surprising...

General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri looked at each other.

The eyes of the two were speechless and puzzled.

After two sentences, Lin Feng and Thanos stopped talking.

The scene was a little weird for a while, but I couldn't tell what was weird.

"When the news of your collection of infinite stones spread throughout the universe, I knew you were coming to me."

"If you can find me, you must know that I am also collecting infinite gems..."

Thanos still spoke, he looked at Lin Feng, his big purple face was still expressionless.

"Yes! I know, I know." Lin Feng nodded.

"Crazy Thanos, in order to wipe out half of the life in the universe, collect infinite gems."

"It's a great feat, but you're a step too late."

It is not surprising that Thanos can think of Lin Feng's arrival.

Thanos is a strategist, and his brain is very easy to use.

He could guess that he would come to him, and he probably knew why Lin Feng was looking for him.

Everyone is a smart person, open the skylight and speak brightly.

"So, did you spread the news of the infinite gems throughout the universe?"


After one sentence of questioning, Thanos hadn't responded yet, but Ebony Throat's eyes widened.

Lin Feng's tone of questioning his master offended Ebony Throat.

With a wave of his skinny chicken paw, he picked up the huge stones that could be seen everywhere and hit Lin Feng.

Thanos' status is lofty.

Humans from a backward planet dare to speak to the overlord of the universe in a questioning tone.

"Smart General" Ebony Throat had already forgotten the sight of seeing Lin Feng's heat rays hit the Chitauri mothership.

How dare you make a move against Lin Feng!

The huge stone flew in front of Lin Feng and stopped abruptly like a brake.

Then, under the terrified eyes of Ebony Maw, the boulder flew back at an even faster speed, and smashed directly into the rubble pile with Ebony Maw.

Lin Feng didn't even move his fingers from the beginning to the end, he just used his thoughts casually, and Ebony Throat was defeated.

In an instant, Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade seemed to be on the verge of a formidable enemy, their weapons clenched tightly in front of them and pointing at Lin Feng.

The coming people are powerful, but they can't back down in front of Thanos!

Thanos glanced at Ebony Maw lying in the pile of rubble out of the corner of his eye, feeling nothing in his heart.

Poor Ebony Maw, in the eyes of his master, is just a tool.

Thanos waved his hand, and shouted back the two loyal dogs in front of him.

Together, they might not be enough for Lin Feng to fight.

Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade cautiously retreated behind Thanos, and then went to dig Ebony Throat in the rubble.

Ebony Maw is not dead yet, he can still be rescued.

Chapter 171 Thanos: How about we make a deal?

"I didn't spread the news that you have infinite gems." Thanos replied indifferently.

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