In Lin Feng's eyes, those Z guests who co-authored the Gray Palace are not as attractive as excavators!

"Lin, if you like that thing, I'll buy one for you later!"

Captain America and Hawkeye also showed expressions that everyone understood.

They understood Lin Feng unexpectedly.

Men love to see diggers, and they are no exception!

From a 99-year-old man to a toddler, there is no one who doesn’t like looking at excavators!

For a moment, the originally serious atmosphere became relaxed by the word Lin Feng excavator.

Lin Feng couldn't bear so many teasing gazes, and scratched his head with a sneer.

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business, what do you want me to do?"

He had just seen Central Park, and there was an excavator digging.

I was fascinated by watching it.

Sure enough, a man is a teenager until he dies.

As strong as Silver Superman, I also like to watch excavators work...

"Will you go there, dinner party!" Natasha gave Lin Feng a hygienic kick.

She couldn't understand why men liked to look at excavators.

I just think they are weird and childish.

Chapter 191 Temple II spaceship, are you interested?


Lin Feng muttered something.

"Go, why not go?"

"Like Steve said, look what they say!"

"I hope they can recognize themselves, otherwise I don't mind helping them!"

Lin Feng said in a flat tone, but his smile was a little creepy.

Although he was looking at the excavator just now, Lin Feng still remembered what the US team said.

It's just a momentary distraction. After a little recollection, I know what everyone said.

Seeing that Lin Feng also agreed to go, Captain America seemed relieved.

"Now that it's decided, let's go to the appointment on time!"

"6 o'clock tomorrow night! Don't be late, everyone."

"Oh, there is more!" After the US team finished speaking, they suddenly looked at Lin Feng and gave a special reminder.

"Lin Feng, promise me, don't be impulsive!"

He was afraid that during the dinner, Lin Feng would be impulsive and give those Z customers a heat ray, but he wouldn't be able to stop him.

"Don't worry, I have my sense of proportion." Lin Feng nodded and gave Captain America a reassuring look.

Of course he won't kill those old guys. This will set off huge public opinion and make people question the existence of superheroes.

And it is likely to affect Tony and others. We are all friends, and Lin Feng will not be so selfish.

In the world of adults, sometimes it is necessary to compromise some things.

Of course, what kind of bullshit plan, Lin Feng didn't decide to sign him.

Although it is not enough to kill them, some severe lessons are indispensable!

This time, we must give them a warning and let them know their tough attitude, so as to avoid similar things from happening in the future.

After making a decision, several people went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

Go back and do your homework, so that you can use it to deal with the plan for tomorrow night.

After everyone dispersed, Lin Feng nestled down on Tony's sofa again.

He was in no hurry to leave.

Compared with the others, although Lin Feng did not join the Avengers, his relationship with Tony is indeed the best.

After all, he saved Tony from the beginning and brought Tony so much help.

To be honest, in the Marvel series of movies, Lin Feng's favorite character should be Iron Man.

It's a pity that I don't know if I can see Iron Man movies in the future.

Tony also shrugged indifferently, poured himself a glass of wine, and sat not far from Lin Feng.

"Unexpectedly, this plan was released."

He looked out the window, the sun had risen.

Time gradually came to night.

When he showed Lin Feng this plan last time, Tony had already prepared himself mentally, but when it was actually released, Tony also felt uncomfortable.

After all, no one likes to be restrained by others. Who can guarantee that they are really for the people?

"Yes." Lin Feng continued.

It's perfect to describe those guys with lard blindfolded.

"But I won't sign that bullshit plan. I hope they don't get entangled tomorrow."

"If you don't sign, can they let you go?" Tony laughed.

"Hey Superman, do you know what they're thinking now?"

"Controlling Superman is equivalent to controlling the nuclear weapons of the new era."

Tony didn't bother to mention the source of the information.

They are all invisible.

Lin Feng sneered, but was not annoyed.

"They never thought that this nuclear weapon would fall on their own heads?"

"I don't know about that, you know, maybe they think they have the ability to control you!" Tony waved his hand, with disgust in his eyes.

Those guys are hypocritical and mercenary, and Tony looks down on them.

Lin Feng didn't care, wanted to control Superman?[-]% is to catch Susan.

They can do anything for their own benefit.

But Susan has a bunch of self-defense props given by Lin Feng.

To put it bluntly, once the special kryptonite is activated, no one on Blue Star can beat Susan except Lin Feng.

If those Z customers really think it is so simple, then they will cry!

"Come on, don't talk about these annoying things!" Lin Feng resolutely put an end to this topic.

Talking too much makes people upset, and all the results will be announced tomorrow.

"Tell me about other things. I have a super large spaceship here. Are you interested in studying it?"

Lin Feng changed his smiling face and said mysteriously.

Hearing the spaceship, Tony's eyes lit up immediately.

"How big is it?"

"Hmm..." Lin Feng thought for a while.

"The length must be at least 2000 meters!"

Lin Feng did not calculate the exact length of Temple No. [-].

But when that thing drove up to Blue Star, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it covered the sky and the sun.

"It came from a cosmic overlord!"

"You can also perform space jumps."

"I don't need to tell you about the technological content inside!"

Lin Feng gave Tony a look that you understand me.

"Can you still space jump?"

Tony smiled and couldn't help rubbing his hands together.

"Interested, very interested!"

In terms of technology, he has the most say.

And with the addition of the stinger, Tony's brain has reached a whole new level.

2000 meters, it can't be called a spaceship anymore, it should be called a cosmic fortress, can Tony not be interested!

Lin Feng laughed and said, "Alright then, where can I put it for you?"

"Does Stark Industries have such a large factory building? How about putting it in the universe for you?"

Lin Feng asked.

This Temple No. 2 ship, I wanted to study it for Tony when I came back last time, but a series of things made Lin Feng forget that there was still this.

He is going to let Tony study and understand the technology, and then share it with the Eastern Spear Bureau.

As for why not directly give it to the God Spear Bureau.

Of course, at present, Tony's scientific research strength is relatively strong.

Although it is decided to help the fellow villagers, there must be a suitable method.

It is not unreasonable to put it in the universe.

Temple 2 is too bulky to hide easily.

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