Don't look at Hank Pym and Stark not dealing with each other, but if you really want to get some Pym particles, Tony can still do it.

Although the means and process will not be very glorious.

But those words gave Tony a lot of hope.

Isn't it just a space-time shuttle navigator?

Your future self can make it, and so can your present self!

After experiencing so many strange things, Tony's current vision is much higher than that of the same period in the movie.

He would not think that this thing is impossible.

After the plan is finished, it's time to pour cold water, "But even if you travel through the past, you can't stop things from happening, Tony!"

"I don't know if you can understand the concept of absolute time points."

"To put it simply, if the absolute point of time is changed, then the best result is to create a parallel universe."

"And the worst result is the destruction of the entire universe!"

Lin Feng didn't make alarmist remarks.

The death of the Howards is also an absolute point in time.

Lin Feng doesn't know what will happen if this ending is forcibly reversed, and Marvel movies have not given an answer.

But absolutely nothing good will happen.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Tony's eyes dimmed obviously.

Even after seeing so much, he still doesn't have the heart of Tony in the future.

That is the psychological change caused by the accumulation of years and months.

It is not an existence that Tony can completely let go of now.

So Lin Feng had no doubts, if he was given a chance, he would probably save the Howards!

But because of the existence of absolute time points, it is basically impossible for Tony to succeed.

Lin Feng can help Tony reverse the absolute time point.

But the Howards have been dead for too long. If this time point is reversed, the process of so many years is likely to undergo earth-shaking changes.

This will undoubtedly lead to the birth of parallel universes.

This is the price mentioned earlier.

Is it possible to destroy other universes with infinite stones?

Forget it, it might as well just snap your fingers and revive the Howards.

Therefore, Lin Feng directly gave the second plan.

"Of course, there is another simpler and more convenient method!"

"The six infinite gems can control the entire universe to a very large extent!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath, "In other words, you only need to snap your fingers to revive your parents!"

This thing is nonsense on ordinary people, let alone collecting six infinite gems.

The backlash of snapping their fingers is not something they can bear.

But at Lin Feng's place, snapping your fingers with an infinite gem is no more difficult than drinking a glass of water.

After explaining the Infinity Stones to Tony again, Lin Feng stopped talking.

Now, it's up to Tony to choose!

Chapter 234 Teacher Tony grinned and almost cried

After thinking for a long time, his hair was getting bald, and Tony didn't decide what to do.

When he got the answer, Tony couldn't help but wanted to ask Lin Feng immediately.

Ask Lin Feng to revive his parents.

But resurrection is unimaginable no matter how you think about it, and it goes against natural development.

Tony thought a lot.

If Lin Feng can revive his parents, he can revive other relatives.

If this kind of thing gets out, then Lin Feng will undoubtedly be pushed to the commanding heights of morality.

He can foresee the outbreak of huge public opinion and the collapse of some orders.

Public opinion will be divided into at least two factions.

Those who break the natural order will become heterogeneous.

The other faction would question Lin Feng, why only Tony's parents were resurrected?

Human nature is scary, especially when it comes to self-interest.

Even if the Howards lived in seclusion carefully after being resurrected, who can guarantee that they will not find out?

That will cause huge troubles to Lin Feng, if one is not handled well, the world will be in chaos!

This is not alarmist talk!

Tony expressed these concerns that he could think of for the time being.

There are still some results that cannot be displayed intuitively, but they are not more serious than the chaos of the world.

Facing Tony's worries, Lin Feng waved his hands indifferently.

"I understand all the concerns you said!"

"Didn't I just tell you about the six Infinity Stones?"

"If someone really finds out about your parents, I can make them selectively forget!"

Before he finished speaking, Tony interrupted Lin Feng directly.

"That's the problem!"

"Infinity gems are powerful, but frequent use of this kind of thing is bound to disrupt the normal development of the universe!"

Tony looked at Lin Feng meaningfully, and continued: "Besides, snapping your fingers isn't so easy to hit..."

Lin Feng selectively concealed the disadvantages of using infinite gems.

But Tony's ingenuity can be thought of in almost a second.

How could this kind of thing that violates nature and the law of time not have any backlash?

Lin Feng rolled his eyes.

Since when did Mr. Tony play so much?

Indeed, snapping fingers is not so easy to hit, but it also depends on who it is for!

But Lin Feng also knew that Tony was caring about himself.

He obviously didn't want the resurrection of his parents to bring him any risk!

Although Teacher Tony is not very reliable on the surface, there is nothing wrong with the three views!

"You don't have to worry about that!"

"Snap my fingers, for me, there is hardly any burden."

"Even if I create a parallel universe, there won't be too many problems, it's just a little troublesome!"

"It's just resurrecting two people, Tony, don't make him think too complicated!"

Lin Feng pretended to be relaxed and comforted.

Nor can it be said that it is pretending to be easy.

Infinity gems plus multiverse-level Silver Superman as a guarantee, resurrecting two people?Really don't make it too simple.

Lin Feng believes that Tony will most likely choose to let him resurrect his parents.

Because this is the simplest, most direct and effective method.After all, even if he went back to the past, he couldn't intervene in Howard's death.

If Lin Feng really helped Tony to intervene in this matter, no need to ask, it would inevitably lead to the birth of a parallel universe.

In this case, why not choose a simple and rude resurrection of the old couple?

After thinking about it, Lin Feng added, "And as I said, you don't have to worry too much about the impact the resurrection will have on the future."

"Everything is under control!"

Lin Feng would not exaggerate, of course Tony knew, so he was undoubtedly more excited.

"Can you let me meet them first? I want to talk to them first!" Tony asked.

Although Tony felt that no one would refuse such an attractive condition of resurrection.

But he still decided to talk to the old couple first, if Lin Feng could do it.

This is obviously not a difficult matter for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng frowned, "Of course!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his left hand and said, "Now?"

"No, no, wait!" Tony stopped suddenly.

"Wait for me for 2 minutes, Lin!"

After speaking, Tony ran out.

Lin Feng raised his hands in confusion, what did this guy do?

Did you do mental training?


Lin Feng said that he could understand, after all, he was a parent he hadn't seen for many years, and they were always duplicity.

Just give Tony some time...

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