She blankly pointed at herself.


"I am the source of fire?"

Optimus Prime nodded: "To be precise, you are the part of the fire source that I separated from!"

"Strictly speaking, you are also the source of the fire seed!"

Martina's fingers drooped feebly.

Well, now she finally realized what concept Optimus Prime was talking about!

For a moment, the expression on her face was wonderful!

Confused, unbelievable, and slightly shocked.

"Qing, Optimus Prime, you must be joking, right!"

"This is simply impossible!"

After reacting, Martina panicked and pulled the skin on her arm upwards in a somewhat bewildered manner.

The soft skin was lifted by her.

"Look, look, I'm a real human being! How could it be a cold metal block like the source of fire!"

Martina hoped that Optimus Prime was joking with herself.

Optimus Prime was silent, his expression didn't look like he was joking at all.

"I know you may not be able to accept this fact for a while."

"Even I, who knew the truth at the time, never believed it!" Optimus Prime said.

When he saw Martina back then and confirmed her identity, he was even more shocked than Martina's current performance.

The metal brain is about to fail.

Martina's eyes gradually became dull.

She didn't know if she should believe it...

But Optimus Prime has no reason to lie to himself...

What to do... Martina wanted to cry.

It was bad enough thinking I was an orphan!

Now Optimus Prime told himself, not human at all?

Be part of Tinder yourself? ?

Martina looked complicatedly at the fire source emitting red light in Optimus Prime's hand.

How to do?

Do you want to call this metal lump mother?

Who is his father?

Optimus Prime?After all, he was separated from Optimus Prime?

No no no.

Whether it is the source of fire or Optimus Prime, they are all cold and big machines, how can it be possible to create a flesh and blood body?It's outrageous!

Martina still couldn't believe it.

"Optimus Prime, you must be mistaken!"

"I'm made of flesh and blood! Isn't the source of fire a metal bump!"

"If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you!"

As she said that, Martina, who was not very smart, made her last struggle, and shouted at the fire source.


I call you mom, do you dare to promise? !

If I dare not promise, it is not my mother! !


Lin Feng looked at Martina in shock!

this kid!

What is this operation?

How do you know that the source of the fire is your mother?What if it's your dad?

Or, androgynous?

Lin Feng couldn't help grabbing the fire source and looking at it.

Martina called out to the source of fire, and became even more cheerful.

The already dazzling red light suddenly became extremely dazzling under this life!

On the surface of the metal cube, there are layers of ripples, as if responding to Martina.

Ah this...

Martina has some auditory hallucinations, why does she feel that the fire source is responding to herself! ! !

Martina couldn't accept this outrageous fact, and sat down on the ground.

His eyes stared blankly at the cheerfully beating source of fire.

He kept muttering in his mouth: "The source of the fire seed is my mother, the source of the fire seed is my mother..."

Lin Feng couldn't bear to look at Martina anymore.

This child is hysterical...

"I'm about to lose control of the fire source!"

Optimus Prime interrupted this funny scene with some difficulty.

Martina's mother, like a switch, once again opened the outlet for the energy of the fire source.

The fire source in his hand was about to become the size of a small sun.

"Ah... do you want me to help?" Lin Feng scratched his head and asked.

Lin Feng didn't know what to do with this outrageous development.

He is probably the only one who can help on the scene.

Martina and poison gals are not much better than soy sauce.

Optimus Prime quickly responded, "Please help me, Your Excellency Lin Feng!"

"The energy burst from the fire source is more terrifying every time."

As if to prove the truth of what he said, Optimus Prime pointed to the sky.

"Did you see the three red stars in the sky!"

"In the past, there were hundreds of such stars, and every time the fire source exploded, it would destroy a star."


Co-author, you have been hiding here to play Houyi shooting the sun for the past few years...

But now is not the time to think too much, Lin Feng immediately stepped forward.

"How can I help?"

"We need to temporarily quiet the fire source." Optimus Prime responded.

"Please untie the things you put on Martina first!"

"It's time to reintegrate Martina and Fire Seed Source!!"


Something on Martina?biological force field?

Lin Feng was a little confused, how did he know that Martina had a biological force field?

Before he had time to think about it, Lin Feng raised his hand and waved it, ready to remove the biological force field.

But he suddenly stopped.

"I said Da Zhuzi, you, the source of fire, won't just swallow Martina right?"

Don't look back. After the fusion, Martina disappeared directly.Then fuck off.

Although Lin Feng didn't have any special feelings for Martina, she brought it after all.

Lin Feng didn't want to watch the Martina he brought be swallowed by the fire source.

Chapter 257 Hey, Lin Feng is going to become a seed of resentment?

Optimus Prime shook his head.

The big pillar is calling himself?

"No, Martina gave birth to wisdom, and she will become the existence that dominates the source of fire."

"And according to the prophecy, you successfully resolved this disaster."

"Although it's just a blurry picture, I can see Martina standing beside you!"

What the prophet predicts is not a complete picture, only vague information of key nodes.

So Optimus Prime was not overly worried. According to the prophecy, Lin Feng's appearance would bring a happy ending to everyone.

Lin Feng hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand to remove the biological force field, "Okay..."

Martina will be the dominant?Is it okay for me to control my mother?

Although I don't know how the prophet predicted it, why did he have to remove the biological force field by himself.

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