"Lin Feng?"

The observer was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

He was not surprised how Lin Feng found this place.

Unlimited Ultron can perceive its own existence and find itself, so of course Lin Feng can too.

Although the purpose of Lin Feng's sudden appearance was not clear, the observer still greeted him politely, "You are welcome, Your Excellency."

This big head learned to be smart, and he didn't dare to show his strength in front of Lin Feng.

The last Ultron incident proved that the observer is not invincible, who knows when he will ask Lin Feng again.

"Observer, what are you looking at?"

The so-called reaching out and not hitting people with smiling faces, the observers are so kind and friendly, Lin Feng doesn't mind being polite.

The curtains in front of him were playing pictures in the universe, and Lin Feng couldn't help but take a second look curiously.

Not to mention, this thing is really convenient.

You can watch whatever you want, and the picture is so huge.

Use this thing to see a young lady, that scene, tsk tsk tsk...

Although the species are different, you said that the observer has... (manual dog head).

The observers didn't know what Lin Feng was thinking.

He has been watching the universe for an unknown amount of time, like watching a movie.

Day after day, year after year, the feeling of boredom has become blurred with the passage of time...

"It's just some ordinary pictures..."

The observer didn't seem to want to mention these things too much, but instead asked, "Your Excellency Lin Feng, is there anything that needs my help?"

If you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, Lin Feng must have something to do in this trip.

The observer secretly decided in his heart that as long as it is not particularly difficult to do, or if it affects the development of the universe on a large scale, he will help.

After all, Lin Feng also saved his life.

"Of course there is, Observer, do you know the Time Management Bureau?" Seeing that Observer was so upbeat, Lin Feng directly stated his purpose. .

"Time Variation Administration?"

Not to mention, the observers really know this group of guys.

The Time Variation Authority operates on the basis of "Zero Time Zone"

It exists outside of normal space and time, and is a separate special space that contains remnants of abandoned timelines and universes that no longer exist in normal time.

The existence of them and observers can be regarded as a kind of super universe civilization.

The difference is that the Observer is a group of species with advanced technology that transcends space, time, and dimensions, and is a true multiverse-level life.

The Time Management Bureau is an institutional super-universe civilization, and it is not composed of one race.

Lin Feng is not very clear, but observers know more or less.

The Time Administration possesses singularity weapons capable of erasing timelines, but most of their members are weaker humans.

Due to some complicated reasons, it can only be temporarily understood as the blessing of the Science and Technology Department.

In terms of strength alone, the existence of the Observer should surpass the Time Administration.

But the problem is that if Ultron, which has been beaten so badly by the observers, is placed in the area of ​​​​the Time Administration with the help of infinite gems, the infinite gems will lose their effect.

The relationship here is intricate. For example, in Blue Star, some areas can be completely resolved by force.

However, in some areas, force is useless. This is the difference caused by different civilizations, technologies and institutions.

Hearing the observer call out the full name, Lin Feng thought to himself that this big guy really knows.

"Tell me where it is, Observer."

"Yes." The observer told the location of the Time Management Bureau in a very simple manner.

After a short silence, the observer continued: "I need to remind you that the Infinity Stone will become an ordinary stone in the Time Management Bureau."

"And there, magic and energy don't seem to have any effect."

After pausing for a moment, the observer simply said most of the information he knew about the Time Administration.

As for giving out this information, does the observer have to intervene in the development of the universe again?

The Observer is very bachelor now, if you intervene, just intervene.

When my life was threatened, I ran to seek help from others. If I really said that I would not intervene, then I should face my own death calmly.

In front of Lin Feng, one can't pretend to be wrong at the same time.

Observers knew more information than Lin Feng imagined, some of which proved what Lin Feng thought in his heart, the Time Management Bureau was not a good thing.

Now, when Lin Feng picked up the Infinity Stone, he didn't have any burden.

"Thank you for the information you provided, Observer." Lin Feng responded very seriously.

"I will withdraw first. Next time you have difficulties, you can still come to me!" After getting the information he wanted, Lin Feng disappeared in place and teleported away.

Seeing him leave, the observers silently returned their attention to the cosmic scene, thinking about Lin Feng's purpose in finding the Time Management Bureau.

Those hypocritical guys wearing masks are not good people, they are real and upright existences.

But the observers didn't ask too much, some information was exchanged for Lin Feng's help, this deal is worth it!

The interior of the Time Administration is like a huge office space.

Every region is different.

Some staff members wearing the same uniform passed by back and forth in the corridor.

Lin Feng just hid himself, crouched in a corner of one of the walls, and watched them.

After leaving from the observer, Lin Feng traveled directly to the Time Management Bureau.

This time, he used his own space shuttle ability.

Infinity gems will lose their original role in the Time Administration, Lin Feng can only use his own space shuttle ability to see if he can reach the Time Administration.

If it doesn't work, then give up this action, or use the infinite gems to travel over, and if you can't go back, you will stop eating.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's ability to travel through space is stronger than imagined, and he successfully came to the Time Management Bureau.

As he thought, the moment he arrived at the Time Management Bureau, the light of the Infinity Gem inlaid on the wristband dimmed.

The infinite energy contained in it seemed to have disappeared, turning into an ordinary gem.

Chapter 280 Once again established the management bureau, directly opened the storm inhalation

The cat was in the corner. Lin Feng looked at the scepter-like thing held by the combatant, and there was a piece of orange energy on the head of the scepter.

This thing is a singularity weapon, right?

Lin Feng remembered that by poking this on a person, the existence of that person could be erased.

Tsk tsk tsk, Lin Feng was thinking whether to go back by the way.

He is not afraid of this thing at all, because there is a high probability that the singularity weapon of the Time Management Bureau will have no effect on him.

In the Time Management Bureau, Lin Feng's ability was not affected in any way.

True, the Time Bureau can make magic and energies disappear.

But Lin Feng's ability comes from blood, and this blood does not belong to any Marvel universe.

Therefore, the Time Management Bureau cannot influence Lin Feng.

Lin Feng rubbed his hands, and the clairvoyance ability was activated immediately.

Infinity gems baby, here I come!

The Time Management Bureau, which cannot pose a threat to Lin Feng, is simply Lin Feng's exclusive treasure house.

Infinity gems are just basic operations here.

Lin Feng sneaked along the Infinity Gem while seeing through.

Really, as the movie said, there are not only those used for paperweights, but also table legs, and even those connected with ropes as bracelets!

It's just a waste of money!

Now it all belongs to Master Lin Feng!

Lin Feng, who was hidden, was not noticed by anyone.Soon the Infinity Stones filled one small bag after another.

These infinite gems, maybe they can save Lin Feng's sun's energy for a century?

Or the one in the center of the sun!

After searching, the corners of Lin Feng's mouth almost reached his ears.

Satisfied with packing the gems, Lin Feng was ready to leave.

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Good guy, he saw a room of about [-] square meters, filled with all kinds of treasures!

This is... the warehouse of the Time Administration? !

Don't you have to go and see?

"Mom...what's all this!"

When he came to the warehouse and saw the treasures stored in the warehouse, Lin Feng couldn't even close his mouth with a smile this time!

Originally, I just planned to order some infinite gems, but you put these things in front of my eyes?Not so good!

What is this!Thor's Hammer has several!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, he picked it up and threw it into the warehouse.

Thor's Hammer has added Odin's magic, but in the Time Administration, it has lost its original role.

This warehouse is much better than the Odin treasure house that Lin Feng saw at that time!

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