Lin Feng had complained before that if Thanos wanted to defeat him, he might only be able to do so if he got a part of the Cosmic Cube.

And now?The coordinates of the Cosmic Cube just appeared in front of him?

This is too easy, Lin Feng immediately doubted the authenticity of the coordinates and Team Leader Wang's intentions.

Give yourself the coordinates, what do you mean?Who the hell is Team Leader Wang?

For a moment, countless doubts arose in Lin Feng's heart.

The BB machine in his hand also became a little hot.

But since he got the coordinates of the Cosmic Cube, whether it is true or not, Lin Feng has to verify it.

The appearance of the Cosmic Cube cannot let it fall into the hands of others.

It's just that there is more than one Cosmic Cube, and the strength is also strong and weak. I don't know if the cube with the coordinates given by Team Leader Wang is complete, and what is its strength...

After putting away the BB machine solemnly, and discussing the symbiont army plan with Tony again, Lin Feng left Blue Star and flew towards the sun.

In any case, first absorb the infinite gems and strengthen your own strength, so that you can better face what is about to happen.

Since team leader Wang entrusted this to himself, no matter whether the intention is good or bad, Lin Feng must follow.

After this evolution, Lin Feng will embark on a journey again, looking for Team Leader Wang, and the Cosmic Cube...

Hey... Really, I feel like I'm going to be busier than Superman in the movie, obviously I'm just a salted fish...

Flying towards the sun again, Lin Feng hid in the center of the sun.

In the system warehouse, a large number of infinite gems flew out of the sky, densely surrounding Lin Feng.

There are so many of them that it makes one's scalp tingle.

Except for Tony, Gu Yi, and Martina's Infinity Stones, Lin Feng only left two complete sets of Infinity Stones for emergencies.

As for all the remaining Infinity Gems, they are the ones floating around Lin Feng's body now.

Returning to the universe, the Infinity Stones regained their powers again.

With so many infinite gems together, even the sun trembled. If Lin Feng hadn't spread the biological force field in time, the sun would have disappeared under the resonance of the infinite gems.

Feeling the heat all over his body, Lin Feng closed his eyes and began to communicate with all the infinite gems.

The process was extremely smooth, and it was not the first time that Lin Feng had absorbed the energy of the Infinity Gem.

Just like the last evolution, following Lin Feng's thoughts, the energy of the Infinity Gem flew out from the center.Forming extremely small thoughts connected to Lin Feng's body, slowly inputting energy.

Lin Feng also fell into a deep sleep.

This marks the beginning of evolution. There are so many infinite gems this time that Lin Feng may not be able to wake up within a year or two.

And when Lin Feng woke up again, if nothing went wrong, he could already see the mature symbiont and the Transformers army.

There is also the original universe outside the fourth wall. With the advanced information sent by Lin Feng, one or two years is enough to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Maybe the next time I pass by, I will see a first-level cosmic civilization officially embarking on the journey of conquering the universe...

Chapter 287 The Emergence of the Symbiote Legion

At the same time that Lin Feng was evolving, Tony had already started the experimental plan of the Symbiote Corps on Blue Star.

Stinger is the offspring of Venom, and according to common reason, the offspring he gave birth to will be more powerful.

Just like the movie, Venom's descendants are far stronger than him.

But there is a problem, that is, the reason why the venom is so powerful is related to the devouring of countless kin and a trace of the blood of the ancestors (that is, a small part of the body tissue left by the god of symbiosis)

And this bloodline is similar to a permanent buff bonus.

He will be weaker in the next generation, not stronger.

Ancestral bloodlines will only dilute unless more bloodlines are found.

Therefore, although the descendants of the stinger are several blocks away from the ordinary symbionts, they are still not as good as the stinger.

The method by which the symbionts give birth to offspring is quite simple.

As long as a very small part of the tissue is separated and survives to enter the human body, there is a great chance of becoming a new symbiont.

Tony first arranged the first batch of symbiosis organizations for Happy.

Choosing Happy is not without consideration.

In the past, Happy was Tony's driver and bodyguard, although this bodyguard was a little too weak...

But although Happy has a big heart and a fat body, he also has a heart to become a superhero.

How many men are unwilling to pursue power?

This can be seen from the fact that Happy's idol is Lin Feng.

The price is nothing more than being parasitized by the black symbiont, which has no side effects.

What's more, Tony himself has a symbiote.So after some psychological construction, Happy no longer hesitated and accepted Tony's experiment.

To be honest, this opportunity to become a "superman" is in front of you, and if you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

The offspring of the stinger does not have the threshold of whether the symbiote in the movie is compatible with the host, so the success rate of the experiment is beyond Tony's imagination, and the success rate is nearly 100%.

In this way, Blue Star's second symbiont was born, and the host was Big Fatty Happy.

Since Harpy is just an ordinary person and does not have any special blood, the strengthening of the symbiote is very limited.

But because his parents are strong enough, Harpy still has jaw-dropping abilities.

After almost merging, Happy turns into a meatball chariot.

It's a basic operation to disassemble a car with bare hands.

Happy can now jump from the ground to the top floor of Stark Tower with one jump!

According to the data analysis, the enhanced physical fitness of the symbiont has given Harpy a strength far beyond that of the US team.

This is a bit emotional, what kind of super soldier serum is needed.

Under the power of the symbiont, these serums are no longer enough!

After observing for a period of time without adverse reactions, Tony made a list.

Pick a determined, loyal target to accept symbiote parasitism.

In order to perfectly utilize the characteristic that the stronger the host, the higher the strengthening of the symbiote, Tony's target population is on people with excellent physical fitness.

For a while, Stark Industries' advertisements were full of twisters.

We are sincerely recruiting fitness enthusiasts, veterans of the United States, and fighting masters to join Stark Industries. The treatment is so generous that you can't imagine.

Formula car allocation is the basis, and in addition to the basic salary, there are additional bonuses for one year.

These lucrative conditions quickly attracted countless applicants.

What's more, they directly participated across the state.

For this reason, Tony also specially built a large-scale place to select and cultivate a qualified symbiote army.

Those who pass the experiment will sign an agreement, even if they quit halfway, they cannot publish what they saw.

Of course, a paper agreement is not very binding, so if someone really quits, Tony will use the Mind Stone to add a layer of insurance.

It is directly to erase the memory of this stage. Even if I recall it, I can't say anything about it.

Tony fiddled with a lot of fanfare, and of course attracted the attention of the American J side and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury asked Tony several times, but was rejected.

Don't say that the current Nick Fury is being impersonated, even if Nick Fury really came, Tony wouldn't bother to talk to him.

His current pattern has been fully opened, Iron Man's future battlefield is the sea of ​​stars.

S.H.I.E.L.D.?Can't move, can't move!

Tony doesn't like Nick Fury, and S.H.I.E.L.D. can't help it.

With Tony's prestige and financial resources among the people, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not easily turn against each other.

What's more, they can't beat the current Tony at all...

But J's side is not as easy to talk to as S.H.I.E.L.D.

Due to Lin Feng's threat last time, Secretary G did not dare to make small moves, but through the media and other channels, he exposed Tony's affairs completely.

What is the shocking conspiracy of Stark Industries, Tony's threat incident, and it also promotes that Tony is engaging in confrontation forces behind his back.

This big hat was buckled down, successfully making the public begin to doubt Tony's purpose.

But at this time, Tony already had a symbiote army of no less than a hundred people under his hands.

With the Mind Stone in place, don't worry about its loyalty.

But based on the concept of freedom and equality, Tony will not use unlimited gems to restrain others.

You don't want to do it anymore?it is good!I took back the symbiote.

Having tried this transformation into a "Superman", taking away the symbionts is more serious than killing them!

So Tony wasn't worried about someone betraying him at all.

As for whether the symbiosis will betray?

Come on, symbionts are not considered human, and Tony has no pressure to use the mind stone.

They are all sons and daughters of poisonous thorns, if they are not obedient, they should be educated with love!

As for J's exposure method, Tony sees it as a trick, and directly does the opposite.

Don't you want to know what I'm doing?Okay, let Rhodes take a look!

The Symbiote Legion will expand and grow, and there will be the Transformers Legion in the future. These things cannot be hidden.

So Tony simply had a showdown, completely unafraid of J's recruitment of the Symbiote Corps.

What are you kidding, the symbiote will only take orders from Tony and the Stinger!

On behalf of J Fang, Rhodes visited Tony's future business.

When he saw a group of alien symbionts with hideous faces and different colors, his three views were shattered.

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