【I haven't seen any Strange, Gu Yi is dead, she and Dormammu died together...】

[Since I was created, I have no master. If you have to say it, you are my first master! 】

Lin Feng's brows were twisted together, which could kill ants.

Without Strange, the magic cloak has no owner?

And what the hell?Gu Yi and Dormammu died together?Fuck.

It was a strange world, but Lin Feng quickly accepted it, and he was already a bit familiar with it.

After all, the Marvel universe shown in movies and comics is limited after all.

It is a matter of course that there are universes that have not been described, or have developed differently.

However, knowing that he was the first owner, Lin Feng was still a little happy.

Turns out it's not used...comfortable.

Originally, I wanted to give this cloak to someone, if that's the case, let's keep it for now.

Although his abilities are of no help to Lin Feng...

"Okay, let me think about it."

"Well... Next, let's find Zombie Spider-Man."

If Lin Feng hadn't finished the animation, at least in the early stage, Spider-Man didn't turn into a zombie.

However, in the task details, it has been clearly marked that Spider-Man has become a zombie.

But this zombie, as well as this reason and memory.

And Zombie Spider-Man has been looking for a cure for the virus, maybe he can give Lin Feng some help...

And what about the zombie Spider-Man now?

Riding a high-speed train, galloping on the rails.

There are only a few people in the whole train.

Zombie Spider-Man is in one of the cars.

Beside him, sat Sandman, Winter Soldier and the second-generation Wasp.

The purpose of their trip is the New Zealand base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

According to the news obtained by Zombie Spider-Man, there is a cure for the zombie virus in the New Zealand base.

Two days ago, the last member of the Avengers, Hawkeye, was also infected by the zombie virus.

So far, all the Avengers have fallen, only the little zombie spider is left with sanity.

Now he, except for his pale and frightening face, seems to be no different from before.

"Is the news reliable?"

The Wasp did not sit on the seat, but stood in the train, guarding her surroundings.

There was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

The zombie virus broke out, and her father was the victim of the first wave.

Shortly thereafter, Scott also lost his life.

The little spider looked up at the Wasp, and said in a hoarse voice, "It should be reliable."

"Information sourced from S.H.I.E.L.D. internal communications."

"If there is no corresponding authority, there is no way to issue it."

The content of the communication was captured by the little spider yesterday.

Seeing hope, the little spider will certainly not give up this hope.

Immediately, he pulled the sand man overnight and set foot on the journey.

It's just that there was an accident at the train station and was besieged by zombies.

It was also at this time that the Wasp I met was also the Winter Soldier.

After helping the little spider and the sandman get rid of the zombies, they went to the base in New Zealand together.

"How long will it take to arrive?"

The Winter Soldier, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, his voice also a little hoarse.

He has been silently wiping the gun beside him, and there is a shield soaked in blood beside him.

The bloodstains belonged to none other than Captain America.

The former friend turned into a zombie, and the Winter Soldier personally killed him.

Although there is no trace of emotion on the surface, the little spider can sense the sadness of the Winter Soldier.

Just like when he saw Iron Man turned into a zombie...


The train pulled out of the tunnel, and the sun shone through the carriages.

The little spider looked outside and confirmed the location.

"Probably another hour."

"I'm not sure if there will be a fight for a while, everyone, let's take a rest in advance..."

Little Spider said a few words, then fell silent again and looked out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Aunt Mei, Iron Man, and his bad friend Fatty, and even his crush turned into zombies one after another, dealt an extraordinary blow to Little Spider.

In this depressing environment, the little spider can't be active...

If I hadn't followed the belief in my heart all the time, I would have fallen down long ago...

The sand man silently looked at the little spider, and then turned his head to look out the window.

I don't know what the little spider injected himself with, but the sand man can feel his current self, which is extremely powerful!

But what's the use of being strong?

For the sake of his daughter, the sand man can go to prison and accept becoming a non-human being.

But the daughter turned into a zombie, but the Sandman couldn't find any way to reverse it.

Fortunately, the little spider gave hope of a cure.

He locked his daughter in a safe place, no matter what, he wanted to change his daughter back.

Even if I become a monster completely, even if I lose my life...

Chapter 309 Zombie Hulk, the train stops


Only the sound of trains running on the tracks.

"Peter, don't be too sad, maybe after finding a cure this time, your family will recover..."

The sand man made a sound and comforted the little spider.

The zombie spiders in this world are the Dutch version.

The plot of the sandman is somewhat different from the sandman in Maguire's world.

But in this world, the Sandman is helped by a little spider.

Helpless, the sand people can't comfort people, and after dropping this sentence in a stiff manner, they don't know what to say.

"I know, thank you Flint."

The little spider also went to the New Zealand base with a glimmer of hope.

Although... now Aunt Mei is skinny and fleshless.

But as long as the cure works, there is hope.

The Winter Soldier remained silent on the side, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak.

Captain America was cut in two by one of his shields, and he might not be able to save it even with healing potions...

But he can't be blamed for this. If they keep their hands in that situation, they will die.


The train entered the border of New Zealand, a place surrounded by a large wasteland.

The base of SHIELD is at the end of the wasteland.

"It's almost there..." Little Spider looked out the window and thought.

On the wasteland, for unknown reasons, a large number of zombies can be seen wandering everywhere.

After hearing the sound of the train running, Sa Yazi chased him wildly.

But after a while, a large group of zombies gathered behind the train, and it was densely packed.

Even on the side, there are zombies running wildly.

It's just that the speed of these zombies is not to be feared compared to the train, and they cannot catch up with the train.

Suddenly, the little spider moved its ears, then frowned, and looked at the few people.

"Did you hear anything?"

The Wasp and the others looked at each other and shook their heads, but their expressions became serious.

The Winter Soldier was more direct, loading his gun with a click.

Among the four, Little Spider's five senses are the most sensitive, whether it is hearing or perception.

In today's circumstances, anything can happen.

The little spider just heard a small growl.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of heavy objects stepping on the ground.

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