The little spider and the wasp are mainly attacking Hulk, and they must also pay attention to the situation of the train.

Just how do you say something?

Two fists are no match for four hands.

Even a superhero, in the face of a wave of zombies, can't miss every single one.

The combat rhythm quickly became chaotic.

Countless zombies rushed to Wasp and bit her ankles.

And every time the Wasp landed, she could trample a lot of zombies to death.


After a short period of dizziness, Hulk revived with full blood, and savagely attacked the Wasp again.

Huge power was condensed on the fist, and Hulk jumped up and punched the Wasp's knee with his fist.


Unspeakable pain came, and Wasp immediately put on a pain mask.

The huge body knelt down on one knee.

Hulk's punch is enough to punch through the steel plate.

The Wasp clearly heard the sound of bones cracking.

After shooting Hulk again, the Wasp could no longer stand up.

On the other hand, Hulk, like a monster who had nothing to do, beat his chest on the spot, and then launched the next round of charge.

Nearly unconscious below the knees.

The Wasp tried to stand up, but severe pain followed, and she fell to her knees heavily on the ground again.


There was another roar.

A fist of a green monster with torn skin and flesh continued to enlarge in Wasp's eyes.

Before he could stop her, Hulk shattered the Wasp's visor with one fist.

The shards sliced ​​through Wasp's cheek, and with a groan, she pressed the button again.

Her figure shrank rapidly, and the Wasp returned to her normal size.

Hulk, who had lost his load, fell to the ground and scratched his head, as if he didn't understand why the enemy disappeared all of a sudden?

But the next second he was excited!

That enemy has become smaller than himself!

Seeing that the surrounding zombies were about to surround and bite the Wasp, Hulk became angry.

This is his prey, and it should be enjoyed by him!

Roaring and flying the zombies, Hulk excitedly ran to the Wasp.

The Wasp had lost the strength to resist, lying on the ground panting heavily.

Hulk roared again, raised his big foot, and stepped on Wasp's head.

Hulk doesn't like to eat heads!Know the life of the enemy first.

For a time, the Wasp girl's life was at stake.

Like an ant on a hot pot, the little spider wanted to step forward to help, but was surrounded by many zombies, and it was hard to protect itself for a while.

The sand man gritted his teeth and built a wall of yellow sand in front of the Wasp, but he didn't even hold it for a second before he was crushed by the Hulk.

Hulk snorted coldly and stepped out again.

The Sandman couldn't quickly condense the scattered yellow sand again, and watched Hulk fall to the soles of his feet.

Poor Wasp, the last thing she sees are the Hulk's red eyes from the excitement of bloodlust and killing.


The Wasp gave up struggling and closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.

That's fine, the world is in chaos, she can go down to find her father...

"Is this starting to mess up?"


A violent whirlwind blew over the Wasp.

At the same time, a joking voice sounded.

A strong impact sounded in Wasp's ears, accompanied by Hulk's miserable howl.

The Wasp froze for a moment, and opened her eyes suspiciously.

Then she saw an incredible and shocking scene.

Hulk was kicked flying by a humanoid shadow.

Then the human-shaped black shadow quickly flew into the air and began to spin.

Beams of light were flying all over the sky in his hands.

"Is that... Aurora?"

"No, it's a laser!"

In the sky, a black figure was spinning, and his hands continuously shot laser light towards the ground.

Every time a laser slashed, a large pile of zombies were cut in half.

"God??" Before the Wasp could be surprised, she felt a sense of weakness mixed with dizziness.

This is the aftereffect of becoming gigantic. In a short time, she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

The laser rain is still swaying all over the sky.

In almost a few seconds, a vacuum area was cut around the train!

There is no living thing in the area, of course, except for the little spiders...

There was a roar, and Hulk appeared in sight again.

It's just visible to the naked eye, a piece of Hulk's chest was sunken, and green blood also burst out from the wound on his body, looking very miserable.

Obviously, it was kicked by the shadow.

Facing Hulk's attack, Sombra kicked again without haste.

It looked like a very ordinary kick, but the moment it touched Hulk, there was a dull sound of steel crashing.

This time, the shadow directly embedded Hulk into the ground.

The powerful and heavy kick made the ground tremble.

The hearts of Wasp and Little Spider were also trembling.

Where did the fairy come from?so powerful?

Hulk, who was embedded in the ground, did not move for a long time.

The little spider hurriedly stepped forward to check, only to find that Hulk had lost his vitality...


Kick the Hulk to death?

This Nima...

The little spider looked at the black figure in front of him in shock and was speechless.

The black shadow stretched out his hand, and the little spider took a step back vigilantly.

But Sombra didn't attack, just took off his hood.

A smiling sunny face appeared in front of several people.

Lin Feng took off his hood, looked at the pale little spider in front of him, and greeted with a smile.

"Hi, Peter."

Chapter 311 Superman, Excited Little Spider

"Who are you?" asked the little spider.

Everyone knows Spider-Man, but they don't know that Spider-Man is Peter Parker.

But the little spider searched his mind and couldn't remember that he knew such a person.

However, the danger perception did not appear, which proved that at least so far, the man in front of him was not hostile.

"My name is Lin Feng." Lin Feng introduced himself.

His eyes circled around several people, whether it was the sand man or the little spider, they were all on guard against him.

Lin Feng shrugged, it's not their fault.

In the doomsday of zombies, the one who jumps up and bites you in the next second may be your teammates.

"Maybe I should use another introduction?"

As Lin Feng said, he floated into the air again, and with a thought, a black fluid appeared on his body surface.

In less than three seconds, the black fluid transformed into a complete Superman suit.

The magic cloak replaced the original cloak behind him, and it fluttered automatically in the absence of wind.

Lin Feng doesn't like red very much, so the current magic cloak is black.

The little spider shrank its pupils, and opened its mouth in disbelief.

"Super, Superman?"

That's right!The zombified Marvel Universe has comics about Superman.

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