"You think I can last an hour?"

At this time, his energy is highly concentrated, and he will be holed if he hits a heat ray game. He didn't expect that heat rays can be used like this?Just like the laser rain that Ta Ma saw in his previous life, he didn't need to charge up anymore.

The system was also silent for a while, and then said: "I don't think you can hold it if this continues."

The corners of Lin Feng's eyes twitched, "Then what should I do?"

"I have no choice but to start a backup plan!" the system said.

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Do you have a backup plan for the dog system? Come on, what plan!"

The system coughed twice: "Host, activate tactical retreat!"

"What?" Lin Feng had a question mark on his face, he wondered if he heard it wrong.

The system continued: "Run away! If you can't beat it, run away!"

"Are you serious?" Lin Feng's face was black.

escape?Run away in front of Batman and the others.

I'm going to lose my face to grandma's house, okay?

The system seemed to have guessed what Lin Feng was thinking, and said directly: "At this time, do you still care about face? Life is more important than face?"

"Damn! You are a dog!"

"You are the one who asked me to help, and you are the one who wants me to run away now!" Lin Feng was annoyed for a while.

"What if I run away from Barry?" Lin Feng asked again.

"You don't protect yourself, so you still care about his life?" The voice of the system suddenly became emotionless, and Lin Feng fell silent after hearing this.

Chapter 33 Steppenwolf Appears, The Mother Box Is Snatched

A slight distraction, Clark seized the opening.

With one punch, Lin Feng was directly smashed into the ground, creating a huge pothole.

Now he enjoys the treatment of Clark before.

Qi and blood surged for a while, and Lin Feng spat out a mouthful of blood.

He felt that his arms that were resisting the attack had lost consciousness, numbness, and pain.

"If you don't leave, I'll lose you!" The system's cold voice sounded again.

Panting heavily, Lin Feng slowly flew out of the pit.

The blackened Clark just floated in mid-air and looked at Lin Feng.

In the next second, both of them had red eyes.

Two heat rays, one black and one red, collided in the air.

Lin Feng's heat rays were obviously not as powerful as Clark's, and he was pushed back steadily.

Seeing that the heat ray was ineffective, Lin Feng stopped the heat ray with a dodge.

The black-red heat rays immediately hit the ground, burning out a sea of ​​flames.

"Host, the portal is ready, you can return to the Marvel world at any time"

The sound of the system rang in his ears again, making Lin Feng feel like the system was tempting him to run quickly.

Lin Feng was speechless for a while, go, how to go?

"I want to leave too, but I always feel that I am leaving, and my conscience can't bear it." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

His arrival brought hope to Batman and the others.

If he escaped at this time, not to mention the embarrassment, Lin Feng would have trouble with his conscience.

He asked himself, he is not such an irresponsible person.

Besides, as soon as I walked on my front foot, Barry's designation on my back foot was gone.

Escape by himself, and indirectly ruin Barry's life!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's eyes became firm: "I can't go!"

"There is no such thing as running away in our race!" Lin Feng roared angrily, directly silencing the system.

Lin Feng forced himself to calm down, looking for Clark's flaws.

It is impossible to escape, and Lin Feng is not without chance of winning.

After several rounds of fighting, Lin Feng found that the controlled Clark would only go straight.

There is no mention of combat skills at all.

With the right opportunity and angle, it is possible to counterattack.

Without even thinking about it, Lin Feng used the dragging formula.

While flying the kite around Clark, he asked Batman in his headset how long it would take to get there.

Diana carried a kryptonite weapon, and as long as the kryptonite weapon arrived, Lin Feng could fight back.

"Less than 10 minutes!" Bruce's voice came.

Flying Clark's kite for 10 minutes is not too long.

It's daytime and the sun is shining.

Lin Feng can take a gamble.

Lin Feng's thoughts were correct, but some people didn't want to gamble with Lin Feng.

Barry didn't realize that, just as the two Supermen were fighting, a light blue beam of light appeared behind him.

Immediately after that, there was a sharp pain in the chest.

Barry felt that all the strength in his body was taken away in an instant, leaving only severe pain.

It's Steppenwolf!

The Steppenwolf was sent by the beam of light, and apart from anything else, he hit Barry with an axe.

Almost split Barry in half.

Poor Barry was attacked by a surprise before he had time to shout, and his life was dying.

Kicking the half-dead Barry away, Steppenwolf picked up the mother box on the ground and showed a satisfied smile.

Fighting or something, how can the mother box be important?This is Steppenwolf's goal this time.

"The end is coming!" Steppenwolf shouted, and the two who were fighting in mid-air looked over at the same time.

"Clark, follow me!" With an order, the beam of light appeared again.

Lin Feng saw Barry lying on the ground, with a pool of red blood flowing from his body, he was angry and anxious.

"Damn it, don't talk about Wude!"

Lin Feng's distraction was seized by Clark.

With a punch in the waist, Lin Feng was sent flying a long distance again.

Clark, on the other hand, obeyed the Steppenwolf's order and flew to the Steppenwolf's side.

A light blue beam of light enveloped the two of them, sending them away directly.

The mother box is already in hand, there is no need to fight a superman, there are too many variables.


Lin Feng who flew back looked angry, watching the portal disappear but could do nothing.

Look at Barry again, fortunately, he still has a breath.

Lin Feng hurriedly took out the green vial, there was still half a bottle of liquid in the bottle.

Open the bottle cap and carefully drip it on Barry's chest wound and ankle wound.

After a few drops of liquid, Barry's wounds healed faster, and his breathing stabilized again.

He touched the wound, moved his ankle again, and sighed in amazement: "You saved me! Superman!"

At this moment, Barry wanted to cry very much.

God knows how much pressure he has been under during this period of time.

In the end, hope was finally ushered in, but he was attacked by the Steppenwolf with a knife, and his life was in danger.

Life is full of ups and downs...

Now Barry just wants to cry a lot, take a hot bath, and eat a good meal.

However, his dream could not be realized for the time being.

Things got worse.

Lin Feng sat down on the ground and rested.

He looked up at the sky, and said solemnly, "Things have gotten worse! Barry."

"The mother box was taken away by them!"

This can be said to be Lin Feng's first difficult battle after gaining superhuman abilities.

However, the ending was not satisfactory.

Steppenwolf still took away the mother box, Lin Feng thought he could stop all this.

The reality taught him a harsh lesson.

However, Lin Feng was not too disappointed.

After all, compared to the original book, this event is full of variables.

And Clark is the biggest variable among them.


The black fighter plane slowly landed in front of the two of them from the sky.

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