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I love listening to other people's stories!

Wang Xinyong didn't write any ink, and slowly lifted the last fog of Lin Jili and the Cosmic Cube.

Star Clan was destroyed that year.

The newly born Cosmic Cube with consciousness left Star Clan.

But because he was born shortly after, the logic theory was used incorrectly, and the consciousness and the cube body were transmitted separately.

The consciousness was transmitted to the hyperspace, and the body, because of the loss of consciousness, hid in the vast universe.

While a cube wants to hide, almost no one can find it.

Until later, Lin Feng encountered the sleeping consciousness of the Cosmic Cube in hyperspace and brought it back to the Marvel Universe.

It was sensed by Wang Xinyong who happened to pass by the Marvel Universe.

Wang Xinyong was curious about the shape of the cube, and then began to investigate the whole incident.

He is also the Cosmic Cube, and it is very simple to trace the source of one thing.

As the same cube, he decided to help the cosmic cube where the universe was born.

After that, he searched for the cubic body in the Marvel Universe.

It wasn't until some time ago that I found it, and used some methods to make it appear slowly.

After that, he managed to give Lin Feng the coordinates of the Cosmic Cube.

"Then why didn't you take Ling Jili with you and go directly to find the cube."

"Or, just bring the cube back?" Lin Feng asked in confusion after listening to Wang Xinyong's words.

He didn't understand why Wang Xinyong had to spend a lot of effort to let himself retrieve the Cosmic Cube.

Wang Xinyong gave an explanation.

"It's not that I don't want to bring it back directly."

"It's about me as a similar existence, which will make the unconscious Cosmic Cube feel afraid and start self-defense."

"It's like the parent is not at home, the child will lock the door."

"If I stay in this universe, the body of the Cosmic Cube will not show up."

"So after I gave you the coordinates, I temporarily left this universe!"

Lin Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and secretly said that it was so.

No wonder when I was about to meet Team Leader Wang, I couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked.

It turned out that Team Leader Wang went to another universe.

"And the reason for helping that... Lin Jili."

"It's related to my own experience." Wang Xinyong continued.

"The cube evolves independent self-awareness, which will be affected by the surrounding environment and users."

"At that time, I was in the hands of a mad scientist."

"Some of his crazy ideas affected me when I was just born with self-awareness."

"Affected by him, I only had one thought at that time, which was to destroy the world."

"And I did."

"But soon, when my personality and form were perfected over time, I found that I did something wrong..."

Speaking of this, Wang Xinyong felt a little nostalgic.

"Although I finally rebuilt that universe, I don't want these experiences to happen to others of the same kind."

"So in this universe, when I feel the existence of the same kind, I subconsciously help."

"I saw that she is living happily under your care."

"I didn't feel the pain and the devastation."

"That's why I said thank you..."

Chapter 365 Lin Jili's Operation, Three People's Little Adventure

The Cosmic Cube is a very special existence.

They are individuals derived from different-dimensional energy.

Once consciousness is born, it will be affected by the things around it.

And the Cosmic Cube can easily destroy the universe.

Therefore, if one influence is not good, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Thank you, meeting Lin Jili was an accident." Lin Feng said, waving his hands.

He didn't think there was anything to be thankful for, he just did what he wanted.

At that time, Lin Feng couldn't leave Lin Jili behind.

Wang Xinyong nodded.

He is also the Cosmic Cube, and also has the ability to trace the source.

You can see the scene where Lin Feng and Lin Jili met at that time.

I also know that Lin Jili has integrated into Lin Feng's family and Lin Feng's life.

Compared to herself at the time, Lin Jili was obviously much happier.

"By the way, do you know whether Lin Jili can control her abilities?"

Lin Feng suddenly thought of this, and asked.

The main reason is that Martina, the "jewel first" who explodes at any time, made Lin Feng feel worried.

The former Lin Jili didn't have the current ability.

He was worried whether Lin Jili would be like Martina, who couldn't control herself and exploded everywhere.

That's what Martina used to be like.

After merging with the source of fire, he couldn't control his runaway.

If Lin Feng didn't show up, it's unknown how long Dazhuzi will guard the fire source.

In the end, it was Lin Feng who took out the Infinity Gem as the energy suppressor, coupled with long-term self-training, to reach the current relatively stable level.

The situation of Lin Jili and Martina are somewhat similar, but Ling Jili is even more terrifying.

He can still control Martina when it blows up.

The Cosmic Cube exploded...

Lin Feng felt that he could bring Susan and the others to Star Clan, and then push Star Clan to other universes...

Wang Xinyong responded: "Don't worry, every Cosmic Cube can perfectly control itself."

In his career, he has not only seen Ling Jili a cosmic cube.

Although the characteristics of each cube are different, without exception, there is no such thing as being unable to control oneself.

But Lin Feng frowned.


Is this big brother kidding me?

Lin Jili has separated herself, and it's perfect.

"Didn't you say earlier that Ling Jili's logic was wrong, so the consciousness and body were transmitted separately?"

Wang Xinyong nodded and explained: "I am not wrong when I say perfection, we have perfect control over our own abilities."

"Lin Jili used wrong logic and thinking, not her own abilities."

"Otherwise, it wouldn't be as simple as leaving her at that time..."

In fact, as a Cosmic Cube, Lin Jili did such a stupid thing, which somewhat discredited the predecessors of the Cosmic Cube.

Looking at history, which cosmic cube has been pulled like this?

It can only be said that there are not many normal people who get along with Lin Feng...

"Let me explain it this way."

"Lin Jili, who was ignorant at the time, discovered the pirate invasion."

"The first thought was to teleport herself away, because she knew that the target of the pirates was her."

"If she leaves, there is a high probability that the pirates will let this planet go."

"But when she was teleporting, she realized that she should teleport away with Star Clan. This is the safest way."

"The two ideas were executed at the same time, which made her spread out and transmit, which led to today's situation."

"But the ending is always good, you don't have to worry about her getting out of control or something."

Wang Xinyong explained a little bit.

These things have already passed, there is no need to delve into it, it is good to know a general idea.

"As for why the pirates were not eliminated, it has something to do with the environment at that time."

"As I said, the environment will affect Cube's thinking and character."

"At that time, the Star Clan was weak and helpless, so no matter what they were doing, they would only choose to give in blindly."

"And this environment undoubtedly affected Lin Jili at that time."

Lin Feng couldn't help nodding his head, the old man was right.

Don't wonder why Ling Jili had such childish, even stupid and illogical thoughts at the time.

How much do you expect her to think about a newborn child?

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